Aoba Office

Chapter 809 No. 012-Insect Flow Death Knot (3)

"Please continue."

"Go on... I... I can't explain it clearly... That day, after that day, my head was all fuzzy. I just thought something was wrong, my dad wasn't right, my mom wasn't right either. I didn't sit for a while, and then I left. After I went back, I called a few brothers and sisters. My oldest sister, Chunfang, had visited the two elders that day. She listened to me... She was the only one who listened to me, and she didn't say anything for a long time. No one else believed me, and they all thought I was crazy. Chunfang interrupted and said something was wrong, but she didn't dare to speak at that time. My father is a bit son-in-law, not son-in-law, but he thinks that girls should be taken care of by mothers. My two sisters were afraid of my father and didn't dare to say anything to him. We, the five of us brothers and sisters, went to visit the two elders together. Late at night, we went together... I didn't want to, I wanted to choose daytime... but I was worried Mom and Dad really have something..."

"What happened after you left?"

"After we left, it was late at night and the temperature had already dropped. It was even colder in the room. My brother said something and my mom just laughed and said it was nothing... She looked like that, her face was still pale... Among the five of us, Kangzi, the youngest brother, was the most popular with the two old people. He turned off the air conditioner in the living room. As soon as the air conditioner was turned off, there was no sound in the house. There were still sounds coming in from outside... I, I was in the room and felt very strange, as if there was always a humming sound... It was Kangzi who went ahead and went to the room. He didn't believe what I said at all, turned off the air conditioner in the room, and called my dad again. Chunfang and I were standing at the back at the time, and my mom was between us. My mom was chilly, and I couldn't feel the temperature even when my skin was touching her. She... I was also afraid of her... She There was air. When we talked in the air-conditioned room before, we could see white air. Her chest was also heaving, and she was breathing... Kangzi was in the room and had already pushed my dad. I heard my dad groaning twice, and he lay there motionless. Kangzi pushed the first time, but it didn't move. He pushed the second time... My dad's body moved, and when it moved, I heard that sound... The sound of ice slag rolling over, can you, can you understand it?"

"You can probably imagine it. Your father and the bed are..."

"More than that, the quilt, the mat, the pillow... That sound... Kangzi stopped moving. I saw him climb onto the bed and touch my dad's philtrum... His hands were shaking... He reached out and touched it, and touched it for a long time... None of us dared to speak, and we didn't dare to breathe heavily. My mother suddenly spoke up and asked Kangzi what he was doing. Kangzi opened his mouth but didn't say anything. My mother just talked to herself Come, tell him to stop making noise and wake up my dad, and squeeze in, pull him away, cover my dad with a blanket, and push us out... I... I don't know what to say... At that time... At that time, I didn't think about anything, I just stared at Kangzi... Kangzi didn't say anything. The five of us left..." "You mean, we left your parents' house?" "Yes, we left... I... The five of us went to my house. It was the middle of the night, my wife was scared, and I drove her into the room... The three of us brothers were smoking there, and the smoke was so thick. Kangzi spoke first, and as soon as he opened his mouth... As soon as he opened his mouth, he said, my dad is dead... I knew it too, I knew it during the day... He was dead, his body was stiff... My brother, another younger brother, the second younger brother, we two brothers are only two years apart in age, and we have the best relationship... He has a quick temper. He asked what to do, why Kangzi didn't tell us before and let us go together, and asked how Dad died... I suspect that my dad was angry about the teahouse, and he might feel uncomfortable after returning from the teahouse, and then he was sulking, so... Chunfang said, what's wrong with Mom..."

"Does your mother have old age diseases?"

"You mean dementia? No, she didn't have it before. Before... Before, she was fine when I talked to her. And... and my dad really hummed. We didn't talk about this that night. Kangzi said that Mom might have been stimulated. We couldn't tell her directly that Dad had died, and had been dead for a long time. We were all confused at that time. My dad had just retired, he was healthy, and nothing had happened, how could it be... My mom also... um... We later discussed that Dad had passed away, and we couldn't let Mom get into trouble again. Kangzi asked someone, and my mom's situation needed to be dealt with slowly, and we couldn't stimulate her all at once. We thought, we thought about putting on a show. The five of us siblings discussed with our families and decided to find a way to get my mom to move out and separate her from my dad. Kangzi knew someone who helped us come up with ideas. We pooled our money together. Actually, our families were all in good shape, so we each contributed a lot of money, so we asked someone to… someone to help us deal with it…”

“Did you deal with your father’s body?”

“Yes, that’s right. We dealt with it first and didn’t cremate it for the time being.”

“At that time, your mother participated in a trip organized by the neighborhood committee, and your father’s body was temporarily placed in your sister’s house?”

“Huh? You, how did you…my dad, my dad told you?”


"...You are talking about what happened after that. At that time, it was was done at home. My mother was taken on a trip by my two younger sisters. Our three sons did it at home. Yasuko knew the people at the hospital and helped open a fake medical record. We also planned it well. We were really worried about my mother... You didn't see how my mother looked at that time. Yeah, that's not normal. I thought, let's coax the old man. My dad can't let my mom think he's still alive. I also asked people in the community and the neighbors. Mom said it was normal in those days. I told people outside that the old man was sulking at home. People outside didn't know that my dad had... My mom said it was true. Buying groceries and cooking were the same as usual. The five of us really have no choice, we are really scared... I just thought, first tell my mother that my dad is sick, let her take a look, and then send her to the hospital, and let her know that my dad is dead in two days. The best thing is to tell her about this while she is traveling, let her see the photos, and then ask the doctor Yasuko found to talk to her. That would be nice...but..."

"what's going on?"

"I...we looked inside the house, and my dad...all three of us dad was dad was making a sound...he was humming, and we heard it clearly... He's talking... He's really dead! He's been checked and dealt with, and he's just talking like that!"

It’s the end of the month, please vote~

Well, I’m just going to bother you all at the beginning and end of the month~ If you have a monthly ticket, remember to vote~( ̄▽ ̄“)

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