Aoba Office

Chapter 850 Star Chasing (12)

I also doubt that this tattered tissue and scrawled talisman will have much effect.

Gu Mo said calmly: "It's not as good as a complete talisman, but it can restrain Nangong's ability to some extent. Otherwise, are you going to let him poke his own eyes?"

The thin man choked for a moment, looked at the tissue again, approached Nangong Yao cautiously, and pressed the tissue on Nangong Yao's back.

What was very strange was that the torn tissue really stuck to Nangong Yao's back and emitted a faint golden light. In a flash of golden light, the tissue disappeared.

The thin man breathed a sigh of relief, and the rest of us also relaxed.

I noticed that Gu Mo's body beside me was a little limp. It seems that he didn't have the 100% confidence he said before.

Nangong Yao relaxed his body and turned around to look over.

My heart tightened, but I soon discovered that Nangong Yao's eyes were no different from the past.

I couldn't help but think of the scene I had seen in my dream.

When Nangong Yao dealt with the game, he wiped his eyes with blood. But at that time, the game he was watching did not die so quickly.

Perhaps, the game was also affected, so it negotiated with me, but I caught the opportunity and wiped it out in one fell swoop.

At that time, I had time to reverse Nangong Yao's eyes and restore his eyes to this "sealed" state.

If my ability can be used freely, Nangong Yao's ability can be used to its maximum extent.

Then I thought about it, if my ability can be used, then there is no need to use Nangong Yao's ability. His ability does not directly kill ghosts, but only affects the fate of ghosts.

I have a lot of racing thoughts in my head.

His eyes blurred, and his body was suddenly hugged by someone.

I lowered my head slightly and saw my sister throwing herself into my arms and crying.

I smiled bitterly and touched my sister's head, "It's okay, it's okay."

"Brother! Wow ah ah -" my sister cried like a child.

I can only comfort her with pale words.

He glanced at the others.

They were more or less injured and looked tired.

Nangong Yao's younger brother Nan Tian was so excited that he grabbed Nangong Yao's arm.

Nangong Yao originally wore glasses, and Nan Tian had makeup on her face, but I didn't notice. Now that the two brothers were standing together, I realized that they looked somewhat similar. They all have the same big eyes, double eyelids, and high nose bridge. But except for the eyes and nose, the other facial features and face shape are somewhat different.

"Is it because of this? Just because of this, dad and the others drove you away? Brother..." Nan Tian was accusing something.

Nangong Yao raised his hand and brushed Nan Tian's hand away, "You should stay away from me. Otherwise it will be too dangerous."

"Brother!" Nan Tian clenched his fists.

Nangong Yao walked past Nan Tian and stood next to Gu Mo, reaching out to help him up.

"Oh, be gentle, I'm an old man." Gu Mo shouted, holding on to his waist and gasping, "Damn it, it seems to be twisted."

"With such a big movement, someone will come soon." Nangong Yao said.

"I don't want to go to the hospital." Gu Mo muttered, and was supported by Nangong Yao, who sat down on a chair on the side.

The backs of the chairs were broken, but people could still sit there.

Gu Mo patted his ears, his face turned frighteningly white, "This place can no longer treat people."

Nangong Yao frowned.

I don’t know what Gu Mo heard, but it’s not good news.

As Nangong Yao said, with such a big movement, someone came quickly.

The police officers wearing masks were horrified when they saw our situation.

"Are you okay? Are there any seriously injured people? The ambulance has arrived. But the situation here in the film and television city is a bit serious..." the policeman asked nervously, and while explaining to us, he helped me lift the small bed that was pressing on me. .

I can usually lift this thing by myself. We still have several men here.

But now everyone is in a bad situation, and if the police don’t help, I’m afraid I’ll have to be suppressed forever.

Gu Mo said: "Aren't all the people over there dead? Don't be so anxious about moving the corpses, right? Deal with those of us who are still alive first."

The policeman looked ugly, "There may be an acute infectious disease in the film and television city. Now it is blocked and disinfected. Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Several of us shook our heads.

The police checked and found that we all had external injuries, and then asked curiously what had happened to us.

Gu Mo opened his mouth and told lies, about buildings collapsing and lightning hitting the buildings.

Many people saw the thunder and lightning.

It took a long time before medical staff came.

I was carried out and placed in the emergency first-aid tent, where I was given salt water and my injuries were treated.

The tent is not big and there are only us in it.

Several doctors performed tests on us.

From what they said, we were the only ones who suffered injuries, and the others either contracted the disease and died, or were in isolation.

We are also quarantined.

My sister was so tired that she fell asleep, and I had the opportunity to ask what happened.

Chen Xiaoqiu glanced at Nan Tian and said: "I have three memories in my mind. One is talking on the phone with Lin Qi. After we entered the film and television city, we heard that the crew of "Love Has Fallen" was intimidated and threatened. An actor disappeared for no reason and has never been found. We met your sister at the gate of the film and television city. She said she heard a ghost's voice on the phone and was so frightened that she dropped her phone and ran out; "

I was startled.

Sister...wasn't there anything going on at that time? She has also run out of the film and television city...

What about the surveillance at the gate of the film and television city? Didn't you take a picture of her? Why can't I find anyone?

"The other part is that after we arrived at the film and television city, we heard that an accident happened at the Republic of China scenic area. Many people fell ill. We suspected it was food poisoning, and they said it was a plague. When we arrived, the site had been blocked and we couldn't come in. ;" Chen Xiaoqiu continued.

This should be the "future" that happened after I attacked Mo Wen when he met the female ghost. In that "future", my sister, me, Nangong Yao and Gu Mo may all...

"The last memory is that the scenic spot has been blocked. Nangong Yao and Gu Mo called us and let us sneak in. We found your sister's body and Nan Tian. Nangong Yao and Gu Mo took us to the previous Inside the building. After that, you slowly woke up." Chen Xiaoqiu said.

The three memories are almost the continuation of my three dreams.

But there seems to be something wrong with these three follow-ups.

I looked at Nangong Yao and Gu Mo.

Compared to Chen Xiaoqiu and others who arrived later, these two people should have been with me all the time.

Nangong Yao said: "The second time we failed to come in and were blocked outside. The third time, we came in one step ahead. Don't you have any memory?"

I was stunned again and shook my head.

Nangong Yao thoughtfully said, "It seems that the two parts of your soul have not merged into memory. Maybe that's how it is when your ability is used."

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