Aoba Office

Chapter 817 No. 012-Insect Flow Deadlock (11)

On April 22, 2003, the client’s five children visited the office. Audio file 01220030422.wav.

"Guys, please sit down. Sorry, the sofa is a bit small. Please sit on the chairs."

"It doesn't matter."

"Do not worry about it."

"...Ahem. Let's talk about business."

"Yes. You guys here probably want to ask about Mr. Duan and Aunt Duan. We also want to know more about the current situation of the two old people."


"The rituals you did last time and the cremation were all fine, right? Isn't that the problem?"

"We make judgments based on our knowledge and experience. Master Huiyi has been in this business longer. His views are the same as ours."

"Who knows if what you are saying is true or false!"


"Brother, don't let them fool you with just a few words. It was good at first, but after the cremation, Dad..."

"How come it's fine?! My dad calls every three days and says he saw bugs. That's fine!"

"Second sister..."

"Oh, please stop arguing, stop arguing..."

"I have long said that I want to be laid to rest. Old people hope that everything will be in order after their death... Dad looked like that... lying on the bed like that, how tortured it is... even now... little brother! My father and mother are both dead, and they have been dead for several years! It’s useless if you don’t accept it!”

"Second sister! Ha, I didn't expect you to have such thoughts before. Are you happy that your parents are dead?"

"Why am I happy? When have I been happy? It was you who made the decision before, and we cooperated! Now the situation is like this..."

"Okay! You two sit down!"

"Second brother..."

"Second brother..."

"Sorry, I made you laugh."

"Nothing. It seems that some of them have conflicting ideas. In this case, the current situation can be explained."

"……What do you mean?"

"The two old men can still stay in the earthly world now, mainly not because of their own wishes. Mr. Duan died suddenly, and Aunt Duan probably couldn't accept it for a while. One of her thoughts caused Mr. Duan to die in the earthly world. But at that time, Duan The old gentleman's soul condition is chaotic. You should be able to find this change if you recall it now."


"After that, because of your confused decision, his soul solidified and he truly turned into a ghost. Aunt Duan was in the same situation. Your consciousness, thoughts, or, in other words, an obsession, pulled the two of them. This kind of thing is rare. It proves that your family members have such a deep relationship. But everyone has different ideas. Mr. Duan Kang insists on keeping the two old people. Ms. Duan Xiahua maintains the traditional concept and is more concerned about the two old people's affairs. As for the other three, I'm afraid they have their own ideas. In fact, the five of you should have both. On the one hand, intellectually, you think that when a person dies, he should be buried and enter a normal reincarnation. On the other hand, emotionally, you hope that your parents can always stay with you and let you fulfill your filial piety."




" are saying..."

"No matter what your previous thoughts were, please make a unified decision as soon as possible. In addition, I hope you can stick to this decision, no matter what the content of the decision is. The two old people are now deeply affected by you. You continue to have conflicts. Thoughts, their minds will become confused.”

"Yasuko, do you think this is really good? My parents are like... I still think they should be given away..."


"We, it seems, still need to discuss..."

"Yes. You can discuss it as much as you like. But if Mr. Duan has another problem, out of the protection of the client, we will give priority to Mr. Duan's interests."

"What are you going to do?"

"We will not harm Mr. Duan. But we will completely save Mr. Duan before he completely loses his mind and turns into an evil spirit."


"We understand. Thank you for causing trouble."

"You're welcome, this is our job."

"I said……"

"...Please tell me, Mr. Duan Kang."

"I said, what if we told our parents, told them about this matter...this situation...and let them make a choice? You have said it before, right? Let them make a choice..."

"It would be best for you to deliver this news to the two old people. In this way, the situation should be under control. At that time, we will also make some arrangements. If the situation worsens, we will directly rescue the two old people. . If you are willing, we can still ask Master Huiyi to preside over the salvation ceremony."

"Yangzi, do you want to..."

"Well... I don't think it will do me any good if the old man and mom stay here. Seeing how my parents are doing... In the middle of the night, dad went to Chengcheng's room and took mom out... I... um... …”


"Okay, we all know you have good intentions and want to be filial to your parents. We all understand."

"Please contact Master Huiyi. Let's talk to our parents about this matter as soon as possible."


April 22, 2003, audio file analysis. Audio file 01220030421.wav.

"...The little grandson looked at me with that look, as if he was looking at a madman..."


"When he spoke, the noise was a bit loud. Does this mean he is about to turn into an evil spirit?"

"Yeah. It's possible."


On April 25, 2003, I went to the client's residence with Master Hui Yi. Audio file 01220030425.wav.

"Well... you... what are you going to say? Why did you invite the master here..."

"Mom, sit down. And Dad, sit down too. We, we have something to tell you. Yes..."

"Brother, let me tell you. Originally, this matter was mine..."

"It's okay. I'm the boss, let me do the talking."

"What are you going to say? Why..."

"Okay, old woman, just listen to them."

"Oh... you say it, boss, you say it, we are listening."

"Dad, Mom, it's us bastards, we... we hid something from you... Actually, four years ago, when dad just retired... Once, dad went to a teahouse , the time when the people in Building 13 made me angry... Dad, Mom, do you still remember that time? "

"Hey, why are you saying this all of a sudden?"

"Don't look at me. I'm fine, I'm not angry. Just listen to your son."

"Then boss, please continue talking."

"That time, my mother called me and said that my father was angry. I even came to visit... At that time, my father was lying on the bed... The air conditioner was turned on at home, and the air conditioner was turned on very low... It was very cold in the house..."

"...It's not too's a bit cold inside the house..."


"At that time...actually, at that time, Dad had already...Dad, you had already...went..."

"What went? Where did it go? Boss, what are you talking about?"


"Old man..."




"Why are you crying? Am I still here?"


"Well... I probably... probably, I have some guesses... know..."

"Old man, what are you talking about?"

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