Aoba Office

Chapter 765 Conversation

The police station was as brightly lit as ever.

Li Xingfang came out to greet me and when he introduced me to the others, the policemen seemed to know my identity and looked at me rather strangely.

I thought about Nian Beast and Stone Spirit, and I couldn't help but feel a pressure.

It seems that some policemen in Minqing must have realized some supernatural phenomena and labeled me.

These policemen were waiting for my arrival, and they had completed all other operational arrangements.

Among the police vehicles, there are police cars and ordinary cars. Li Xingfang drove me. The car was an ordinary car, and ours was a police car with only two people in it.

Li Xingfang said: "You don't have to think too much. There are several veteran police officers in the team this time, and I have cooperated with them."

I was surprised, "Have you told them what happened to you?"

According to Gu Mo's theory, it is never a good thing if people around you know too much. For the safety of their family and friends, the five people in Aoba have almost cut off the circle of interpersonal communication.

In fact, if Xue Jingyue hadn't given me a reassurance, I would definitely have found a way to distance myself from my parents and sister. Thinking of my sister being in danger twice, I felt uneasy in the dormitory. On the one hand, I am afraid that I will harm my sister, and on the other hand, I am afraid that if something happens to my sister after I leave, I will not be able to rescue her in time. Just like what Gu Mo encountered during the Chinese New Year, his family died, but he was hiding in the hotel and couldn't get there.

As for what Gu Mo said, people like us also have family problems, I don’t want to believe it.

My parents and sister are both good people, and I have never committed any crime. To say that we committed murder and arson in our previous life, committing all kinds of evil, I can never imagine myself and my family like that.

Li Xingfang shook his head, "No. My wife and children don't know about this matter. However, it has appeared several times that they are old detectives and have seen something. Moreover, many people more or less believe this kind of thing. One of my former partners was stabbed by the prisoner when he was arresting him. It was such a coincidence that a jade pendant he usually wore blocked the attack." Li Xingfang also gestured to me, "It's such a small jade pendant. He leaned against the tip of the knife. It was given to him by his grandmother and he had been wearing it since he was a child. At that time, we all said it was a jade pendant that warded off disasters. "

I listened quietly to him talking about these things.

Li Xingfang should be younger than Gu Mo, but his temper is completely different.

Li Xingfang laughed, "I first discovered my abilities and felt that I had an important mission. I was originally a criminal police officer. Being able to rely on this ability to catch criminals as soon as possible is a great achievement. But as time went by, …”

Li Xingfang never said these words to me last time.

"As time goes by, it becomes more and more difficult. Especially after those people from Qingye disappeared..." Li Xingfang sighed.

My heart moved.

"Every time I saw them coming, I felt upset. There were ghosts killing people, and I couldn't do anything. I had to help them cover up and help them. They couldn't always deal with those ghosts. Drop. They are not the police. I can feel that they are not accepting those commissions just for money or to save people. I don’t know what Ye Qing wants to do..." Li Xingfang paused, "Actually, I This idea is a little presumptuous. They have no obligation to do this. Even I, who have been a policeman for so many years, feel tired when encountering vicious cases. We tried our best to find the murderer under the guidance of the victims, but in the end due to insufficient evidence and various reasons, they could only be sentenced lightly or simply acquitted. "

Li Xingfang smiled bitterly and said: "Oh, that was the earliest time. At that time, I was not an excellent policeman. I thought it would be enough to catch the murderer. But if I catch the murderer by my ability, the evidence collection in the middle will be insufficient. I On two occasions, I alerted the prisoners to make them think that the police had discovered them, and accelerated the destruction of evidence. Some of the victims were dissatisfied with the results and resented me.”

I quickly asked: "They didn't do anything to you, right?"

Li Xingfang shook his head and laughed, "Don't worry. If they have that ability, they will deal with those who kill them first. That's just how I feel in my heart."

"Oh..." I was a little embarrassed.

Li Xingfang confided in me his inner journey, but the relationship between us was not that deep, and we only met a handful of times.

Li Xingfang didn't seem to notice my embarrassment and continued: "Slowly, I became numb. I used to hate my abilities. Especially when I saw those victims and I was powerless. I chose to escape. Leave. If the criminal police team is not exposed to criminal cases, there will be fewer opportunities to dream about those victims. "

I turned my head and looked at Li Xingfang.

"Bureau Chen heard about me from somewhere and found me not long ago. You also know about the case in No. 18 Middle School." Li Xingfang glanced at me, "He can achieve military exploits at a young age. When he became the police chief here in Minqing, I don’t know anyone else, but everyone who has come into contact with him in the police station is convinced. I... saw the shadow of Ye Qing in him. "

I was stunned, "Ye Qing?"

"Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that Ye Qing is possessed by him. I just feel that these two people are the same type of people. After setting a goal, they will move forward bravely and persevere. They will not escape any setbacks encountered in the process. I am so much older than him, but I am not as good as him at all." Li Xingfang said, looking at me again, "Speaking of which, I think you may be somewhat similar to me. I hope you don't mind. "

I shook my head.

Li Xingfang escaped. I wanted to escape, but I couldn't.

Li Xingfang changed the topic, "In addition to some speculations about you, my colleagues also have rumors in the police station. You may not have known about it before."

My heart tightened. Did the police think I was a monster?

"Many people are saying that you are chasing Bureau Chen's niece." Li Xingfang said in a surprising tone.

I opened my mouth wide and hurriedly explained: "I used this excuse that time to cover up something. Our family members don't know about the supernatural events."

Li Xingfang smiled and said, "Oh, you don't need to explain to me, I've already guessed it before."

I have a little headache. Then I thought about it, I don’t know these police officers, so what they think has no influence on me. I don't care about this, but there is Chen Xiaoqiu here, and I must tell her later. Thinking of her personality, she shouldn't care about this.

"So, you don't have a girlfriend or someone you like?" Li Xingfang suddenly asked.

I was stunned again and couldn't figure out what Li Xingfang wanted to say.

"No. But my family is very important to me." I replied.

"Family... among young people, there are very few people like you." Li Xingfang said with emotion, "It's not that there is no family affection. It's just that family members get along day and night, and they have been like this since birth, so it is easy to ignore."

I looked at Li Xingfang in confusion, always feeling that his tone was strange.

Li Xingfang said: "We're here, it's the front."

I looked forward and said in shock: "Minqing University? Isn't he at a fried chicken restaurant?"

Good night everyone~

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