Aoba Office

Chapter 897 Beginning (2)

Chen Xiaoqiu's body was shivering in the heavy rain.

The clouds were so dark that the light from the street lamps became dim.

When lightning flashed across the sky, the purple light made Chen Xiaoqiu's figure look strange.

Wang Hongyi trembled, and she made Chen Xiaoqiu's face reveal a twisted expression that she would not show.

The rain got the phone wet.

But the phone still works.

Wang Hongyi started tremblingly, logged into her social account, and checked her account settings.

In the account settings, you can check the associated device and each login time, location, and IP address, as well as the deletion information in the recycle bin.

Wang Hongyi looked at each one.

She kept wiping the rain off her phone screen.

I stood behind her and saw what was on it.

She has several associated devices, including computers, mobile phones, and tablets, but the devices displayed in the login information are far beyond these.

Wang Hongyi checked the recycle bin again, and there were two deleted messages in it. They were private messages sent to others, and the content was extremely ambiguous.

Wang Hongyi's body trembled even more.

She logged out of the browser, opened the communication software, logged out of Chen Xiaoqiu's account, and replaced it with her own account.

There is even more information that can be found in this software.

Wang Hongyi stared at the bound mobile phone number for a long time. His whole body no longer trembled, but became as motionless as a sculpture.

The wind chimes that were holding me loosened up suddenly.

I felt happy and raised my hand to catch Wang Hongyi.

But my hand seemed to have touched a mass of ice, hard and cold, not like a human body at all.

I became anxious and hurriedly thought about using my abilities.

But Wang Hongyi didn't seem to have changed at all.

She didn't even look at me, but kept her blank expression.

I sensed something was wrong.

The wind chimes rang again.

The ringtone this time was very ethereal, as if coming from a distant place.

The ringing had an eerie echo, intermittently, masked by the sound of the storm.

Wang Hongyi remained motionless, but Chen Xiaoqiu's body changed.

It was not what I thought, Wang Hongyi was driven away and Chen Xiaoqiu returned to normal, but another change.

In the heavy rain, Chen Xiaoqiu's appearance seemed to have changed.

I subconsciously let go of my hand and walked around to Wang Hongyi.

Chen Xiaoqiu's face has indeed changed slightly.

It's not an illusion, it's not my imagination.

I panicked and grabbed her shoulders again.

This time when I used my ability, I clearly felt an invisible barrier.

My abilities are being used, but they are like a cow drowning in mud and have no effect at all.

There is another force in Chen Xiaoqiu's body.

It's not Wang Hongyi's ghost, it's not Chen Xiaoqiu's soul, that kind of power...


Da, da, da, da...

The sound of wind chimes, the sound of footsteps...

I just felt that my body seemed to have been hit by a force, and I flew backwards for a while and floated directly up.

The rain passed through my body, and through the rain curtain, I saw that Chen Xiaoqiu's appearance had completely changed!

Before I could see that face clearly, I felt myself being pushed to the ground by a force.

I was lying on the ground, unable to move at all.

My body felt like a heavy stone, or like a steel plate without edges. From my hair to my toes, every inch of my body was pressed hard.

Footsteps sounded.

This time it was real footsteps, not loud. It wasn't until those feet walked in front of me that I heard the sound of shoes hitting the waterlogged road.

My face was pressed against the cement road, and I could even feel the slight vibration of the water on the road.

When Wang Hongyi went out, she wore Chen Xiaoqiu's sneakers.

Now, this pair of white sneakers is right in front of me.

"Do you want to kill me?"

A woman's voice sounded from above.

The sound of wind chimes disappeared at some point.

I heard the rain, the thunder, and my own loud heartbeat.

That sense of shock and tingling all over my body hit me.

This voice... this voice is...

It's so familiar that I will definitely not recognize it wrongly, but how is it possible...

"You don't seem to be a ghost, just your soul is out of the body. It seems that you are very accustomed to this state. Is it a special ability?"

The voice continues.

I wanted to speak, but was silenced.

"Well, I still have things to do. I'll come back and talk to you later. For now, please stay here."

The pair of shoes disappeared from my sight and walked behind me.

My mind is still blank.

After waiting for a while, I felt my body being pulled, and I wanted to be pressed to the ground and crushed backwards.

The pain made my eyes go black.

The pain continued, I don't know how long it lasted, and then it suddenly disappeared.

I wanted to gasp for air, but the weight on my body hadn't gone away, and my lungs couldn't take in much air. My breathing has been difficult since just now.

I should be in a soul state, but I seem to have all the physical characteristics of a normal living person.

I don't know if this is because my thoughts have not changed and I cannot make good use of my state of soul separation. It may also be because when I am in this state, my soul is missing and divided, so it is not the same as a ghost.

After breathing hard for a while, I suddenly realized that the heavy pressure on my body seemed to have disappeared.

I took a big gulp of air and let it out.

I rolled over and jumped up from the ground. I turned around and saw the woman standing in front of me.

My breath hitches again.

The woman's appearance is very similar to that of a classical beauty. She looks at people with cold and distant eyes, but it does not make people feel uncomfortable. Her expression remained unchanged, but she was very serious.

"You know me? And are you bound to me?" the woman asked.

I was speechless for a moment and didn't know what to say at all.

The situation now is different from what I have encountered in the past.

Chen Xiaoqiu, Chen Xiaoqiu's body directly changed into this.

what is this? What exactly is going on?

Wait... Where have I seen this scene, this scene of physical changes?

I multitask and start reminiscing.

"If you don't want to answer, just follow me and get things done first." The woman was not angry. After speaking, she turned around and walked forward.

I don't know what she is going to do, but now I can only follow her.

The woman moved forward step by step, neither fast nor slow. Her walking posture is somewhat similar to Chen Xiaoqiu, but not exactly the same.

She seemed to have eyes behind her. She always walked one step ahead of me to the left, keeping this distance from me.

After I walked with her for a while, I finally remembered where I had seen this kind of physical change.

That was in Qingye's files. The woman who was targeted, kidnapped, and killed by the evildoers was named Hou Jianing, right? The client was an unlucky man who had a relationship with her a few times, but failed to confess his love in time and was taken advantage of by the criminal gang. Then, in Huixiang...that criminal gang had a lair in Huixiang.

That time, Wu Ling drew a magic circle and used the blood of Hou Jianing's parents and client She Shuiyu to summon Hou Jianing's ghost. The carrier that Hou Jianing's ghost is attached to is...

"We're here." The woman stopped at the door with a police station sign.

I suddenly realized that I followed the woman across half of the city in a short period of time and arrived at the police station in another district.

The guard at the door seemed not to be able to see the woman at all, and allowed the woman to enter the police station directly.

The indoor lights are bright.

The woman's body was fresh and refreshing, without any trace of rain.

All the police officers in the police station turned a blind eye to the woman. Even when she opened the door to a room, no one responded.

The person inside the door seemed a little different. He immediately raised his head and looked over.

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