Aoba Office

Chapter 881 No. 038-Peeping Record (12)

"Yes. I met people from their village at the bus station last time. They said that the couple made a lot of money there. Hey, the lame man even went to other people's homes to cause trouble and asked for some more gifts from them. , the payment was too little, and they still wanted to give him his daughter’s money, and the two families almost got into a fight. "

"That's right. Master, have you ever heard of the name of their store in Minqing and where it is located?"

"I don't know about this. His family is very well-hidden. Those women went there and didn't say anything when they came back. Some people may know about it. But people outside, people outside the village, don't know. They have If you want to get rich, you won’t go around shouting and letting others snatch it away.”

The scene shifted back to outside the car.

The road ahead remains tortuous and difficult.

The video was edited, and a second later, the car stopped at the foot of a mountain.

The driver's voice rang again, "Go from this road, walk along this road, and you will be there. If you want a car when you come out, call me. Don't use your mobile phones, there are no cars in the mountains. Signal, you can spend some money and borrow their phone to call.”

"Okay, thank you, master."

The car seemed to be falling apart, and with the sound of parts rubbing together, it turned around and left.

The van with many potholes on its surface drove out of the screen.

The screen turned and focused on a mountain path. This road doesn't look like it was built, but was stepped on. The bare soil stretched forward into the mountains and forests. There were some wheel marks and animal hoof prints on the road.

"It's really remote." Liu Miao sighed, "Fortunately, the spirit didn't come."

"Be careful." Ye Qing said.

"Well, I know the boss. This place..." Liu Miao paused, "You said, those women..."

"It won't be a serious business." Ye Qing said, and his back appeared in the screen, walking along the dirt road.

"Yes. Nangong also found out that this village is too backward. There is only one village primary school, and the whole village may be semi-literate. And..." Liu Miao paused again.

"Refuse to build roads, refuse to apply for poverty-stricken villages, refuse to send people from outside to be village chiefs, refuse to accept any publicity work, all newborns are delivered by people in the village, and do not do population registration..." Ye Qing said one by one, Sneered.

"Is there something hidden in their village? Otherwise, there is no need to be so xenophobic... They are not really xenophobic, and the villagers can go out." Liu Miao said doubtfully.

"Did you feel anything?" Ye Qing suddenly asked.

Liu Miao moved the camera to take pictures of the surrounding mountains and forests.

You can hear the birds chirping in the forest.

"No. There is no Yin Qi."

"There's no spirit either." Ye Qing added.

The camera focused on Ye Qing's back.

"Boss, you mean..." Liu Miao sounded shocked.

"The spirit of this place is dead. It is no different from the city." Ye Qing said lightly.

"By the way, boss, you have been to that kind of place..." Liu Miao suddenly realized.

The two walked for a while.

Liu Miao asked again: "How did the spirit in this place die? Because of what happened to Sanya's husband?"

Ye Qing shook his head, "I don't know. The mountains and forests have not been destroyed, and there are no problems with the land. The people here are the ones who have the problem."

The two moved on.

The mountain road should be heading upwards, but after a while, it slopes downwards again. This dirt road in the mountain forest seems to go around the mountain and leads to the other side of the mountain.

The two people's footsteps suddenly stopped.

The camera moves to the woods on the right, changes the focus, and searches around again.

The sound was amplified, so much so that the sound of wind, birdsong, and rustling leaves became extremely harsh.

It seems that these audio tracks have been processed and deleted.

The rustling sound is still there, but it is some noise from electronic devices.

Among the noise, there was a faint sound of crying.

Ye Qing walked down the dirt road, stepping on the grass and dirt towards the woods with some difficulty. He grabbed the tree trunk and moved forward one foot deeper and one foot shallower.

The grass was dewy and slippery.

Liu Miao also followed immediately.

The camera starts to shake.

The audio track of the video is restored.

Liu Miao's voice sounded: "Boss, what is that?"

"Mountain ghost, or... mountain spirit." Ye Qing replied and slipped.

"Boss!" Liu Miao shouted.

Ye Qing held on to the tree trunk and stood still, "It's okay."

He looked up.

Liu Miao walked to him.

Ye Qing's figure disappeared from the screen. The lens droops a bit, and the picture changes to grass and woods.

"Are you having cramps, or..." Liu Miao asked.

"No, it's that thing. We're not allowed to get close." Ye Qing's voice became a little darker.

"How could it be?" Liu Miao couldn't believe it.

The camera shook several times, and the sound of something scraping against the grass was heard.

"Hiss—" Liu Miao took a breath, "This place..."

"It should be the mountain spirit. It's not dead yet, it's about to turn into a ghost." Ye Qing said, "Okay, let's go to Shanzitun first."

The two turned back. When we returned to the dirt road, it was much smoother.

"Boss, that thing..." Liu Miao pointed the camera at the mountain forest again, feeling worried.

"It's okay for now. We have to speed up a little bit," Ye Qing said.

After that, the camera moves a little faster. The camera is no longer held horizontally, but is often pointed towards the ground.

The voices of Liu Miao and Ye Qing would be heard from time to time.

"Boss, what do you think the mountain spirit here will look like? The one you encountered before was probably a tiger."

"Yeah. Looking at the environment here, it's not an animal, it should be a human being. It's more likely to be a woman."

"I wonder if people here know how to offer sacrifices... They must no longer offer sacrifices now, otherwise that thing wouldn't cry and it would still be like this."

"She's not necessarily crying. The language of spirits is different from ours."

"That's it..."

"What will happen if she turns into a ghost? Will she swallow people like that tiger?"

"Not necessarily. If he appeared in the form of a human, the things he would do would be close to humans."

"Did Minqing originally have mountain spirits? Or was it the river spirit of Luoqujiang River?"

"Xuan Qing said that there was a river spirit in Luoqujiang River thousands of years ago. Thousands of years ago, the Luoqujiang River flooded and flooded the entire plain. That time may have been when the river spirit turned into a ghost. Minqing has been there since very early There is no spirit anymore.”

“What about spirits formed from human thoughts?”

"Same. Mountain spirits, river spirits, these spirits born from the land also have desires. In the end, they will all turn into disasters."

"This is not from my race, does it have to be a different mind?"

"You can think of it as a conflict between living things for survival."


Ye Qing said something.

The camera was lifted up and pointed at the front of the mountain road.

A village appears in the shot.

The houses in the cottages are all made of wood and still retain a bit of ancient style.

But the village also has modern electrical wiring.

The thick telephone poles were out of place in this place, and the black wires seemed like there were wounds and scabs on the sky.

Beside and behind the village are patches of neat farmland.

The people in the fields were all old men with short hair, wearing singlets and shorts.

This seems to be a node of change, where modern and ancient elements are mixed together.

The camera suddenly turned 180 degrees to capture the forest and mountain roads.

The whimpering sound came from the mountain forest, clearer and louder than before.

Update 17.

Because I have to go out on the weekend, I have been saving my manuscripts for the past two days. There are only four updates.

Good night everyone~

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