Aoba Office

Chapter 829 The Second Death (4)

The green-faced ghost's reaction was beyond my expectation.

I didn't expect it to attack me.

The green-faced ghost I encountered before was not very aggressive. They also use hallucinations to destroy those they follow, rather than directly killing them.

I backed away instinctively, feeling a little at a loss for the moment.

The green-faced ghost followed my retreat and continued to pounce forward. Its body brought down the photo on the coffin table.

There was a clang, and Xu Tie and his wife in the room and Xu Gang and his wife at the door both looked back.

This change was something I didn't expect.

The green-faced ghost can actually touch things?

No, it's not surprising that it bumps into things.

If it can't be touched, how can it stick to the wall?

My thoughts were confused for a moment.

The green-faced ghost's slender finger bones have already circled my arm.

I was so excited that I wanted to catch the green-faced ghost with my backhand.

Fighting a monster, I don't know what the odds are.

But my ability can definitely kill it!

We must move faster!

My palm pressed against the green-faced ghost's hand, and I was about to activate my ability, but I felt the smoothness under my palm.

The green-faced ghost looked like a frightened deer. After his feet landed on the ground, he kicked his legs and jumped away from me.

My arm hurt. It was scratched by the green-faced ghost's nails.

There was no blood.

I don't know if this is because of my current state, or if the nails of the green-faced ghost that grazed my skin were not that sharp.

The green-faced ghost retreated to the wall.

This reaction shocked me even more.

The people of the Xu family were already shouting.

The person had just died and the photo had fallen over. This seemed a bit ominous no matter how you looked at it.

I stared at the green-faced ghost.

The green-faced ghost retracted his red tongue into his mouth, suddenly turned around, and was about to crawl across the ceiling.

I quickly floated up to intercept the green-faced ghost.

The green figure is as fast as lightning.

I predicted its route and wanted to intercept it, but the figure sailing past me picked up the wind and jumped directly behind me.

I tried to chase him again, but I heard the sound of glass breaking.

That touch of cyan had disappeared from the broken window.


"The old man...the old man has appeared! Look, Xu Gang, it's all your fault!"

Xu Tiese screamed inwardly.

My chest rose and fell, and I felt a suffocation in my chest.

Xu Tie's unreasonable yelling made me even more irritated.

Looking back, both families looked shocked. The two brothers, Xu Gang and Xu Tie, all turned pale.

I raised my eyes slightly and looked at the young man standing at the door of the bedroom.

The young man in his twenties looked about the same age as me, but now he looked like a frightened child, his eyes widened and he backed away slowly. Sweat dripped down his forehead, and his whole body was trembling slightly.

An idea flashed in my mind, and I looked at this young man in surprise.

Is this Xu Tie's son?

How did he react...

Before I could think about it, the living room of the Xu family disappeared before my eyes.

I couldn't help but cursed.

The timing of this dream switch is too unreasonable!

Holding back my anger, I came to my senses and realized that I was lying on my own bed and what I saw was the ceiling of my own home.

I froze for a moment and rolled over from the bed, still a little at a loss.

The dream... ends like this?


Such an ending reminds me of what happened with the green-faced ghost last time.

When I killed the green-faced ghost, I saw its past. The old man still had unfinished words...

I couldn't help but shudder.

Dreams don’t end on their own, they are interrupted!

That strange green-faced ghost looked like it was prepared. It wanted to attack me and was on guard against my abilities... It was really prepared... No, it was the old man who was prepared.

He noticed what happened last time.

Just like Ye Qing, right?

In my dream, I also saw Ye Qing's past, and was scolded by Ye Qing.

That old man must be at least as strong as Ye Qing.

It is also possible that he is stronger than Ye Qing. When Ye Qing drove me away, I possessed Ye Qing. The old man interrupted my dream. I was in the green-faced ghost's past, but I was just looking at him from the green-faced ghost's perspective.

When the old man mentioned Ye Qing, he didn't have a contemptuous attitude...

My head feels a little swollen.

The thin man really got it right, and Guo Yujie got it right too.

This old man is a powerful guy, and I can't avoid this matter unless I take the initiative to intervene. When the other party came to Xu Gang and Xu Tie, they probably came after me! He may not know my existence and just think I'm Ye Qing's weird move, but after this test...

I stood up suddenly.

Today is Saturday, and neither my parents nor my sister got up that early.

I didn't eat breakfast, so I hurried out and went to the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants.

I rushed into Building 6 in one breath and climbed to the sixth floor.

Qingye Supernatural Office is still so quiet, the air is cool, and it seems like a different world from the sunny sky outside.

My heartbeat and breathing were a little disordered, so I took out the key and unlocked the door in a panic.

As soon as the door of the office opened, in addition to the sinister air, I also smelled the smell of blood.

I was stunned at the door of the room.

There was a pool of blood on the sofa in the office.

The heartbeat that had stopped for a beat resumed, and it was beating faster and harder than before.

I held my breath and gently stepped into the office.

The blood stains on the sofa outlined a half outline, like a person, half lying on the sofa. There are slight signs of depression in that half of the outline.

"Ye...Ye Qing?" My voice was trembling.

The sofa trembled, and the dents in the seat cushions changed.

I can imagine a person turning over.

The blood stains spread on the sofa were even wider.

My body froze in place.

The leather sofa creaked.

The person I couldn't see lay down, then lay down, and then sat up.

A blurry silhouette appeared.

However, compared to before, this time the blurred figure was covered with a layer of blood.

"I went out yesterday. What brought you here?" Ye Qing said lightly, with a hint of fatigue in his voice.

I just felt an electric shiver rising from my spine and to the top of my head.

"I... the Xu family... the Xu family in the community... the green-faced ghost... I..." I was a little incoherent.

Only then did I realize that I didn’t come to Ye Qing for help when I encountered these supernatural events. After reading the files and ending the dream, the person I was telling these stories to was no longer Ye Qing, but Shouzi and the others.

I calmed down and slowly walked to the sofa opposite Ye Qing and sat down.

Tick ​​tock!

I lowered my eyes, passed through the gap under the coffee table, and saw blood drops on the floor.

Slightly higher than the sofa, a drop of blood condensed in the air.

Vaguely, I followed the blood beads and saw a finger.

Tick ​​tock!

Blood beads fell on the floor, expanding the blood stain on the ground in a circle.

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