Aoba Office

Chapter 852 Don’t ask (1)

Nan Tian didn't say anything after that, and he didn't say anything when he was taken out by doctors and nurses.

I saw that his fists were clenched tightly, as if he was suppressing some emotion. That emotion shouldn't be fear or disgust.

After Gu Mo waited for Nan Tian to go out, he suddenly said: "This kid doesn't seem to be ready to give up."

Nangong Yao lay on the bed and rubbed his temples, "He has been spoiled since he was a child. He has a very good idea."

Gu Mo glanced at Nangong Yao and then at Chen Xiaoqiu, "When can we leave?"

"Various tests are still being done outside." Chen Xiaoqiu replied.

"Didn't you tell your uncle?" Gu Mo asked again.

Chen Xiaoqiu frowned slightly, "The procedures that should be followed must be followed."

Gu Mo curled his lips.

It is not appropriate for us to go to him and gossip about Nangong Yao's family problems. Slender Man, the most gossipy person, probably suffered a mental shock and was still struggling with his abilities. He was always distracted. Guo Yujie was also very gossipy. She was the least injured, but she was very quiet at the moment.

I asked: "Where is the female ghost?"

"Dead." Gu Mo replied casually.

I looked at him, waiting for the next step.

"Killed by Mo Wen. I only heard the sound." Gu Mo shrugged, "In addition to absorbing blood, he would also devour his own kind. All powerful evil spirits are like this. They are not afraid of meat and vegetables."

After saying that, Gu Mo groaned and turned over.

He touched his back and muttered a few curses.

That way, he looked like a grumpy old man who was in his 70s and 80s, with all his muscles and bones broken.

If Gu Mo could live until then, he would definitely be such an annoying old man.

Although annoying, he is still alive.

I looked at him, then at Nangong Yao, and decided not to question them for the time being.

I know very well that such aimless questioning will be fruitless.

The two of them have made their choice. I would rather destroy Slim Man's very useful ability and conceal the truth. In this case, there will be no results if I press him like this.

I thought of Mo Wen and said, "Mo Wen mentioned madman several times. He should have met someone before..."

I repeated what Mo Wen said.

Gu Mo hummed and asked, "Are you sure he is talking about people?"

I was stunned, "If it's not a human being..."

"Maybe it's that thief. That thing might have gone crazy eight hundred years ago." Gu Mo said angrily.

"He can still... communicate with God?" I found it unbelievable.

Nangong Yao said: "Master Xuan Qing mentioned before that a long time ago, cultivators like them were able to sense heaven and humans. You can also understand it as predicting the future to a certain extent, but this future is not about seeing "Yes, I heard it from God." Nangong Yao added: "The first person to know about the underworld, ghost missions, and the reincarnation of death heard the laws of the world from God, and then told others. The real person also said that at that time, there was no punishment for this kind of foreknowledge, and it was God using people's mouth to spread the truth of this world. "

I heard something mysterious.

Gu Mo interjected: "To put it simply, at that time, God was not crazy yet, the power was controlled by it, and the whole world was controlled by it in all directions. It didn't have to deliberately kill people like us. "

"Then what does it want to do to change the past?" Chen Xiaoqiu asked.

Gu Mo wanted to turn his head to look at Chen Xiaoqiu, but he just took a breath and lay back down again.

Nangong Yao replied: "I don't know. When heaven and humans sense it, those people are just passive receivers. After God went crazy, they don't know what happened anymore."

"So, Ye Qing wants me to go back to the time before it went crazy?" I was a little shocked.

In my dreams, I need to use the ghost’s life to locate a point in time.

If Ye Qing is really planning to do this, where can I find a ghost that has lived for so long?

Mo Wen was one, but Mo Wen had been eliminated.

Even if I meet another person, can my ability support me to go back to such a long time in the past and successfully do anything?

I have worries in my heart and lingering doubts.

I always feel that the changed "reality" that Nangong Yao and Gu Mo concealed has something to do with Mo Wen, and most likely, it also has something to do with God.

After Nangong Yao looked at Mo Wen, Mo Wen was directly struck to death by a thunderbolt. This way of death was also surprising.

My heart moved and I asked Nangong Yao: "When you looked at Mo Wen, what did you see?"

Mo Wen is already dead, so it should be safe to say this now. Even if Mo Wen is not dead, in order to kill him, his future should be announced.

Nangong Yao did not hide this and replied: "I saw a lot of dead people. He was entangled by the ghosts of the Ge family and couldn't get rid of him. He could only keep killing people to replenish his consumption."

"What about us?" Chen Xiaoqiu asked.

"Dead. We are all dead. Lin Qi and his sister were taken away. That's it. I only had time to see this, and he changed in the future." Nangong Yao said.

Don't ask, do you also want to use my ability to restore God and the world to normal, or do you have other purposes?

He is dead, and we may never know the answer to this.

When I was thinking this, the image of Baek An appeared in my mind.

Bai An still gave me a "dream" after he died, don't ask if it would...

My heart beat faster.

Being an injured person and overusing my abilities, I was physically and mentally exhausted.

In a daze, I fell asleep.

I don't know whether I should expect Mowen to "entrust my dream" to me, or just have a good sleep just to be on the safe side and not to cause trouble.

You know, originally, my sister should be safe. Because I was anxious to find her and desperately wanted to solve Mo Wen, I changed the past and let her...

Maybe because of this conflicting mood, I didn't sleep peacefully.

I heard vague sounds, and there were also faint sounds of wind, waves, insects and birds... For a while, I seemed to be in the seaside mountains and forests, and for a while, I seemed to be standing in a busy city.

"...This world originally had no ghosts."

Who is speaking?

No, no, it's not a word, it's a thought, a memory.

"...Hmm...what name should I give you...Oh, why have you forgotten everything that happened during your lifetime? It's not a bad thing. It might be better to forget...In fact, in a person's life, when he is an ignorant child, It's the happiest. However, 'ignorance' is not a suitable name..."

The tone of the voice was featureless, but the tone of the voice gave off a sense of tranquility.

"...Don't ask, I'm not crazy. This is something that is possible. I can't see that day coming in this life, but in the next life, the next life... as long as the inheritance continues, one day, someone will do it. "

"...Haha! I won't remember what happened in my previous life, but people's obsessions will never disappear. Not to mention you, don't ask. You will exist forever."

"...Don't worry, I'm just going to be reincarnated. It won't be long before I return to this world. Don't ask, you..."

The sound stopped suddenly.

I felt a wave of grief wash over my soul.

Update 6.

Good night everyone~

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