Aoba Office

Chapter 749 Guide (10)

Zhou Yusheng's movements seemed not to be hindered by the heavy rain, but Wang Qian, an old man, was not.

This section of the road was very difficult for Wang Qian. I couldn't help but feel sympathy, but when I saw the guide next to me, I hesitated.

If the guide did this, he would definitely destroy Waifengling. This must also have something to do with the Zhou family and the Chenghuang Temple.

I don’t know much about the City God’s Temple. From what little I know, I can infer that although the Zhou family’s City God is gone and the Zhou family is almost completely destroyed, the Weeping Graveyard is still there, and the dead souls of the Zhou family can even create With such a big movement, the influence of the City God must still remain in Huixiang.

What the guide does is to enclose the land and occupy the mountain as king. It is not surprising that he will conflict with the Zhou family's City God.

That different space may have had some influence on it.

The three-legged situation was broken by me, an outsider, and it was directly out of balance. The dead souls of the Zhou family want to welcome back their young master, and the guide also wants to take this opportunity to completely wipe out the Zhou family.

I glanced at Zhou Yusheng and Wang Qian.

The guide probably thought about this move for a long time, planned it for a long time, and hid it for a long time. He didn't dare to make a move until the different space was gone.

Since it is a conspiracy that has been planned by the guide for a long time, as the opponent, I should spare no effort to destroy it. But my real purpose is to retrieve Chen Xiaoqiu and the others. What the ghost forces in Huixiang will do, and who wins and who loses, I don't care that much. It seems that the ghosts of the Zhou family are much better than the guides, but who knows what the ghosts of the whole family will do after being killed? I was not sure, so I caught them all in one go.

I hesitated and hesitated, but still wanted to wait and see.

At Wang Qian's speed, he didn't even know how long it would take to reach Waifengling.

Although Wang Qian had a hard time walking, he gritted his teeth and persevered.

I have even seen the slopes of Wailing Grain Ridge.

Zhou Yusheng still had no intention of stopping, so Wang Qian could only climb the mountain with one step deeper and one step shallower.

This is not a tourist attraction, and there should be no buildings on the mountain, so there is no road construction, only a human-made path. Looking at the overgrown weeds on this road, you can guess that no one has visited this place for a long time.

Zhou Yusheng and I, as well as the guide, are no longer human beings and have no physical bodies. We can easily go up the mountain, but Wang Qian has an extremely difficult time.

His steps became heavier and heavier, almost dragging.

I originally thought he was physically weak, but gradually I realized that something was very wrong with him.

There seemed to be an invisible weight on his body, and the rain seemed to have an unusual effect when it fell on him.

Judging from his exposed skin outside his clothes, the rainwater was like needles pricking his skin, leaving blood spots on it. There were so many blood spots that it looked like Wang Qian's skin turned red. There should be blood seeping out, but due to the heavy rain, the blood was directly taken away. The light is not good. So that's when I realized something was wrong.

What was wrong was not only Wang Qian's body, but also Wang Qian's mental state.

He seemed to have lost his mind, his eyes were empty and lifeless, and all his movements were due to inertia.

Not only him, but Zhou Yusheng floating in front also became strange.

I turned my head and looked at the guide who was following behind.

The pace of the guide slowed down, and his face was a little distorted. The rain wet his body, but the state he exuded was the same as in the cave, a kind of perverted ecstasy.

I don't know if it was because of the rain or because of this mood, but his body seemed to be shaking.

I don't know why, but after following these three people for a while, I suddenly felt pressure.

This kind of pressure is indescribable. I'm pretty sure it comes from the ground beneath my feet, but it seems to have substance, pressing on my shoulders and my heart.

I was a little shocked.

The feeling this kind of power brings to me is not malicious, nor is it yin, but rather a sense of awe-inspiring righteousness.

For a moment, I remembered the first day of primary school, just like the feeling I had when I saw the teacher. It was a feeling of awe and admiration.

Of course, this sentiment soon faded in my subsequent reading career. I have not been able to achieve success or achieve anything in my career, and the people I come into contact with in my life are all ordinary. Even when I first joined the company, I never felt this way again when I met the senior leaders of Minqing City for inspection. On the contrary, when traveling, when visiting scenic spots, seeing thousand-year-old temples, and seeing thousand-year-old trees, ripples will appear in my heart. However, that is mostly a psychological effect. It was like meeting a teacher for the first time as a child. If I hadn’t had my parents’ advice before, I wouldn’t have had such a great respect for teachers. The feeling of temples and ancient trees is not so much awe of them themselves, but awe of the history. If there were no tour guides to introduce them and no nameplates hanging around them, I wouldn’t have any feelings about temples and ancient trees.

Now, however, what I feel seems to be the power of the land itself.

The ground beneath your feet seemed to be some kind of living creature, and it was born with a shocking power.

In addition, I can really feel its anger, even sadness.

I was in a daze and stopped moving forward.

I suddenly thought of a commission that Aoba and the others handled.

The residents of that village were somewhat feudal and superstitious, and there was the old lady who guarded the land. In the video, I still remember the scene of the old lady and her cat leaving with billowing black clouds.

Waifenling seems to be the same as that village.

Zhou Yusheng's figure became unstable, and Wang Qian fell directly to the ground.

The guide had veins bulging on his forehead. Step by step, he walked on the muddy mountain road and walked to Wang Qian.

Wang Qian seemed to feel something and raised his head slightly.

I found that after the two of them looked at each other, the guide's eyes became like a mirror.

In an instant, I heard an angry roar coming from the ground beneath my feet. It was like an illusion, but also like a real existence, and the echoes were far away.

Wang Qian howled in pain, but instead of lying still, he frantically grabbed the weeds and soil under him and crawled forward.

"No, save me! Help me!" Wang Qian wailed.

Behind him are traces of his crawling. The ground was faintly glowing with red.

I'm a little overwhelmed.

Zhou Yusheng has disappeared, only Wang Qian is still crawling.

The guide had a ferocious smile on his face.

"The blood of the Patricide, haha, how long can you last?"

I looked at the guide's eyes that were shining in the dark night and heavy rain, felt the vibration of the land, and suddenly made up my mind.

This is a gut feeling.

In the dark, I seemed to hear the sound of the land.

As the old lady Wang Ting said, land can convey will.

I turned around and put my hands on the guide's eyes.

The feeling under my hand told me that I had indeed touched the guide's eyes.

Cool, smooth, not like eyelids or eyeballs at all.

The touch is like two mirrors.

At the same time, I used my own abilities.

Asking for a monthly ticket~

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