Aoba Office

Chapter 80 No. 049-Highway of Death (5)

The two of them stood under a street tree, seemingly preparing to take a taxi.

"He's gone!"

"Miss Tan, don't be nervous."


"He took the bait. He is approaching you. Start acting now and follow the prepared dialogue."

"Yes, received. Yaqi, what would you like to name the baby?"

"Just decide, I will listen to you."

"How about a single name with the character '韬'? Tao means majestic Tao and great strategy."


"Doesn't it sound good?"

"That name is so unlucky. I've met a fool with this name before. But I still want to thank him."


"Otherwise my ex-husband wouldn't have died, and I wouldn't be able to take the inheritance and be with you."

"Didn't your ex-husband die in a car accident?"



A child's figure suddenly appeared behind the two of them. As fast as lightning, he stretched out his hand and pushed the woman on the back. The woman flew forward with her feet off the ground, and the man caught her with quick eyesight and threw her to the ground. A car was illegally parked on the non-motorized lane next to the sidewalk, blocking the left side of the two people who fell to the ground. It also blocked the moving non-motorized vehicle, preventing the two people from being run over.

The child was furious and wanted to pursue him unwillingly. When his feet were about to cross the sidewalk, a red rope suddenly flew out from the gap between the stone bricks on the ground and tied the child tightly. The child was squirming on the ground like a caterpillar, struggling constantly, with a clearly visible look of terror on his face.

"Are you okay?"

"um. Thank you."

The man helped the woman up and back to the sidewalk.

Two men and one woman came out of the store next to them, all with blurred faces. The leader picked up the child tied with a red rope on the ground like he was grabbing a chicken.

"Ahhhh! Let me go! You sons of bitches! Bitch! I'm going to kill you! Ah——"

The man shook his hands, and the child's scream seemed to be blocked.

A female traffic policeman appeared beside the group of people.

"What are you going to do with him?"



"Sell it to cultivators, and they will refine it or feed it to the ghosts they raise."

"Why don't you kill him? Didn't you say you wanted to deal with him?"

"Kill? Wouldn't that be too cheap for him?"


"It takes seventy-seven forty-nine days to refine. It will be very painful to erase the consciousness bit by bit. As for turning it into feed, it is even more painful. I have never seen a domestic ghost that can eat an evil ghost in one go. He will be eaten bit by bit, and it will take several months before he disappears completely."

"That's right! He should be allowed to die a miserable death!"

"Lu Mengyi, it's time for you to rest in peace, right?"


"Don't mention any other conditions. My patience has reached its limit."

"There's more here..."

"There's another victim."

"...Does my husband..."

"He didn't turn into a ghost."


"Lu Mengyi."

"I know. I'll...leave..."

"Life will eventually end. No matter how unwilling you are, you must rest in peace. Ghosts should not exist in the human world."


The female traffic policeman in the picture slowly disappeared.

"He... ascended to heaven?"


"You just said that ghosts should not exist in the world of mortals, but they all exist."

"So what she said was 'shouldn't exist', not 'doesn't exist'."

"Then why does it exist? If there are no ghosts, he will die when he dies, and my husband will also..."

"The Great Dao is fifty, Tianyan is forty-nine, and there is still a glimmer of hope. If your husband turns into a ghost and meets you yin and yang, will you still feel this way?"


"Don't think too much about it. Your husband is dead and has not turned into a ghost. You are still alive and you have to continue living."

Five people got into the illegally parked vehicle and left the road. The license plate was also blurry.

On July 15, 2008, Xue Tao was sold to Xuan Qingzhenren. Send Tan Yaqi back to prison. End investigation.


I was a little confused when I closed the file.

What do the people from Aoba mean by letting me see this file? Warn me not to be nosy like Lu Mengyi? Warn me that they are losing their minds like Lu Mengyi and may become evil spirits? Or do you want to remind me of this "Master Xuan Qing?"

I searched for Xuanqing Zhenren on the Internet, but couldn't find a match.

I thought for a long time, considered many possibilities, and listed them all. Looking at the piece of paper, I was a little undecided. Should I go look for Qingye again? They don't seem to be interested in Bixian, but they have props, so they should be able to give me an option, right? But if they are reminding me that they are "deteriorating," I should not go to the firm again.

This matter made me hesitate for several days. Tao Hai was still hiding from us like a mouse hiding from a cat. Everything goes wrong.

The most annoying thing is the nightmare that haunts me.

Zhang Shanmei fell asleep every night, being hung on the stage, twisting and struggling, screaming in pain.

In this way, I became more and more haggard, and finally couldn't help but go to the temple to burn incense, but I still saw Zhang Shanmei that night.

She should have had her cervical vertebrae broken, but she was strangely "vibrant". Her nails were tied with hemp ropes, and the crystal sequins were broken off along with her own nails and scattered on the stage. The blood was stained with the hemp rope, and the blood stains and bruises on Zhang Shanmei's neck were even more shocking.

After watching it so many times, I was a little numb, but I didn’t know there was a new change this time.

It seems that the hemp rope cannot withstand Zhang Shanmei's strength. Just like the close-up shot in the movie, it is breaking layer by layer, and finally only a thin thread is left.


Zhang Shanmei fell from a high altitude, her body hit the stage, and the sound echoed throughout the theater.

I saw blood spreading from under her head, staining half of her cheek. Blood overflowed from her mouth, and the expression on her face was still fixed at the moment she escaped from the trap in mid-air, and she couldn't hide her joy.

My heart beat faster, realizing that this change was not a good thing.

Sure enough, the scene in front of her began to repeat again. Zhang Shanmei fell from the air, struggled, and fell to the ground. This time she didn't die directly, but her body twitched.

I tensed up and my breathing became rapid.

After the second repetition, Zhang Shanmei's hand moved.

Repeated for the third time, Zhang Shanmei raised her hand and pressed it to the ground, then let it fall down weakly.

The fourth time she repeated it, Zhang Shanmei raised her upper body and slammed it into a pool of her own blood.

After the fifth repetition, Zhang Shanmei supported her upper body and turned to look at me!

Its daybreak.

I broke out in a cold sweat and sat up in a daze for a while, muttering to myself: "Is it Zhang Shanmei who turned into a ghost? Isn't it the man who spoke?"

I couldn't delay any longer and hurried to Aoba. When I opened the door, I did a lot of mental preparation. Sitting in a fixed position on the sofa, I still felt uncomfortable.

I put the list on the coffee table, put another coin on the paper, and asked humbly: "I'm stupid, and I haven't figured it out after thinking about it for a long time. What do you mean? Can you give it to me again?" Can I help you a little?"

The coin didn't ring for a long time.

I would be late for work if I went down, so I could only pack up my things and leave in frustration.

In the office, I started wondering again: Are they not giving me a hint, or are they trying to tell me something that's not on the list?

"Little brother, what's the matter with you?" The thin man answered the phone with a helpless tone. The person on the other end of the phone said something, and the thin man jumped up from his seat and shouted, "Another person died?"

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