Aoba Office

Chapter 846 Star Chasing (8)

I asked in shock: "Transcended? So, shouldn't it be..."

Ye Qing also had a hand in what happened back then. The person he's looking for should be able to resolve the issue properly. Why does this female ghost appear again?

Gu Mo shook his head and said: "Although they are transcended, some souls will not forget the past. As long as there is a little stimulation, they will appear in the form of ghosts again."

I was in a daze.

This is beyond my imagination.

After death, he turns into a ghost, and after salvation, he has left the world of the world, but is it still possible to appear in the form of a ghost again?

Nangong Yao parked the car beside the building.

The police at the door did not stop us.

As soon as I entered the building, I felt a strong yin energy.

This is the Yin Qi that Mo Wen left here.

The building has been somewhat damaged, and there are fallen and broken household furnishings on the ground. There were many cracks on the glass windows, and some were completely shattered.

At the place where I attacked Mo Wen, a set of clothes was left there.

The dial phone was left there too, the cord torn out and the handset dropped to the floor.

Nangong Yao paused briefly in front of the microphone and phone, grabbed his heels, and glanced around, his eyes drifting away.

"She seems to have lost her mind." Nangong Yao said.

Gu Mo answered: "Yes."

Each of them can see and hear things that ordinary people cannot see and hear. They made a judgment.

I am worried about my sister and have no curiosity at the moment. I just hope that they will find the female ghost and my sister as soon as possible.

"Let's go." Nangong Yao seemed to have found the next location.

After getting into the police car, I felt that the hairs on my body stood up, and there was a gloomy air filling the police car.

Nangong Yao and Gu Mo stopped.


The police car's intercom blared.

The indicator light above is not on.

The sound lasted for a while, and then a woman's unpleasant voice came from the machine.

"You...all deserve to can't escape..."

In the distance, there were screams and cries.

It seems we are not the only ones hearing this voice.

Gu Mo curled his lips, "It's really crazy."

Nangong Yao started the car.

There was also a voice coming from the intercom: "You are all going to die... You are all going to die... Kill you... I will kill all of you..."

I clenched my fists.

What was transmitted to the car was just a little bit of yin energy and the voice of a female ghost. I know very clearly that the female ghost is not here.

Nangong Yao looks at the environment outside the car from time to time, not just at the road.

"Turn left." Gu Mo suddenly said.

Nangong Yao had already turned the steering wheel when Gu Mo finished speaking.

The vehicle turned and entered the small road on the left, then stopped.

"We can't drive through here." Nangong Yao said.

The three of us got out of the car.

The layout of the scenic spot here is a little different. Before it was the urban street scene during the Republic of China, and here is the old alleyway from the Republic of China.

The road is narrow and narrow, and the sky is blocked by two small buildings. What you see when you look up is a sliver of sky.

My cell phone rang suddenly, and the sound echoed throughout the street.

The caller was the thin man.

After I answered the phone, I heard the thin man say: "Brother Qi, we have arrived at the film and television city. Where are you now?"

I was about to answer when I heard noise coming from my phone.

After the rustling sound, a female voice said: "You are going to die..."

I suddenly felt cold all over and instinctively jumped forward.

Nangong Yao and Gu Mo, who were walking in front, turned around at the same time. They stretched out their hands and pulled me to prevent me from falling.

I staggered forward, and after I stood firm, I looked back.

The woman from the Republic of China who I briefly saw in the dream was standing behind with scissors in hand.

Her eyes were red, but they were not the red eyes of evil spirits, but bloodshot.

Her long curly hair was a little messy, and her long skirt was old and yellow.

Her face was pale and her lips were bloodless. All the blood in his body seemed to be concentrated in his eyes.

"Ah!" the female ghost shouted, holding the scissors, and rushed towards me.

I didn't think about dodge for a moment, I just thought about the female ghost. She was here. Where was my sister?

Now even if I kill the female ghost, I still can’t find my sister!

I gritted my teeth and shouted, "Don't kill her yet! I..."

However, Nangong Yao and Gu Mo did not move.

The female ghost rushing towards us seemed like laser light and shadow, passing through the bodies of the three of us.

I shuddered and looked at myself in disbelief and then behind me.

The female ghost disappeared.


"She can't kill anyone." Nangong Yao said, "Such a large-scale intimidation is the limit. What's more, she was injured before. Don't be afraid, it will be fine."

"This is the lowest level of ghost. It can only scare people. If you are scared and affected, it will slowly be worn away to death." Gu Mo said.

Nangong Yao turned his head and looked at the building next to him, "This is her lair."

I was a little confused and followed Nangong Yao's line of sight.

Nangong Yao has already walked over and opened the door.

This is a scenic spot, the buildings here are open and there are no door locks.

I followed Nangong Yao into the room, only to find that the building here was just an empty frame.

The appearance of the house follows the architectural style of the Republic of China era, but the inside is empty and undecorated, just a rough house.

There should be special buildings for the filming locations of the film crew and the indoor scenes visited by tourists. It is impossible for all buildings in the entire scenic area to be decorated.

My heart was pounding.

This is the female ghost's lair. Was the sister captured here?

On second thought, I felt that something was wrong with this idea.

The first floor of the two-story building was empty, and the stairs were equally crude.

Suddenly a woman's scream came from upstairs.

Nangong Yao quickened his pace, taking three steps and then two steps at a time.

Gu Mo also rushed forward.

Narrow stairs do not allow people to walk side by side.

The two of them started taking long strides before the scream appeared, obviously they had discovered something before.

I was at the end, and I could clearly tell that the scream was not my sister's, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

The second floor of the small building is still empty.

The sun shone in, and my eyes dazzled for a moment, and I seemed to see a clean and tidy room.

A small bed, a small table, two books, and a pen. Teacups, kettles, and a rag. I seemed to also see the pattern on the quilt cover and sheets.

These scenes all passed in a flash.

In the empty building, the female ghost was lifted up in the air, and the black yin energy wrapped around her neck and penetrated into her body.

I only saw that the female ghost was like a balloon, which melted directly after being filled with black yin energy.

The black Yin Qi formed a rough human shape.

Mo Wen grinned at the three of us and suddenly dispersed.

It was like the smoke was blown away, and the black yin energy disappeared directly.

I shuddered.

The sight of Mo Wen's red eyes falling on me gave me a bad feeling.

Nangong Yao said: "It seems that he doesn't want to kill us. An evil ghost with reason and intentions..."

Update 3.

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