Aoba Office

Chapter 887 No. 038-Peeping Record (18)

This time the snowflake screen lasted for a long time.

Afterwards, the screen restored the picture. Looking at the three walls, the simple bed, and the clothes the person in the picture was wearing, it seemed that he was in a detention center.

The person sitting on the bed curled up, as if to avoid something, almost huddled in the corner, burying his face.

The camera kept zooming in.

You can hear the bed squeaking.

The man on the bed trembled, and a faint cry came from his folded arms.



The lens was almost attached to the man's head.

The man's trembling struck the camera. He shrank even more.

A soft, feminine whimper sounded outside the frame, seemingly coming from where the camera was.

The man suddenly waved his hands, slapped the camera crazily, and screamed weirdly: "Get away! Get away!"

The camera is slightly further away.

The man knelt on the bed and gasped softly.

That woman's whimpering sound came again.

The man cried and begged: "Let me go, please let me go, Sanya, please let me go... Let's just be a couple..."

A man's stern voice suddenly sounded outside the screen: "What's going on? Lin Jun, what are you doing?"

The man raised his head, got down from the bed, and rushed past the camera.

"Comrade police! Please help me! She came to me! I have confessed everything! I have confessed everything! Find someone to do the work for her! Find someone..."

The camera moves as the man moves.

The man clutched the iron railing and begged the uniformed police outside.

"Woo..." The woman's whimpering sounded again, and the camera was close to the man's back.

The man yelled and dodged in panic.

The policeman shook his head.

As the camera follows the man, the policeman disappears from the frame.

"Lin Jun, some of our comrades have searched for it based on the clues you provided. The place was burned down recently and no body was found."

While running away, the man shouted: "Impossible! I didn't burn it... It's Wang Hongmei! It's that woman Wang Hongmei! Go find that woman! It must be that woman who did it! She forced me to do it all! She did it! She was the one who organized the prostitution, and she was the one who committed the murder!”


The camera corners the man, close to his face.

A strange female voice spoke, speaking with difficulty, as if she had just learned Mandarin. But every word she spoke was very clear, and she said word by word: "You think, I, am not looking for her?"

The man had a look of astonishment on his face.

"You, one, all, escape, not, escape. Never, far, escape, not, escape. All, have, people."

As the words fell, the man screamed as if he collapsed.

swish swish...

The screen fell into a snowflake screen again.

The noise gradually became lighter, and the flickering snowflakes seemed to form the pattern of a pair of eyes.

A vague voice sounded in the video.

"Don't hinder me. Otherwise... they, each one... will escape... everyone... everyone... I will save." I saved them...I saved them...escaped, no, lost...all...people..."

The video pauses.

"Yi Zi, what do you think?" Gu Mo's voice interrupted.

"Let this matter end here." Ye Qing's voice sounded.

"It's really unpleasant." Gu Mo drawled, "This ghost threatened us in the end."

"Are you still arguing with a ghost?" Liu Miao said.

Nangong Yao asked: "Is this a mountain ghost turned into a mountain ghost, or is it Sanya? I always feel...that Sanya..."

Wu Ling's voice replied: "They are one body and two souls. The one who asked for help should be Sanya, and the one who took action was the mountain ghost."

"The human soul suppressed the weak mountain spirit, otherwise, the village would have been burned down long ago, right?" Liu Miao said suddenly.

"No, that mountain spirit is too weak and does not have that ability."


Wu Ling continued: "She had predicted a long time ago that the woman in that village would have a tragic end. She chose a newborn and attached it to her. When the child developed negative emotions, died, and turned into a ghost, she would gain strength again. . Spirits born from humans and taking the form of humans are much more intelligent than mountain spirits and river spirits in animal form. Judging from the video that Yu Ao saw, she was born because of the transformation of the previous mountain spirit into a ghost. It’s not surprising that he has such wisdom.”

"Is that so..." Liu Miao was silent for a while, "Will spirits be born in this place?"

"No." Ye Qing replied firmly, and then said, "Contact Yu Ao and the matter is over."

Nangong Yao asked: "Then this mountain ghost just let it go? She..."

"After killing the people who came out of the village, the idea that supported her will disappear, and she will disappear." Ye Qing said lightly, "Before this idea disappears, she will not be eliminated."

"This is the spirit born from a person's thoughts. Unless the thoughts disappear, they cannot be destroyed." Wu Ling sighed.

"Isn't that invincible?" Liu Miao's voice was deep.

There was a moment of silence in the video.

Ye Qing's voice seemed to be talking to himself: "If there is..."

The progress bar of the video has reached the end.

On November 6, 2006, the investigation was concluded.


I watched the stopped video for a while, opened the web page, and searched for keywords.

Taking down a prostitution ring, something like that should make the news.

As I expected, this matter made the news, and it was also mentioned that "a woman was murdered and her body was dumped and burned." But news coverage only goes so far.

The mountain forest fire in Shanzitun also appeared in the news in 2006. The death toll was also recorded, but there was no mention of the injured or survivors.

There was no follow-up to either news item.

I don’t know whether it’s because what happened next was too unbelievable, with people in a village dying and going mad one after another, and the entire village being wiped out, so the news was suppressed, or whether the media reporters were indifferent to the follow-up of this kind of thing. In fact, a lot of news has no follow-up.

I switched windows, dragged the video progress bar forward, and amplified the sound.

"……if so……"

Ye Qing's voice became louder, but what he said was still incomplete.

Is it because he didn't say it at all at the time?

For that kind of spirit formed by human thoughts...

That game is also a spirit formed from human thoughts, right? But it has a carrier. Nangong Yao almost succeeded in finding its carrier and destroying it.

Is this what Ye Qing wants to say?

That woman should also have a carrier, right? The stone sculpture on the mountain may be her carrier.

I thought about it and dragged the progress bar of the video again.

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