Aoba Office

Chapter 730 Wai Neck Village (9)

I stood there, not daring to move for a long time. The thorny feeling on my back has not subsided and is still stuck in my body.

I can't stay where I am and remain in a stalemate like this.

After taking a deep breath and seeing the footprints on the ground clearly, I took a step and stepped on another footprint.


Although the bell rang, those eyes followed my movements.

I stood up again, raised the phone in my hand, and looked around carefully.

In fact, when I took this photo and took a quick look, I could see the source of those sight lines.

My hands shook and I almost threw the phone away.

In this rugged cave, between the hanging stone pillars, human heads were hanging in the air. The eyes on each head were wide open, staring at me without blinking. And there is blood flowing down from the broken necks of these heads.

The strange thing is that I didn't hear the sound before, but now that I can see the scene clearly in the darkness, I also hear the sound of water dripping.

No, that should be said to be the "sound of drops of blood."

Tick ​​tock tick tock…

The sound was like light rain falling inside the cave.

This is scarier than seeing a ghost. Although these heads should also be considered ghosts...

I took a breath and found that these heads made no other movements except staring at me, so I relaxed a little.

The human heads were not floating in the air, but were hung in the air, and their hair was tied to the stone pillars to fix the heads.

Just by looking at the long hair on these heads, we know that they are unlikely to be modern people.

I counted a little, and there were eleven or twelve heads that I could see from my position.

How many people died in this cave... I didn't dare to think about it for a moment.

From the old ghost's story, I never heard that so many people died in the cave. Either the old ghost got the situation wrong, or after the old ghost, this place is probably...

I exhaled and pointed the phone at the ground again.

Stepping on those footprints, I continued to move forward.

This section of the road is much more difficult than before. The passage is wide and narrow at times, and there are many blocking stones that are difficult to pass.

I don’t know if the Taoist priest in the past was a Lianjiazi, but he could climb up the slope by stepping on the rocks, but I had to use my hands and feet. Inevitably, I didn't step on some of the footprints correctly. At this time, I could feel the heads of the people around me shaking slightly.

Not only that, but there will be a "Gulu" sound coming from the front, and I don't know what is making the sound.

I trudged forward, sweating all over, and finally enlightened.

There is an open space of two to three square meters in front of it. The stones are gone and it has become a dirt floor, which looks fairly flat.

Strangely, there is no blood in this place.

In the center of the open space was a worn-out and rotten flag, and the incomplete ghost symbols on it were exactly the patterns I had seen on the hands of the headless ghost.

I just saw the bloody footprints extending past, and I didn't dare to step forward for a while.

I shined the flashlight for a long time, but I didn't see anything. After thinking about it for a few seconds, I raised my hand and head and looked up at the top of the cave.

The light source moved upward, and I suddenly saw a pale and pale human head.


The bell rang for no reason, there was no wind in the stuffy cave, and the broken flag fluttered for no reason.

I swallowed and moved the light source.

On the ceiling of the cave less than three meters away, nine human heads were scattered. Different from the heads in the previous passage, these people either have beards or are fair and fair, and their faces are whiter than those outside. This bloodless white still has a bit of green in it. I don’t know if my vision suddenly got better or if I can see very clearly under the influence of this light. I can see the blood vessels and meridians on the skin of the human head. See clearly. Another difference is that they all have their eyes closed, their necks are clean, their muscles and bones are clear, and there is no blood.

Judging from the skin alone, the heads I saw before were probably hardworking people doing menial jobs. These people were pampered and at least did not have to do heavy physical work.

I can't understand it even more.

According to what the old ghost said, those who died in this cave and had their heads chopped off should be the villagers of Waineck Village, and the others were people who came here to commit suicide for no reason, including the old ghost himself. Is it possible that among these people, there is that old ghost?

I was confused and looked at the faces of those people, trying to see some similar facial features.

Looking at it this way, I gradually realized something was wrong.

They also have long hair hanging upside down, but there are no stone pillars to tie them up. All the hair from the nine heads was melted into the rocks above. The rock was dark and very different from the rocks in other places.

With a thought in my mind, I turned on the camera function of my phone and adjusted the focus.

Compared with human eyes, the distance that machines can see clearly is much farther.

Zoom in, zoom in again...

My ever-moving fingers stopped.

The picture is not pure black, there is reflection from the light source. This way I can see clearly. The black roots are clearly defined and are hairs.

I couldn't help but gasp.


As if sensing my emotions, the bell rang again.

Before I could react, the black in the screen began to move.

Like a black snake coiled on the roof of the cave, it began to stretch its body. No, it was more like countless black snakes entangled on the ceiling of the cave began to stretch their bodies.

The nine heads began to shake.

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell…

The ringing of bells became denser, and the flags inserted in the middle of the clearing sounded.

My heart was in my throat.

I don't know if this situation is good or bad, but I know that if I want to escape now, I will definitely not be able to escape. The road behind me was a difficult one for me to walk. If I wanted to escape, I had to go back the same way, which was quite difficult again.

While I was stunned, something fell from the black cave ceiling.

Tick ​​tock...tick tock...

Red blood drops fell on the ground, dripping.


A gap opened in the roof of the cave, and a basin of blood spilled down.

Then there was a loud bang, and a headless body fell to the ground.

It was like a signal, and corpses fell one after another. The corpses were dressed in different clothes, some looked like the headless ghosts I saw outside before, and some were even better dressed.

I can't help but want to go backwards.

Those corpses almost buried the flag!

At first I was counting subconsciously, but now my mind is blank.

Different voices echoed in the cave, and I also heard hoarse shouts from behind me.

Those heads are screaming in pain!

The corpses piled on the ground moved.

I looked at the nearest corpse. The thing seemed to be trying to get up.

It's alive!

Able to move!

I wanted to go backwards even more.

what on earth is it?

I didn't do anything. After entering here, I followed the steps of the Taoist priest. The Taoist priest also...

An idea flashed in my mind, and I looked at the flag stuck in the pile of corpses.

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell…

The bell became louder, the flag flew completely, and a shadow appeared in the original incomplete place, which was completed.

My consciousness fell into a trance.

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