Aoba Office

Chapter 78 No. 049-Highway of Death (3)

"Car accident?"

"Yes. He went to buy a new water gun, crossed the road, and was hit and killed. Haha, his family of gangsters called me a murderer, blackmailed our family, and even blackmailed the driver. I really should be that person The murderer should strangle him to death with your own hands!"

"Then you and your husband saw his ghost on the road?"

"Yes. I saw it first and thought it was a dazzle. Liu Ning...Liu Ning didn't see it at first. I mentioned it several times before he noticed it. After walking for a while, he suddenly called out, ' Be careful,' and rushed to the road. I saw the little red guy standing in the middle of the road. When Liu Ning reached out to hug him, he missed him, and then he was hit by a car... He stood next to Liu Ning after that, Looking at Liu Ning and smiling at me! He is taking revenge on me! That little bastard is taking revenge on me! Their family is not a good person! They killed my husband!"

"Tan Yaqi!"

"Comrade police, it's okay. We are communicating normally."

"You should pay attention. Tan Yaqi..."

"We understand."

"I'm not a madman! I'm not a murderer either! I killed them because they killed my husband!"

"You are not a murderer, nor are you crazy. That child has indeed turned into an evil ghost and is taking pleasure in killing people."

"You... ugh... I can't kill him... I killed his grandparents, parents, and mom, but I can't kill him..."

"It's okay, we'll take care of him."


"Please rest assured, Miss Tan."

On May 28, 2008, an investigation revealed the identity of the child's ghost. His name was Xue Tao. He died on July 3, 2001. The place of death was Shanghai Road and he was buried in Xianhe Cemetery. He has no close relatives.

On June 1, 2008, the client suddenly braked and swerved while on duty and was hit by a bus in the lane next to him. Rescue efforts failed and he died. Xue Tao appeared in the surveillance video.

Attached: News clippings; surveillance video file 04920080601.avi.

In the video, a child suddenly appears on the sidewalk and quickly runs onto the motorway. The traffic police motorcycle made an emergency change of direction in order to dodge and was hit by the bus.

Lu Mengyi was not dead at the time and could see her small movements. At the front of the turbulent crowd of onlookers, Xue Tao stood where Lu Mengyi could see him, his mouth wide open with a smile, his whole body trembling, and gradually disappeared. Lu Mengyi's face was always facing the direction where Xue Tao was standing.

On June 2, 2008, I contacted the client’s husband, Qi Zixuan, but to no avail.

On June 2, 2008, the surveillance video of Daokang Road was retrieved. The client burned paper to worship on the night of May 10th. Xue Tao has followed the client since then.

Attached: Surveillance video file 04920080602.avi.

On June 3, 2008, they stayed at Mingjiang Road, where the client's accident happened, but found nothing.

On June 17, 2008, Qi Zixuan was discovered while squatting on Mingjiang Road, where the client's accident occurred. Audio file 04920080617.wav.

"Mr. Qi."

"You are……"

"We are friends of your wife. Can you please lend me a moment?"

"Please wait a moment and let me put the flowers down."

"don't want!"




"You little brat!"

"Why are you beating people? Who are you? Are you really my wife's friend?"

"Mr. Qi, let's find a place to sit down and talk."

"What do you want to do?"

"We don't mean any harm, it's just..."

"I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!! Ahhhh!"

"Hehe! Idiot! Hahahaha..."

"Boss? This is..."

"What are you looking at? Hey! What are you doing? Crazy! Psycho!"

"Mr. Qi..."

"That's enough! My wife just passed away and had an accident here. Can you give her some peace? Give me some peace?"


"Huh...what a lunatic!"

Da da……

"Zixuan, don't leave!"

"It's useless, he can't see you."

"You... Qingye... help me! He's following Zixuan! That ghost is following Zixuan!"

"I saw it, but your husband couldn't."

"You have something to do, right? Save Zixuan!"

"I will. Before that, I need to resolve your matters first."

"what do you mean?"

"Lu Mengyi, you are also a ghost now."


"You must rest in peace, otherwise one day you will bring trouble to the living just like that evil ghost."

"How could I be like him! He is an evil spirit! He killed someone on purpose! He killed me! I burned paper money for him, and I wanted to worship him, but he actually... killed me!"

"There are evil people in people, and there are evil ghosts in ghosts. You are just unlucky and met an evil ghost."

"Why...why would this happen to me? I obviously mean well..."

"Because you're unlucky."


"Ms. Lu, if you continue to be so resentful, you will also become a hurtful evil spirit."

"Yeah, rest in peace and go where you belong."

"My husband, and that ghost..."

"We'll figure it out."

"Ms. Lu, your experience is worthy of sympathy, but humans and ghosts have different paths. Ghosts should not stay in the human world, otherwise it will not be good for ghosts or humans."

"I want to see that ghost die!"

"You are not qualified to make demands."


"Ms. Lu, we promise that we will get rid of that ghost. It was easy for you to rest in peace not long after your death. However, if you become a ghost for a long time, it will be difficult to enter reincarnation."

"Then...what will I become?"

"There is no such possibility, I will eliminate you in advance."


"Ms. Lu, please believe us. You can't help anything by staying. Your husband can't see you, and you can't get rid of the ghost. Staying will only cause harm to yourself and others."

"You...will save my husband, right?"


"Okay... I want to make sure my husband is safe, and then... I will leave."

"I said you are not qualified to make demands."

"Boss, don't worry."

"I just love my husband. I won't do anything unnecessary. I can do whatever you ask me to do! As long as I see that ghost die, I will leave!"

"Then our methods will be more intense, so don't get in the way."


"Go and kidnap Qi Zixuan and come back."

"Eh? Boss, are you serious?"

"Lu Mengyi can't last much longer. She was so resentful when she died that she will lose her mind soon. By then, she will only think about revenge."

"If she can deal with Xue Tao, she will save our energy."

"It wouldn't be bad to take revenge with your own hands."

"Tsk - even though she was much older when she died, she was completely inferior to Xue Tao. Give her another hundred years and she wouldn't be able to kill Xue Tao."

On June 4, 2008, no opportunity was found to get close to Qi Zixuan.

On June 5, 2008, Qi Zixuan was monitored.

On June 7, 2008, the kidnapping of Qi Zixuan failed.

On June 10, 2008, a traffic accident occurred on Mingjiang Road. The deceased, Li Hao, was jaywalking on the road and was hit by a passing vehicle. Xue Tao and Lu Mengyi were found in the surveillance video.

Attached: Surveillance video file 04920080610.avi.

In the video, a child suddenly appears in the middle of the road. At the same time, a female traffic policeman appears on the roadside and pounces on the child. A man in sportswear ran into traffic and tried to grab the child, but failed. The female traffic policeman tried to push the man away in panic, and passed her hand through the man's body.

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