Aoba Office

Chapter 725 Waineck Village (4)

While I was still thinking about these things, the scene around me changed again.

The humble living room became a country road.

This village should not be considered wealthy, with narrow roads and low houses. Looking around, apart from the green hills not far away, there are yellow roads and houses.

The woman pulled the girl forward, and after entering the village, she saw people.

My heart tightened, my scalp was numb, and the goosebumps on my body stood up.

This feeling of electric shock is not a tingling sensation, but a trembling and frightening feeling.

Those people, regardless of gender, all had their necks crooked. Some necks are tilted to the left, and some are tilted to the right. Neck distortions vary in degree, but a village full of deformed people is alarming enough.

Crooked Neck Village...

This is the crooked neck village that has not yet been abandoned.

But even so, the atmosphere in this village is not good. Everyone is gloomy.

This is not surprising. If the people living in any place are all deformed, it will definitely not be happy. No matter how calm you are, you can't stand this kind of thing.

When those people saw the mother and daughter, some greeted them and asked about their situation.

When they saw the girl's strange face, they were not surprised, and did not show any disgust. Instead, they felt some sympathy and sigh.

The girl had no expression on her face and was led forward by the woman. Because they kept meeting acquaintances, the two of them were not moving very fast.

The more I watched, the more frightened I became.

Deformities, disabilities, I've seen them all. But I am not engaged in medical work, nor have I joined any volunteer team. I have never seen so many people with the same disease gathered in front of me.

The twisted necks of these people looked as if they had been broken. They were barely supporting the heads above them and could break at any time, causing their heads to fall to the ground.

No matter how surprised I was, as time passed, I gradually adapted to the situation in this village.

The woman came here carrying a bag, and there was nothing else except this bag. I don't have clairvoyance, so I don't know what's inside. She carried the bag, pulled the girl, and turned into the small road in the village.

This road is the same as the road we took today. From here, we should go to the cave.

I couldn't help but look at the mother and daughter. Their expressions remained unchanged.

Looking around again, I didn't see the headless ghost, nor did I see any Yin Qi.

The mother and daughter walked on the green grass and went straight to the cave hidden by the vines.

The woman said nothing, her daughter was already kneeling on the ground. The woman took out a handful of incense and a small copper stove from the bag.

The incense was given to her daughter, and she knelt on the ground, put the copper stove in place, took out the matches and paper money from the bag, and burned them in the copper stove.

The girl held the incense and put it into the copper stove. After lighting it, she bowed to the cave seriously.

Women keep burning paper money.

The mother and daughter remained silent, as if they had done this countless times, each doing his or her own thing, with no overlap and a tacit understanding. There was no fear on their faces, let alone piety, no sadness or joy.

This is getting more and more weird to me. This kind of weirdness seems a bit scary.

The surrounding environment is very quiet, there are no people, and there is no sound of insects or birds.

I can't see what the cave looks like at all. The vines are layered on top of each other, just like what I saw today.

I was a little hesitant whether I should take this opportunity to enter the cave and have a look.

With this thought in mind, I was already approaching the cave.

From the tangled vines, I only saw a little dark gap.

I tried to reach out and touch the vine, and to my surprise, I actually touched this thing.

The vines were touched by me, and I could not pass through them without any hindrance.

I tried several times without giving up, but it always hit the real thing.

When I was trying, I glanced at it and suddenly saw a little white in the gap of the black hole.

Before I could see what it was, I heard a child's cry.

The child spoke in Huixiang dialect, but I understood the meaning.

"There are a lot of mushrooms on the mountain! My grandpa came back from picking mushrooms yesterday. After drying them in the past few days, he can sell them in the city. When he comes back, he promised to bring me a candy man."

"Are there really mushrooms?"

"of course!"

Several children's voices chirped as I thought about it.

There are still those vines in front of me, but there is an additional figure of a child.

He grabbed hold of the vines and climbed up, just like a monkey, he was very flexible and climbed up easily.

"Why are you going up the mountain from here?" Another child complained, finding it difficult to climb up.

"You're stupid! Can there be mushrooms where my grandpa walked yesterday?" The child who had climbed up disdainfully curled his lips. He grabbed the tree trunk that grew above the cave, and with still strong skills, he jumped directly from the slanted tree trunk to a small piece of flat land on the mountain.

"Hey, give me a hand!"

The child below shouted.

Several children were using their hands and feet to climb up the vines.

These vines are very strong, even if several children were hung on them, they would only sway a few times.

I took a step back and saw a little girl among a group of children. The little girl's dress is no different from that of the boy, except that she has an onion. She also climbed up the vines, no worse than those boys.

If I guessed correctly, this should be that girl...

As soon as the idea came to me, I saw her little hand grabbing a vine and inserting her fingers into the gap of the vine.

I felt her mood at this moment, which was a little excited and excited, thinking about the delicious candy. She ignored the cold and cold breath she felt on her fingers until a strong hand grabbed her little hand.

The girl was stunned.

The vines shook violently and the children screamed in panic.

The girl let go of her hand and her body hung on the vine. Only that hand was tightly grasped.

The girl looked up in horror.

The gap in the vines was stretched wide, and half of the face was squeezed out. The eyes were bulging, staring at the girl.

"Ah!" the girl screamed, struggling.

The boys didn't know whether they saw that half of the face, they were all shocked. The one who fell to the ground looked up at the hanging girl in a daze, while the one who climbed up impatiently stood on the tree trunk and asked what happened.

I rushed over in a hurry to save the girl, but the girl had already fallen heavily to the ground.

There were bright red fingerprints and a few blood stains on her hand.

A slender hand squeezed out from the vines and grabbed the girl from the air.

The boys all screamed. Some people ran away directly, while others even thought about picking up their friends.

In the chaos, I saw the hateful look on that face.

Suddenly, the scene of the cave, vines, and female ghost became blurry.

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