Aoba Office

Chapter 758 Minqing University (2)

However, the campus layout of Minkyung University actually has little to do with us.

We just walked around the oldest campus. Other campuses are really far away.

As the oldest and first campus, the design here is very much in the style of an old campus. The buildings are five or six floors at most, and there are no large high-rise buildings. Some buildings look old at first glance and have at most undergone some renovations. The overall style retains the flavor of the times.

The other thing is the green plants on campus.

Minkyung University was founded a hundred or two hundred years ago. Of course it was not a modern comprehensive university when it was established, and it did not have such a large campus at that time. There are no landscapes or green plants on campus. But after a hundred or two hundred years, some of the trees planted subsequently include valuable tree species.

As we walked along, we saw several ancient trees that were enclosed, and signs were set up beside them to introduce them.

As we walked, we arrived at the original preserved school area of ​​Minkyung University.

The ancient wooden building with only one floor looks very interesting amid the green trees.

The sign hanging at the door is the School History Exhibition Hall. It had apparently been converted from classrooms or offices to a museum-like building.

The school history exhibition hall is now open. Many people visit it. Most of them are middle-aged people, and there are few visitors who look like students. I think these are the parents who sent the exams.

The five of us followed the crowd and walked around.

In the exhibition hall, there are many old photos, as well as government documents related to Minkyung University and announcement documents issued internally by the school. The display board records several major reforms and changes in the school. In addition, there are introductions from previous alumni. Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, Minkyung University actually produced some well-known people, the kind of historical celebrities who can be included in the textbooks of primary and secondary school students. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Minqing University has still made outstanding teaching achievements, and has also made many scientific research achievements in recent years. But perhaps because they have not experienced historical precipitation, or perhaps because of the rapid development of modern society, the reputation of these alumni is not so loud.

We walked around and happened to go out from the back door of the exhibition hall when we saw a group of unique people.

"They took wedding photos." The fat man sighed.

The group behind the school history exhibition hall is easy to identify. The bride's white wedding dress is a conspicuous symbol.

The thin man squinted at the fat man, "Are you expecting something good to happen?"

The fat man actually blushed and said helplessly: "I think Yueyue is very good, but we haven't been in love for long..."

Guo Yujie was very interested in this topic, "Really? You haven't met your parents yet, have you?"

"Hmm. I was wondering if I could meet him soon." Fatty said seriously.

We didn’t pay much attention to the people taking pictures there.

Taking wedding photos on campus is nothing new.

We didn't watch the excitement and were about to take a detour to leave. But there were still people around to watch the fun. Especially for some aunts and uncles, they may have never experienced going to campus to take wedding photos.

I heard two middle-aged aunts next to me standing behind the photographer watching the fun while sighing with emotion.

"When will Xiao Wu serve the wine?"

"It will be next year. It seems that I didn't book a hotel this year."

"A lot of people are getting married now."

"It's not..."

It seems that he is someone he knows.

This thought crossed my mind and I didn't think much about it.

The five of us walked around like this and arrived at the gate of Minqing University.

Of course, this is the main gate of Minkyung University. It has a history, but it is not as long as the school history exhibition hall.

Xue Jingyue is waiting for us here.

The fat man was the most active. He even jogged a few steps, and his stomach bumped up and down. Xue Jingyue didn't know whether it was because she saw her boyfriend or her boyfriend's belly, she pursed her lips and smiled.

We greeted each other, and Xue Jingyue asked about her sister's retest.

I looked at my watch, "It should be a while."

Just over an hour has passed. There are so many people retesting, even if they are divided into majors, it is not that fast. What's more, finance is a big major and there are many people applying for it.

We were chatting and walking back.

The examination room for this re-examination is the main teaching building of Minqing University. It is a five-story building facing the main entrance of the school. It has a regular appearance and has no special features, but it is a school that can be easily recognized by people at a glance.

At this moment, more parents were waiting at the door, some of whom came from a smaller teaching building next door. There is a break room prepared by Minkyung University, specially provided for parents. In other words, Minqing University is so wealthy that it can use a teaching building as a rest room for parents of candidates.

Many students have passed the exam one after another.

I guess my sister will be out soon.

At this moment, the sounds of police cars and ambulances rang outside the school.

I didn't take it seriously at first, but the sound got closer and closer, and Fatty and I couldn't help but turn around.

Not only us, many parents waiting here and some students who just came out looked at the school gate.

Teachers and student volunteers came over to direct the situation and ask those waiting here to give way to vehicles.

We followed the command and got out of the way. After a while, we saw police cars and ambulances driving into the school and driving towards the school.

It’s okay to have an ambulance. When we saw the police car, we couldn’t help but look at each other.

The people waiting here all made a buzzing discussion. Someone asked the teachers and volunteers directly, but they actually didn't know what happened.

The place of the accident was obviously not here, but on the campus inside.

"Brother, what are you looking at?"

My sister's voice made me turn around.

She looked curious and looked in the direction we were looking, "I thought I heard the sound of an ambulance just now."

"Yeah. How did you do in the exam?" I changed the topic directly.

My sister no longer cared about this matter, and chattered about the questions asked by the interview teacher.

In the independent admissions examination, the questions are drawn up by the school itself. To be more precise, the interview teachers set the questions themselves, and there are no restrictions on the examination syllabus. It can be described as unconstrained.

The thin man was very good at this. He chatted with his sister on this topic, making her giggle. Guo Yujie also interjected from time to time.

We decided to have lunch at the snack street next to Minkyung University.

When you get to university, it would be a shame not to go to the snack street next to the university.

The snack street of Minkyung University is similar to that of other universities. There are small shops along the way, selling all kinds of snacks that are labeled as unhealthy junk food.

We chose a barbecue restaurant. Small shops that start selling barbecue at noon and are still selling like crazy are only found near the university.

The boss is an unshaven middle-aged man. Outside food is allowed inside the store.

By now, the store was full, and the boss had placed folding tables and plastic stools on the sidewalk. We just picked up an empty table and sat down. After choosing the skewers, my sister, Guo Yujie and other girls went to the store in front to buy desserts and drinks, leaving us here to occupy seats.

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