Aoba Office

Chapter 782 Crow’s Mouth

Li Xingfang's efficiency of action surprised me.

In one day, he had found out Xu Feng's situation.

Xu Feng's situation is very bad.

In short, this is a crow's mouth that has been unlucky for eight lifetimes.

When Li Xingfang said it, it was a bit incredible.

"He was originally a salesperson at a securities company, responsible for attracting customers to open accounts for investment. His original performance was quite good, and he could constantly attract new people, and the investment amounts of the people he attracted in their securities companies were getting larger and larger, and even Some would listen to his advice and buy some stocks and futures. But then...about two years ago, things changed. He was no longer a salesman, but a manager in the business department. , casually said that the most valuable thing about their company is the confidence of these accounts. As a result, almost a few minutes later, a problem occurred in their account database, and all the account data was almost destroyed. The entire system repair process took about three days. Fortunately, there was a backup system in place at the time, and no major accident occurred at the securities company.”

Even when Li Xingfang said this, he still had a skeptical tone, which was a bit unbelievable.

"After that, he and his wife quarreled in the store and said something like, 'Be careful of getting hit by a car when you go out,' which immediately came true. After his wife rushed out of the mall, she was hit and killed by a passing car on the spot. Later, at his wife’s funeral, he swore to his father-in-law and mother-in-law that he loved his wife very much and that he would rather go bankrupt and become a pauper than lose his wife.”

I asked hesitantly: "Is this coming true?"

"Yes. The police found him before the cremation was over. There were some illegal acts in his work at the securities company. That was a securities trading case a year ago, which made the news. I don't know if you have seen it. Pass."

When Li Xingfang said this, I had a vague impression. But the small investments my family makes are mostly in the purchase of low-risk, long-term financial products. I don’t have much dealings with securities companies, and my understanding of finance is limited.

Li Xingfang continued: "The principal criminals in this case were sentenced, and he was fined. As he said, he went bankrupt and became a pauper. After that, Xu Feng only worked odd jobs. I can check it here. There is less information.”

"Oh..." After hearing this, I didn't know what to do.

Xu Feng may really be like me, my kind. His abilities may be strange, and he is not that interested in supernatural events, but only uses them to enhance his career. As he said, make extra money.

What Xu Feng faced was probably a side effect of his ability.

Give others the ability to have their wishes come true, and you will become a crow's mouth, and all the bad things you say will come true.

"Isn't this dangerous?" I said.

Even if these things that come true are just a tragedy for Xu Feng, many people will be involved.

"Yes. I have contacted Director Chen about this matter. He can report it to the superiors. There should be... professionals to handle it." Li Xingfang spoke vaguely, and his tone was not very sure.

I'm a little worried and a little helpless.

I'm worried that Xu Feng will bring disaster to others, and I hope someone can stop it. But thinking about it, do the things I do really bring good results?

I saved people, I solved those supernatural objects that killed people, but who knows how the changed reality will develop?

The impact of the butterfly effect is unknown.

In the eyes of some people, my ability is also full of dangers.

Li Xingfang and I were silent.

After all, we are the same kind, with different abilities, but we feel the same way. Li Xingfang probably feels more strongly about this than I do. He has experienced this tragedy before.

After hanging up the phone, I thought about it and told everyone about it in the group.

When I went to work today, I only talked about Wu Mingle's death, but I didn't mention Xu Feng.

Mainly because I have very complicated feelings about Xu Feng.

Xu Feng's behavior in the cafe made me feel strange, and also made me feel a little envious.

He accepts his abilities calmly and lives a peaceful life. It seems that his abilities are the same as Guo Yujie's strange powers, but they are just individual differences between humans. Guo Yujie does not want to be a weightlifter, a boxer, or engage in strength-related work. For her, this strange strength means that she can be confident when facing perverts and thieves. Apart from perverts and thieves, there really is nothing more dangerous in daily life.

Chen Xiaoqiu asked: "Can't we find out the person who raised the green-faced ghost?"


"Actually, you can ask people from Qingye." Chen Xiaoqiu reminded.

I was a little stunned.

The old man knew Ye Qing, and he was obviously following Ye Qing to "pick up the wallet." On the other hand, it was possible that Ye Qing knew him.

I contacted Gumo, but got a negative answer.

"...I don't know, I've never heard of it. However, how could Ye Zi have any dealings with such a person? Speaking of which, I have never seen Ye Zi and Ling have any dealings with people in their circle. Oh, Except for that old man." Gu Mo said.

This should be true.

If you want to know the answer, you may have to ask Ye Qing.

After hanging up the phone, I took a rest. It was impossible to go to the office to ask Ye Qing about this matter in the middle of the night. At least it's not that pressing in my mind.

In the next few days, work became busy.

The plan provided by the demolition office has passed the publicity period and needs to be voted on.

The entire demolition office needs to be busy with voting.

Nowadays, government departments have online service windows, and online service channels can be found on the websites of government departments.

Technically speaking, the demolition office can also work this way. But the reality is that this kind of online office is completely unfeasible when dealing with a bunch of old and old property owners, dealing with a large amount of property involving the entire family of the property owner.

Even in on-site voting, some people who voted in the morning were brought over by their children at home in the afternoon and asked to vote again.

The five of us had been busy all day in the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants. We only had a few bites of lunch before being dragged off to solve the problems of the masses.

Aoba Supernatural Office is only a ten-minute walk away from us, but I never took the time to go and have a look.

It's rare that we, a group of idle fishermen, work overtime continuously, and our mouths are dry when we talk every day. Compared with the information conference, we have to face more troubles this time.

The briefing was just a briefing, now it’s time to make a decision. The mood among the property owners and their families was very different.

After working in the dark for a few days, mainly dealing with those naughty and rogue people, by the weekend, we all felt that we had lost a lot of weight.

The results of my sister's independent admission examination were announced at the weekend. The college entrance examination results will also be released in these two days.

The entire weekend was tense in our family.

I am still struggling with the issue of my sister’s safety in college. The expression of bitterness and hatred on my face caused my sister, the person involved, to misunderstand and comfort me in turn.

"Don't worry, brother, I will definitely be able to pass the first grade and go to college." My sister said.

As a fat person, summer is so hard...

Please vote for the hard-working author~( ̄▽ ̄“)

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