Aoba Office

Chapter 859 No. 071-Water Park (1)

Incident number 071

Event name: Water Park

Client: Shen Luochuan

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Occupation: student

Family relationships: parents

Contact address: Room XXX, No. XX, Beixin Jiayuan, Minqing City

Contact number: 187XXXXXXXX


On July 23, 2011, the client visited for the first time. Audio file 07120010723.wav.

"Hello, Miss Shen. Can you tell me what happened to you?"

"Oh, okay...I...I went to the water park with my roommates on the weekend last week, which is the Big World Water Park on Luo'an Road. Me, my classmates...we went together... …It went in the morning, it wasn’t very hot that day…”

"Yes. Please continue."

"There were a lot of people and it was very lively. We queued up to enter, and then queued up to play on the facilities... In the shallow water area, a shallow water play area, I saw a little... a little bloodshot... I, I thought there was a girl. , maybe I didn’t pay attention, so... I told the others, and they all felt disgusted, so we left the pool. We stayed in the rest area for a while and then went to queue to play a game. It was a lot of sealed pipes, dark inside, and the four of us rushed down together in a rubber boat. When I grabbed the handrail next to me, my fingers seemed to touch something... that feeling... It felt like human skin...not my classmate's! It was something else...cold...very, very scary...I felt so scary that I screamed when I came out of the pipe and fell into the water. They also laughed at me. I didn’t dare to tell... I didn’t answer, so they thought I was timid... Let’s go play other things together..."

"Then, what happened?"

"I remember, that thing was called... called the Big World. It was an indoor venue with scenes arranged inside, like nature, with things jumping out, animal-shaped things jumping out and spraying water on tourists. We lined up. When I went in, I was sprayed with water and started running wildly. I stepped on something and slipped. I... I saw later... what I stepped on was an eyeball... an eyeball... I...the staff said that parts of the facilities inside fell off, and they apologized to us, compensated us with money and some things...but...but that thing...I remember...I gave the eyeball to... ...It was stepped on...exploded...I...We were all scared and ran outside without looking. The staff said they were parts...Those parts should be plastic. When I stepped on them, I felt...feeling It’s soft…I…”

"You didn't confirm what that thing was, did you?"

"Yes, no, I was scared at the time... In addition to the two previous times, I wanted to leave... My classmates also wanted to leave. Because there were many people at the exit. At that time, it happened to be the noon rush hour. We stayed a little longer After a while, I ate something and prepared to go out. At that time, sitting in the rest area, I could see many amusement facilities, and I saw...a lot of...a lot of blood...water sliding out of the octopus pipe. The color is red...and there are many, many people...human hands and legs...that kind of thing...I...I thought I was dazzled, I wiped my eyes, and I...I'm pretty sure , I’m pretty sure this time, what I saw was…well…”

"Are you okay, Miss Shen?"

"Well, I, I feel disgusting just thinking about it now..."

"Is this what happened to you?"

"Yes, we will leave soon after."

"Then what you want us to investigate is..."

"I...I don't know...after I came back from there, I always had nightmares, dreaming that I was soaked in blood and there were many corpses next to me...and there were also the corpses of my classmates...I...I I haven't been able to sleep well these days. I don't know what to do... Maybe I'm scared and thinking wildly, maybe it's me... but... I haven't watched a horror movie for a long time. I’m not exposed to these either…I don’t know either…”

"Have you ever seen a psychiatrist?"

"I went to the school psychiatrist. I didn't dare to talk about that... I was afraid of being... I just said that I had nightmares... The teacher said that I was frightened and played exciting rides, so I got hurt. Frightened. But I really, I really saw it that day! I didn’t know what to do..."

"In this case, we can go to the water park to investigate first and confirm the situation there. First make sure whether what you saw is a supernatural event, and then we can discuss how to deal with it. Do you think this is okay?"

"Okay, okay, thank you."

On July 24, 2011, we went to the Great World Water Park. Video file 071200110724.avi.

In the video, noisy voices could be heard.

There are many people in the picture, lining up in a long line, mostly young people, and there are also parents with their children.

The camera moved up and captured the gate in front of the team.

The seven words "Big World Water Park" hang high, artistically processed, colorful and decorated.

"Brother, is your DV waterproof? Can you bring it in and use it?" A voice interrupted.

Liu Miao's voice sounded: "Yes. It's our first time here to play, you guys are..."

The lens moved down and after adjusting the focus, Wu Ling was photographed. Her face was mosaic. In front of Wu Ling, stood a man and a woman, both young.

The man said: "It's our first time here this year, and we came several times last year."

The man puts his arm around the woman's shoulders.

The woman looked at the camera curiously and asked: "Are you three coming to play together? Some rides are inconvenient and require two or four people to sit together."

"That's doesn't matter. We'll see when the time comes. By the way, how is the water quality here?" Liu Miao asked again.

"It's pretty good. There's no problem. The water is changed quite frequently here. The water quality is pretty good."

"What fun projects are there?"

"There are quite a few. Several large facilities are quite interesting, but each one is pretty much the same. They are all slides and pipes."

"Oh. Before we came here, I saw someone recommending playing with the Big Octopus and Big World here. I heard it was very fun."

"The big octopus is quite exciting. It rushes down from a height of 20 meters. It is very cool. What is that big world? I have never heard of it."

"It's just an indoor scene with water spray..."

"Oh, that one. That kid plays a lot. It's not interesting."

"That's it... By the way, have you heard any rumors?"


"It seems that there is blood in the water..."

"Haha, you can't be someone's aunt, right?" The man laughed.

The woman hit him and said, "Eh, that's so disgusting."

"It's normal. There are some ladies in the shallow pool, so they probably don't care. In other places with strong currents, it should be fine, and it will be washed away quickly." The man said nonchalantly.

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