Aoba Office

Chapter 774 Old Classmates (3)

That's all Chai Ying knew. No matter how much more, she wouldn't know. Even when she learned that there were an abnormal number of deaths among her former classmates, Chai Ying was only heartbroken secretly and did not investigate.

I am afraid that she left abroad not only for her own development, but also to escape.

Before Li Xingfang ended the call with Chai Ying, I asked her to describe the sound of footsteps.

With the green-faced ghost's limbs, the sound of footsteps should be accompanied by the sound of nails hitting the ground. I have some suspicions that her old classmates were not "enlightened" by the incident in the "girls dormitory" and each looked for experts and engaged in "superstitious activities", but that they had something else to hide. Otherwise, no matter what, it would be impossible for so many people in the same class to search for each other by coincidence, and successfully find different experts, and by coincidence, they all have accidents.

Experts are so easy to find. With the abilities of Chen Yihan and the Chen family, as well as the power of the big bosses behind the scenes in the Gyeongju Manufacturing Bureau, will they not be able to find a lot of people? How could they fall into such a passive situation?

Chai Ying thought about it for a while and then said: "There should be no shoes. The bare feet landed on the ground, and there was a slight sound... like a puppy walking on the tiles or wooden floor."

"The sound of fingernails?" I reminded.

"Yes, that's the sound." Chai Ying confirmed, "But it's not a puppy, it should be something with two feet, and the nails make a very loud sound."

I feel more and more that my thinking is correct. They met the same master. This expert can also travel abroad, which is also amazing. But that’s not necessarily the case. Maybe it’s not the psychic that the girl asked for abroad that worked, but something she met here in Minqing.

After hanging up the phone, Li Xingfang said he would send Guo Yujie back. He will contact me again if he investigates anything next.

I was a little positive just now, but now I have calmed down and feel like I am being nosy. But look at Li Xingfang, he looks serious. I don't know if it was his sense of justice that drove him to act. I have no such sense of justice. If it doesn't affect me, my family and my friends, I don't want to get involved in such dangerous things.

Not only is the expert in danger, in the words of Gu Mo and the others, this kind of supernatural event is fatal if you touch it. Even if I have the ability, if I participate in such things too much, it will "get worse".

I don't know if Li Xingfang doesn't understand this, or if he has become a loner, he has given up everything and doesn't care about it anymore.

What's more, Chai Ying's old classmates were somewhat to blame for this incident. In movies and TV dramas, it would be a heart-warming story to see such people who follow evil ways get retribution.

Li Xingfang called Officer Xiao Chen to come back.

I said goodbye to Li Xingfang and Guo Yujie, got off the car and prepared to go home.

A weekend was basically wasted like this.

The next Monday, when we went to work, everyone couldn't help but talk about these things.

Someone from the office next door also came to visit. Speaking of which, Shouzi, Guo Yujie and I were on TV and were among the "victims" in the background.

I saw Jiang You. He didn't look well, and before I paid him any attention, he asked how we were doing.

"Oh, food poisoning is really serious. I thought it was just vomiting and diarrhea at most, but I didn't expect it to be so serious." Jiang You sighed, and it seemed that he had suffered a lot.

Zheng Wei is not in the office. Otherwise, Jiang You would not have been able to say this publicly.

He didn't seem to have any grudge against Zheng Wei, but he felt that he was unlucky. Almost all the people from the demolition office took the rice dumplings given by Zheng Wei, and he was the only one who fell into the trap. Speaking of which, his trick saved everyone in the demolition office. At least no one would eat those rice dumplings again.

"Maybe there's something wrong with the rice dumplings made by Auntie. Everyone else is fine... Maybe it's because of what they ate the day before that the attack only happened the next day." Jiang You said, and then asked us, "Have you gone for a physical examination? It's free. Let’s do a physical examination?”

"Well, I passed the physical examination and everything is fine." I replied.

"That should be no problem." Jiang You nodded.

All the people who came here to gossip and care were gone. Only then did the old leader come in to take a look around and ask about our physical condition.

When there were only five of us left in the office, the fat man said: "Brother Qi, didn't you see a ghost that day? Didn't you see the cook in the fried chicken restaurant?"

I looked at the fat man in confusion.

Guo Yujie told the group what happened, including what happened to Wu Mingle later. The thin man also commented and gave some professional examples of prayer spells. Of course, his specialty is that of a professional in cracking down on counterfeiting, exposing the scams of psychics and Taoist priests. Regarding the abnormal deaths of the green-faced ghost and the students in that class, the thin man would not say anything more.

The fat man hesitated and said: "I saw them on TV. In the footage shot by the reporter, I saw the cook in the back kitchen...the white chef uniform is a bit yellow..."

"Really?" I was surprised.

The Kang Dalong I saw in the cafeteria of Minkyung University was indeed wearing a chef's uniform, but it was hard to tell whether it was yellow or not.

"Is it possible, Fatty, that besides being poisonous, you have other abilities?" The thin man was even more surprised.

The fat man muttered: "What does it mean that meat is poisonous..."

"Isn't your meat poisonous?" The thin man laughed.

Ever since he knew that I had witnessed the three ghosts devouring each other and being brutally silenced, the thin man became a little more excited. The ghost that has already dispersed cannot hurt anyone, so there is no need to be afraid.

On the other hand, the thin man always had a grudge about Wu Mingle, probably because he was thinking of his ex-girlfriend. When doing professional science popularization on anti-counterfeiting, there is still some cynicism.

The fat man scratched his head, "I'm just a little weird. Maybe there's something..."

Whether it was an extension of his abilities or not, the fried chicken restaurant thing was settled.

In the afternoon, Li Xingfang called and told the police about the investigation.

He asked me to add his number and sent me a document.

The table in the document records in detail the status of graduates of Chai Ying University's class. The names marked in red are all deceased, which is shocking to see.

The situation for girls is particularly tragic, and many boys are also marked red.

In the cause of death column, there are a series of accidents and suicides. The accidental ones were those who died when the girls' dormitory was haunted, and those who committed suicides all happened after that. The only person who died after graduation was not suicide. He died in a car accident. Li Xingfang added later that the accident occurred on a highway. The deceased got on the highway in the middle of the night and walked against the direction for more than an hour. At an intersection, he was killed. Killed by a truck. Although this is not suicide, it is close to it.

In addition, there is also a column in the table for medical records. Half of the people who died after graduation had visited the psychiatry department of the hospital or a private psychological clinic.

All circumstances point to one thing, and that is: Wu Mingle is just another deceased person who is about to appear in this class.

The beginning of the month has passed. Do you guys have any monthly tickets? Take action when it's time to take action, don't hold back your ultimate move~ Now starting point doesn't allow you to hold back your ultimate move, you can only vote twice a day. ╮( ̄▽ ̄“)╭

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