Aoba Office

Chapter 718 The First Story (4)

I shouted urgently. Zhuang Huai's driving skills were very good. He still obeyed the traffic rules in this place and stopped the car slowly.

Chen Zian just shouted from behind, and I had already opened the door and got out of the car.

Lu Qiaolan got out of the car uneasily, hugging the teddy bear, and asked me what I found.

At this time, Zhuang Huai and Chen Zian also got out of the car.

I'm looking at that boundary marker.

From here, all you can see are tall weeds.

I trotted to the boundary monument, but did not stop. I ran past the boundary monument for a few steps, stopped, then turned around and walked slowly past the boundary monument.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Chen Zian didn't dare to breathe, but his eyes were filled with excitement.

I turned to look at the patch of grass.

"What did you find?" Zhuang Huai asked Lu Qiaolan's question again.

To be honest, I can't tell.

However, after listening to Zhuang Huai's words, I felt troubled and felt that something was not right.

This feeling is very strange.

It's not a bad premonition, nor is it feeling Yin Qi. Even the doubtful points mentioned by Zhuang Huai are just doubtful points at most. Just write them down. Stopping the car and tossing around like this won't accomplish anything.

"Can you do what you just did and then come here and say those words again?" I made a request to Zhuang Huai.

Zhuang Huai didn't know why, but he didn't object. He returned to the boundary monument, checked it carefully, stood up, walked towards us, and repeated what he said about the suspicious aspects of the boundary monument, without missing a word.

Chen Zian was curious and followed Zhuang Huai. This was the first time he heard Zhuang Huai's analysis and he loudly agreed.

Zhuang Huai ignored him.

"Is this place really haunted? Was the boundary monument destroyed by ghosts? Is it a deception?" Chen Zian guessed, "I have never heard this story since I was a child. This place is really interesting."

I ignored Chen Zian.

Zhuang Huai looked at me, waiting for my explanation.

But I could only shake my head, "I can't's like...a sense of déjà vu."

After careful consideration, I spat out those three words.

If I had to change it to four words, it would be "deja vu".

I vaguely remember that there is a scientific explanation for this kind of thing. As early as when I was studying, I also had a sense of déjà vu to certain scenes, and I even checked them out. I can't explain the principles clearly, but I'm pretty sure that it's not about past and present lives, nor is it predicting the future. From a popular logic point of view, the sense of déjà vu is a subconscious judgment made by the brain. What is seen and heard is similar to what one has seen and heard in the past, and the subconscious mind makes a judgment first.

Although I have witnessed many supernatural events and have miraculous abilities myself. Nangong Yao's ability is a bit precognitive, but I should not have this ability.

In terms of past lives and present lives... there are underworld, ghost missions and past lives. I have seen some of them, and the people in Qingye are sure of them, so I have to have some doubts.

Zhuang Huai's behavior and his analysis gave me a sense of déjà vu.

It's like the same thing happened to me.

Another person walked into Waineck Village like this, checked the boundary markers, and said the same thing.

"What is this?" Chen Zian was disdainful.

People in Huixiang probably believe in ghosts, but not this kind of thing.

Zhuang Huai and Lu Qiaolan didn't quite understand either.

I can only smile bitterly.

"Just keep walking. I'm sorry." I sighed.

Although I thought of past and present lives, I didn't have any reverie.

Because my sense of déjà vu was very vague, and it was not like the plot of those romance movies, where I had a strong feeling of heartache and loss.

Zhuang Huai didn't say anything and returned to the car.

Continuing forward, you can see some dilapidated houses.

It was really a broken house. Looking at the stones and bricks, it was at least a broken house from twenty or thirty years ago. Some withered vines climbed on the walls, and weeds grew from the cracks in the ground.

Zhuang Huai said: "This place seems to have been abandoned for a long time."

I nodded and told Zhuang Huai what I heard yesterday.

"...That rumor is probably true." Zhuang Huai said.

I didn't react right away.

"The houses are all abandoned, but the road has been repaired," Zhuang Huai said.

Lu Qiaolan and I both raised our heads and looked at the road ahead.

The straight road, although it is a dirt road, is indeed very smooth, and there is no problem at all for vehicle traffic.

If you look carefully, you will find that this road is somewhat different from the short road at the door of the dilapidated house next to it.

The houses are empty.

Zhuang Huai walked around the village along this repaired road.

The village is neither big nor small, so it took half an hour to drive around. Apart from this main road, there are some small roads that are inaccessible to cars.

Chen Zian shouted from behind again.

Zhuang Huai stopped the car and got out of the car.

"What are you doing again?" Chen Zian became a little angry and rubbed his belly, "Can we go eat first?"

I looked confused, "Where is there anyone here?"

There was no one, let alone food.

Chen Zian pointed in a direction, "There is a village over there with people who have a farmhouse."

We all looked where he pointed, and there was a hillside over there.

"Behind the mountain." Chen Zian said, waving his arm again and swiping at the top of the mountain next to him, "That's the Weeping Tomb Ridge."

On the map, an arc must be formed in front of Waineck Village and Waifengling.

However, there are no landmark buildings in this kind of place, so looking at the map, there are large areas of blank space, as if a small village or a small hill is huge.

Chen Zian led the way, and we first went from Wainneck Village to the village below Waifengling.

There is no road between the two villages. But it's possible that Wainneck Village was abandoned a long time ago, and someone built a road again, and someone also forcibly carved a road into the area that should be farmland and wilderness next to it.

The vehicle kept bumping as it rolled over like this.

After rounding the hillside, I saw the crowds of people.

I also heard crying.

From the direction of the Weeping Tomb Ridge that Chen Zian pulled before, there was a faint sound of crying carried by the wind.

I looked at the two people in the car.

Neither Zhuang Huai nor Lu Qiaolan responded.

Lu Qiaolan lowered her head.

The teddy bear she was holding turned its head and looked in the direction of Wailing Grave Ridge.

Zhuang Huai noticed my abnormality and asked aloud.

I thought about it and told the truth without hiding anything.

"...This place is too haunted. The ghosts we are looking for may not be the ghosts there." I thought that I should investigate the situation in Crooked Neck Village first.

Zhuang Huai looked very unhappy.

Lu Qiaolan was worried, "Lin Qi, you said..." She hesitated to speak.

I glanced at the teddy bear, "Are you asking if your bear is there?"

The teddy bear raised his head to look at Lu Qiaolan and shook his head at her.

Lu Qiaolan breathed out a sigh of relief.

Chen Zian had already stopped the car and asked us to get out of the car and enter the village.

He also put on a weird expression and asked the three of us: "Did you hear that?"

I looked at Chen Zian with a little surprise.

Can he hear it too?

Please give me a monthly ticket~

Just vote for a monthly ticket before going to bed~

Good night~

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