Aoba Office

Chapter 836 The third deceased (7)

The green-faced ghost got up from the ground and turned around anxiously. Its toenails scratched the ground, its overly long arms dropped to the ground, and its nails scraped the ground.

A low roar came from the green-faced ghost's throat.

Without looking at Xu Guangming, it jumped onto the wall and tried to escape from the bedroom door.

The scene just now happened again.

The green-faced ghost hit the door and landed with a loud noise.

It groaned in pain and roared angrily, spinning in place like a trapped animal.

Xu Guangming trembled and wanted to shrink up. His heartbeat was beating too fast, pounding against the other quivering internal flesh.

This violent heartbeat seemed to be heard by the green-faced ghost.

The green-faced ghost stopped and slowly turned his head. Scarlet eyes stared at Xu Guangming.

Xu Guangming let out a strange scream, fell off the bed, and stepped back crying.

I heard the door open outside.

The door bearing, which had been in disrepair for a long time, was very bad. When it was opened, it made a tooth-gripping sound that seemed to have an echo.

There is Yin Qi spreading in from outside.

I thought of Gui Cha, but then I came to my senses and realized that it was not Gui Cha.

The sound of leather shoes hitting the ground is like stepping on a person's heart. What follows is a change in heartbeat.

Xu Guangming's heartbeat was still violent and irregular, but I seemed to feel my own heartbeat that was different from Xu Guangming's. The sound of my heartbeat overlapped with the sound of those footsteps.

Because of this, my attention moved to that voice.

The green-faced ghost grinned at Xu Guangming and growled at it.

Xu Guangming was frightened. He grabbed something and threw it over, shouting.

But except for the sound of footsteps, there was no movement outside. Xu Tie and his wife seemed to have disappeared. The entire Six Workers and Peasants Village seemed to have disappeared. No one heard Xu Guangming's cry for help.


The bedroom door handle was twisted open.

The green-faced ghost seemed to have heard the starting gun and rushed towards Xu Guangming.

I looked at the group of green people rushing toward me, and suddenly realized that the green-faced ghost's movements were much slower than what I had seen before.

Xu Guangming fell to his knees and crawled away on his hands and feet, crying and hurriedly dodging.

There was chaos in the house.

The green-faced ghost bumped into the furniture, leaving scratches on the floor and shredding the sheets.

The action of opening the door seemed to last for hundreds of years.

In the chaos, I used Xu Guangming's perspective to catch a glimpse of the scene at the door.

After the door was slowly pushed open, Yin Qi surged in.

In what I saw, the yin energy was like dry ice, swarming through the cracks in the door.

The green-faced ghost's movements became slower and slower.

Xu Guangming had retreated to the balcony, facing the bedroom door.

The bedroom door is fully open.

The creaking sound stopped, and the yin energy outside and inside the door became almost the same.

This environment is familiar to me.

There is even a cool feeling in the coldness.

I have long been accustomed to this kind of yin energy.

The moonlight was obscured by clouds, making the room darker.

The figures at the door also blurred.

Da da da……

The green-faced ghost chasing Xu Guangming stopped and stared at the man warily. It hunched over like a wild beast ready to fight.

Da da da……

The clouds outside drifted away, and the moonlight shone indoors again.

The figure of the man was also covered with a halo, but his appearance was still unclear.

"Roar -" the green-faced ghost roared and rushed towards the man.

Xu Guangming breathed a sigh of relief and turned around to climb onto the balcony.

I cursed in my heart, but I couldn't change Xu Guangming's actions, nor could I look back and check the situation myself.


The roar turned into a faint whine.

Xu Guangming turned his head in surprise.

I saw an amazing scene.

The man grabbed one of the green-faced ghost's arms with one hand.

The green-faced ghost's long arms were folded in two, and his whole body was like dried bacon, leaving no room for struggle.

"You are quite courageous..." Ye Qing's voice sounded particularly cold in the night.

Goosebumps appeared on Xu Guangming's back, and his heartbeat did not slow down.

The green-faced ghost whimpered.

"...Bai An." Ye Qing spit out two words.

The green-faced ghost howled miserably, and his body suddenly expanded, from a half-human size to a two-meter-tall monster.

Its intact arm struck Ye Qing.

I subconsciously wanted to scream and rush over, but my body, no, my soul couldn't move at all. It wasn't me who screamed, it was Xu Guangming.

Ye Qing also pinched the green-faced ghost's other arm.

I saw his outline raising his head.

Ye Qing raised his free hand and easily took the green-faced ghost's telegraph pole-like arm.

The crunch of bones echoed through the room.

Ye Qing stepped forward and grabbed the green-faced ghost's chest with both hands.

The green-faced ghost's body blocked Xu Guangming's sight.

I only saw the green-faced ghost trembling.

Slowly, the sound of flesh being torn apart came out.

Blood fell to the ground in a splash.

With a bang, the green-faced ghost fell to the ground.

The torn chest and abdomen appeared in my field of vision.

Ye Qing's figure was spotless.

In his hand, there was a clear-looking object.

That's a beating heart. Not bright red or dark red, but a weird green.

A large amount of blood poured out of the green-faced ghost's body, but it was hard to tell for a moment whether it was missing an organ.

"I'm not dead yet." Ye Qing seemed to be murmuring to his heart.

After the words fell, he tightened his fingers.

The heart is like a rubber ball, and the area where it was caught is sunken.

I heard a voice coming from my heart, not from the green-faced ghost, but from a distorted and panicked cry.

With a snap, his heart burst and exploded like a rubber ball.

The corpse of the green-faced ghost on the ground disappeared together with the heart. The green-faced ghost's blood flowing on the ground seemed to seep through the cracks in the floor.

Ye Qing raised his head slightly.

I didn't see him, but the feeling of being stared at was so real.

Xu Guangming screamed again, like a frightened animal, escaping in a panic and away from Ye Qing.

The window glass was smashed, and Xu Guangming fell downstairs screaming.

I fell with it.

In the process of falling, I seemed to hear footsteps upstairs and the sound of doors closing...

Xu Guangming landed hard, but I didn't wake up.

"No, don't come over! Don't come over!"

The old man's screams reached my ears.

I saw Ye Qing's figure again.

The place I am in is the house I saw with the memory of the green-faced ghost.

Inside the dark and classic house, the disemboweled corpses of the green-faced ghost were scattered all over the floor.

Bodies everywhere, blood everywhere.

In the blood, there is a neat series of footprints.

From this scene, I can see how Ye Qing walked step by step, killing a green-faced ghost with every step he took.

I was forced to raise my head and look up at Ye Qing who was standing.

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