Aoba Office

Chapter 848 Star Chasing (10)

The black car that I had seen in the video stopped. Nan Tian and Mo Wen got out of the car and walked over from a distance.

The female ghost stopped and stood on the roadside waiting.

Of course, the others did not see the female ghost. Mo Wen's footsteps and expression did not change, but they turned their heads slightly when passing the female ghost.

It suddenly occurred to me that I had seen this passage in my dream. Next, Mo Wen should look at me standing behind him.

I couldn't help but look behind Mo Wen. I thought I would see another me, and then I would seize the opportunity when Mo Wen turned around and make a sneak attack, but I saw nothing behind Mo Wen.

I was stunned for a moment.

But Mo Wen looked away from the female ghost, with a smile on his face. He was about to say hello to Ning Shanshan and others when he opened his mouth and closed it again, looking back with some surprise.

Mo Wen's action was like a starting gun to me.

I rushed over quickly and swooped down from the air smoothly.

"What's wrong, Mo..." Nan Tian shook hands with Ning Shanshan and turned to look at Mo Wen strangely.

Mo Wen suddenly turned around.


But it's close enough!

I gritted my teeth and almost pounced on Mo Wen.

Mo Wen was knocked to the ground directly by me.


"What happened?"

"Don't ask!"

I tightly held Mo Wen's body, thinking about reversing time.

Reversal of Mo Wen's time and make him disappear completely!

"You..." Mo Wen was shocked and angry, and began to struggle.

"Mr. Mo..." A man came to help Mo Wen in a panic.

His hand grasped Mo Wen's shoulder and he suddenly screamed.

Mo Wen's eyes turned from black to red, and his gaze fell on me, like a sharp sword.

I could feel the body I was holding changing strangely.

Mo Wen's time was being reversed by me, but another force poured into Mo Wen's body.

I raised my eyes and saw Mo Wen looking at me sarcastically with a smile on his face.

The man just now fell to the ground, covering his arms, rolling on the ground and wailing.

I heard banging noises and other people's screams.

My heart sank because of these sounds.

"Are you..." I squeezed out two words through my teeth.

"You can try to see whether you kill me first or I kill everyone here first." Mo Wen gave up resistance and lay relaxed on the ground.

My arms tightened, but I knew that this attack would have little effect on Mo Wen.

As Mo Wen said, this has become a war of attrition.

No, there must be another way!

Ge family! Those souls of the Ge family!

An idea came to my mind.

Under the ground, countless hands suddenly stretched out.

Mo Wen's calm expression changed.

Those hands grabbed Mo Wen's body and kept climbing up, their nails almost digging into Mo Wen's body.

I felt that the body I was holding was struggling strangely, and something seemed to be stirring in my body.

With a pop, there was an extra hand in front of me.

There was a black hole on Mo Wen's neck. Black Yin Qi gushes out like a leak. The hand that stretched out from the hole grabbed Mo Wen's face and tore off a piece of his face.

Under the torn off face, there was only black Yin Qi.

Mo Wen's body suddenly exploded, leaving only the black Yin energy escaping from my confinement.

The hands that stretched out from the ground scratched Mo Wen's body to pieces.

After the Yin Qi left Mo Wen's body, it quickly dissipated.

I turned my head quickly and saw a piece of black Yin Qi.

Arms and human faces emerged from the Yin Qi and attacked Mo Wen.

Mo Wen growled.

I just felt like I was hit hard by the strong wind, and my body flew back.

The ground was full of people rolling around. They were holding part of their limbs and wailing in pain.

A pair of bright red eyes opened in the black gloom.

I met those eyes and instantly felt that something was flowing out of my body.

My head started to spin.

Clenching my teeth, I wanted to get up and grab Mo Wen again.

I couldn't attack him from a long distance like Mo Wen did. I can only get closer, I have to get closer, I have to catch him with my own hands.

We can't let him go on like this!

The body I climbed up fell down again.

The ghost's body, which should have been light and airy, now became extremely heavy.

I knelt on the ground and put my hands on the ground to keep myself from falling to the ground.

His vision began to blur, and sweat seemed to be dripping from his face.

I caught sight of the figure standing on the roadside.

That female ghost...

I raised my eyelids with difficulty.

The female ghost stood on the side of the road and watched, looking at Mo Wen and then at the crew members around her.

Among the people who fell to the ground, I saw Nan Tian.

He didn't roll around on the ground in embarrassment, but he was as angry as a gossamer.


"what's up?!"

"Don't go there, don't go there at all!"

Someone was shouting from behind.

"Brother! Brother, there are many people here..."

I shuddered.

It's my sister's voice...she...

She's behind me!

"Ah! Another one fell!"

"It must be poisonous gas!"

There were also screams from behind.

No, Mo Wen cannot be allowed to continue!

I raised my head, put my hands on the ground, and pounced on Mo Wen.

My body passed through the black Yin Qi and caught nothing.

I could feel the pain when my body landed.

Mo Wen regrouped behind me.

"Too weak." Mo Wen's voice was distorted.

Those Ge family members were still tearing at his body.

His body is constantly broken and new bodies are formed.

"You are too weak. You have not reached the level that the madman expected. It seems a pity to kill you now..." Mo Wen said to himself.

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of the crowd hurriedly retreating outside the Republic of China scenic area.

I saw my sister who was pushed so hard that she almost fell. She looked like she was about to cry.

My heart twitches.

Gotta hold on! At least I have to hold on until...

This thought could not be sustained, and I felt that the loss of power was accelerating.

My vision went dark and I lost consciousness.

"Lin Yun, is what your brother said true? I didn't see the comment."

"Why did my brother lie to me?"

My sister’s voice…

"Are there really Nantian fans making threats? It's scary."

"I told you before, chasing stars is no fun."

"You were screaming before."

"I can scream even when I'm watching TV! It doesn't have to be a real person."

A girl’s voice…

"Okay, let's leave quickly."

"What a pity. There are still a few scenic spots here that I haven't seen. I originally wanted to go to "Wonderland" to take photos. You can take COS photos there."

"Let's play again next time."

No, no, this conversation...

I opened my eyes and saw the back of the girl walking in front of me.

In front are the buildings of the Republic of China scenic spot.

There were commotions and screams.

"It seems something happened."

"It's scary...let's go."

"Let's go and have a look. We don't even know what happened. If we can help, we can help too."

"That's where Nan Tian is filming, right? Something happened to Nan Tian, ​​right..."

"Don't scare me."

The girl who was talking was already walking in that direction. There are many people in the same direction as them.

My heart beat faster and I yelled, "No, don't go there!"

No one heard me and I moved forward uncontrollably.

"Is this an illness?"

"Is it food poisoning?"

"Ah, that's Nan Tian! And Luo Hui Hui!"

"Don't go there! Don't go there!" I took a step forward and stood in front of that person.

But that person passed through my body.

"Don't go there!" I wanted to grab her, but my hand passed through her body.

"Lin Yun!" I shouted with blinding eyes, but I could only watch her approach.

My sister saw the people rolling on the ground over there, and she felt the hot amulet. She took out her mobile phone and dialed my number.

The black cloud of yin energy rotated, and its red eyes looked at me.

"I thought you ran away. It turns out..." The red eyes turned and fell on my sister.


No! ! !

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