Aoba Office

Chapter 742 Guide (3)

This change surprised me, and what surprised me even more was the reactions of Zhuang Huai and Lu Qiaolan.

Zhuang Huai drew his gun and asked me nervously: "What is it? Where is it?"

Lu Qiaolan screamed and took several steps back.

I turned to look at the backpack Lu Qiaolan was carrying. It was quiet there, and neither teddy bear came out.

They didn't see the teddy bear!

The fighting over there is still continuing. The old man is not completely powerless to fight back. He ripped the teddy bear away from his face. The teddy bear was thrown on the table. After bouncing twice, it pounced on the old man again.

After such a fight, the drawer was torn to the ground, and the fragments inside were scattered everywhere.

I saw a reflection with sharp eyes.

Among the messy things on the floor, I saw the reflective object.

It was a mirror, and it looked like it had been ripped off somewhere. There were obvious chips and cracks on the mirror surface, as well as many water marks and dust that had not been wiped clean.

My chest felt hot, it was the amulet that was heating up!

Lu Qiaolan also pressed her chest, probably feeling the same as me.

I didn't think much, and while the teddy bear was suppressing the uncle, I rushed directly to the mirror, pulled off the amulet hanging around my neck with one hand, and pressed it against the mirror.

A burning feeling came from under the palm of my hand.

The mirror shattered, and small fragments bounced off, hitting my cheek, causing a sting.

What hurts even more is my hands pressed against the mirror. One hand was burning, it was really burning at high temperature, and the other hand seemed to be cut in half, with blood flowing out.

I gritted my teeth and endured, and yelled: "Let them out! If you let them out, I will let them go!"

Although my ability is extremely effective, destroying the mirror like this will not save Chen Xiaoqiu and the others. I have to force this ghost to release Chen Xiaoqiu and the others. Fortunately, the amulet given by Ye Qing came in handy.

Lu Qiaolan is a smart person, so she had no hesitation at this time. She took out the amulet and ran to me, also wanting to help.

However, the teddy bear-bitten ghost paid no attention to me.

I suddenly realized something was wrong.

The teddy bear had ferociously eaten the ghost whole.

"What are you doing? How did you get in?"

A loud shout came from behind us.

I was startled and suddenly found myself standing in a dirty toilet, with a broken mirror pressed under my hand.

As soon as I let go, the mirror fell into the even filthier sink. It was still stained with my blood, and in addition, there were some ashes.

The amulet has been burned away.

I turned my head.

The person standing at the door of the toilet looked at Zhuang Huai, squeezing his neck, but his face was red from suppressing it, and the arrogance he had when he shouted angrily was gone.

There were many people standing behind him, looking like they were watching the fun.

The room outside seemed to be a hotel kitchen, with shelves and pots.

I saw a leaving figure at the back of the crowd, wearing a suit and a top hat.

I reacted immediately and was about to rush out, but was blocked by those people for a while.

When I rushed to the back door of the kitchen, when I opened the door, there was nothing else except the trash can and the drain.

I couldn't help but blush.

As soon as I turned around, I saw those people looking at me strangely. In addition to looking at me, they also looked at Lu Qiaolan in the toilet with puzzled expressions.

Lu Qiaolan was crying while holding a teddy bear.

Zhuang Huai put the pistol away with a gloomy face.

With the policeman Zhuang Huai here, it was easy for us to get out of this small restaurant.

The owner of the small restaurant called his staff, family and friends to help clean up the water and garbage in the restaurant, and he happened to bump into us.

The three of us were originally going to the Archives Office. Zhuang Huai, who was driving, parked his car in front of the hotel. Lu Qiaolan and I didn't notice anything strange, so we went to the toilet in the back kitchen of the hotel and met the ghost. Met another teddy bear.

Back in the car, Zhuang Huai helped me bandage the wounds on my hands.

It was very quiet in the car. Lu Qiaolan stopped crying and was just stroking the newly found teddy bear.

Zhuang Huai threw the medical kit into the back seat of the car, took out a cigarette, asked Lu Qiaolan, and lit it. He handed me the cigarette again, and I was not polite.

The two of us were vomiting and in a bad mood.

"My brother, is this it?" Zhuang Huai suddenly said.

I blew out a puff of smoke and said, "Well, it should be."

My hands were still stinging, but my silence made me feel even more uncomfortable.

Zhuang Huai took us into the restaurant, and I really didn't notice it at all. Zhuang Huai, an experienced policeman, was not aware of the uncle's problem. I didn't even realize it was a ghost.

I stopped Zhuang Huai just because of my intuition at that moment.

I remember Ye Qing’s numerous warnings and instructions, and I also remember my suspicion of Ye Qing during that time.

Don't accept things from ghosts.

It was just an idea that came out of nowhere.

This is similar to the fact that I have read too many Qingye files for a while and have shadows about various doors.

Lu Qiaolan's two teddy bears didn't respond the whole time, which was an even worse situation. However, this is similar to Chen Xiaoqiu's experience.

"It's really a ghost." I put out the cigarette butt.

The situation we encountered was almost the same as the legendary ghost hitting the wall.

The only good news is that I originally thought all this was done by some ghost in Huixiang. Now it seems that it was done by the guide himself.

"Are you going to the archives?" Zhuang Huai also put out his cigarette butt.

"Go." I said firmly.

Of course I have to go to the archives, look up the history of Huixiang, and find out what happened to the guide.

Zhuang Huai drove very carefully this time and checked the surrounding situation again and again.

I know in my heart that this actually doesn't do anything.

That ghost can deceive us once, and of course he can deceive us a second time. I still can’t figure out how we were tricked last time, let alone take precautions against it.

The great strength of this ghost also makes me a little worried.

They destroyed Wailing Grave Ridge and then turned around to plot against us. Their mobility is not something they can rely on.

Lu Qiaolan patted my shoulder.

I turned around and saw the amulet she handed over.

"You can take it and use it. It's better to hold it in your hand than leave it here with me." Lu Qiaolan said.

I shook my head, "Just wear it. It's for self-defense."

"It's okay. I have my bear." Lu Qiaolan smiled and sent the amulet forward.

Now I'm a little scared of other people's actions.

Look at the teddy bear on Lu Qiaolan's lap. The teddy bear seemed to be feeling something and looked up at me. It is missing a ball tail and has a slit in the back, but overall it still looks like a normal plush toy.

Lu Qiaolan's backpack was placed next to her. The zipper was opened and I could see the two teddy bears inside.

From this point of view, Lu Qiaolan should be fine.

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