Aoba Office

Chapter 751 Guide (12)

The guide was also decisive. He reached into his pocket, took out something, and threw it at the monster.

I didn't know what it was, I just saw that thing blooming with a dazzling light in front of the monster.

The guide had already turned his head, and I caught a glimpse of the light from the corner of my eye, but my vision was completely white, and I could only feel that the guide was still running, with the roar of the monster behind me.

When I regained my sight, I found myself hiding in a rough house. To be precise, it is the stairwell of the rough house.

There are no windows in the stairwell, just a square hole.

Judging from the dust on the ground, this place must have been abandoned for a long time.

I guess the guide is still in the construction area, or in one of the unfinished buildings in that area.

He leaned against the corner, huddled up, and covered his mouth and nose, forcing his heartbeat and breathing to slow down.

I heard a wheezing sound outside. It didn't sound like a human voice. It might have been the monster.

There was also a rustling sound, as if something was rubbing. I couldn't tell what it was exactly.

After a while, those voices faded away.

I was relieved. Even though I knew that this was in a dream and that it was in the guide's past, I couldn't help but be affected by the guide's mood and became extremely nervous.

The guide lowered his hand and adjusted his breathing.

Suddenly, a claw struck the square window.

Sharp claws and some rough fur are close to the guide's cheek.

The guide held his breath almost instantly and moved his body slowly to distance himself from the window.

Gala la...

The cement was crushed, leaving very clear traces.

I was in a daze for a while.

I was leading people to escape before. At a quick glance, I could only see the general shape of the monster. Now look at the size of the claws. Although this monster has the shape of a wolf, it is definitely not the size of a wolf. It must be at least one story high. ? Calculating the body length, it is probably more than five meters.

I can't determine the value, but I can imagine its huge body. At least, it's bigger than the Nian beast.

Shouldn't such a monster be discovered by someone long ago if it wasn't hiding in such an abandoned area?

The monster's claws had been retracted, and the unfinished building shook a few times. It should have climbed to the top of the building.

I became even more confused.

It's fine if it's hidden among the unfinished buildings. If it's on the roof, wouldn't it be very conspicuous?

Is it lucky that it has never been photographed, or does it have some special abilities, not as fast as the Nian beast, but it can become invisible?

I was thinking wildly.

The unfinished building shook violently again, and dust fell down from the walls.

The guide did not move, even holding his breath.

After a while, he leaned against the wall and relaxed his body.

The monster should be gone.

But, how did the guide discover it?

Has he been dealing with that monster?

And that thing he threw out before...

Perhaps the guide was engaged in a similar profession to Master Xuan Qing and Ye Qing, but after his death, his ghost apparently lost control.

I thought so.

Other possibilities came to mind.

The general content is a combination of the messy news, novels, movies and TV content I have seen.

It is true that I have too little information to piece together the complete life of the guide.

The guide is now relaxed and just sitting and resting, which relaxes my originally tense nerves.

It was already dark outside, the moonlight was dim, and everything was quiet.

At this moment, I felt a pair of cold hands grab my chest.

The guide was greatly frightened, but was suddenly pulled backwards.

I was equally shocked, but I was shocked to find that I was pulled outside the unfinished building and separated from the guide. I could move freely!

Turning around, I saw a skinny man holding on to the guide. Both are ghosts. The man's eyes protruded, his mouth opened, and his saliva kept flowing down, dripping on the guide's body, but it did not penetrate through, but adhered to the guide's body.

He opened his mouth and bit the nape of the guide's neck.

The guide screamed, waved his hand violently, and broke away from the man.

He seemed very comfortable with his situation. This makes me even more suspicious of his identity.

The guide jumped directly towards the wall.

The man was not slow, even faster than the guide. He stood directly in front of the guide and bared his teeth and claws at him.

The guide seemed to be afraid of this man and could only be forced to run away.

I had to be dragged around this unfinished building by the guide.

By the way, I also saw the situation of unfinished buildings around me.

According to my rough calculation, there are at least 20 to 30 unfinished buildings here, and they can't even be counted as rough houses. They only have a rough structure of reinforced concrete with no walls or glass. Apart from these unfinished buildings, there was nothing else in the dust on the ground. I didn’t see any tools, machines, or materials used for construction, nor did I see any green belts or weeds.

The moon is slanting to the west, and the first ray of morning light seems to be breaking out in the east.

The tired guide let out a scream.

The ghost that had been chasing him also fled into the building in panic.

I looked a little baffled.

Ghosts are afraid of sunlight. I have seen this in some horror movies, but in my own personal experience, the strength, ability, and vitality of ghosts all vary depending on the "ghost". Never before has a ghost reacted so strongly when it touched the sun.

I thought it was strange, but I didn't get to see much of the excitement. The pain felt by the guide was transmitted to my body. I suddenly felt a burning pain, and my skin seemed to have been burned. The pain made my eyes black, and my consciousness fell into darkness.

When I woke up, I found that I was still in a dream, and in that dead forest.

I returned to the body of the guide and could only follow the guide.

There is nothing else around except dead trees. The guide should be staying away from the hell road.

He had been walking like this for who knows how long. There were many strange things on the dead trees and charred land.

That thing only appeared in the peripheral vision of the guide. If the guide hadn't turned around, I would have missed it.

The static environment has some changes.

The guide walked towards the dead tree and walked around behind it.

What I saw just now is that this tree has one more arm than other dead trees. Only now did I realize that it was a human arm. The man hung from a tree and strangled himself to death with his own belt.

I couldn't help but feel weird.

This should be a ghost, but how could a ghost do such an incredible thing?

The guide sneered and reached out to search the ghost's belongings.

Who would have thought that the eyes of this ghost suddenly moved, staring at the guide, and raised his hand to catch the guide.

It’s the last day of June~

Temporarily classified first~

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