Aoba Office

Chapter 72 No. 011-Night Bus (5)

"Kill... kill... kill... kill them all..."

"Gudu! Okay! Help me get rid of these ghosts."




Huh-bang! Bah!


"Kill you! Kill you all!"

"Here they come! They are here! Sir, hurry up..."

"No hurries?"

"Ah! Here you go! Sir..."


"Ugh! Wow! Help me! Help me!"

"I just promised you to destroy these ghosts, but I didn't promise when to destroy them, right?"

"What? You..."

"Kill you, kill you! Hahaha!"

"Whoa! Ah! Stop! You evil ghost! Save me! Ah! Please!"

"Evil ghost? Haha."

puff! Bang! Gujiguji...

" are indeed..."


"Ah! Kill you!"







"Boss, are they all...annihilated?"


"There are 19 in total. This blind man Kang is really brave."

"Boss, are you okay?"

"It's okay. I'm just a little tired."

"Oh. The boss was so handsome just now!"

"Stop talking nonsense. We need to tidy up this place, don't leave any traces of us."

At 1:10 on June 30, 2002, I arrived at No. 381 Longbei Road Station and did not encounter the ghost of Yang Yixin.

At 1:10 on July 1, 2002, I arrived at No. 381 Longbei Road Station and did not encounter the ghost of Yang Yixin.

At 1:10 on July 2, 2002, I arrived at No. 381 Longbei Road Station and did not encounter the ghost of Yang Yixin.

On July 3, 2002, the investigation was concluded.


I finished reading another file on Aoba, and when I took off my headphones, my head was still buzzing.

The situation when Blind Man Kang died was very chaotic and terrifying. Qingye didn’t know what kind of recording pen he used. The sound was as loud as the sound effects in a movie. It was so clear that one could easily imagine Blind Man Kang being divided by more than a dozen evil ghosts. The tragic scene of corpses.

I rubbed my ears, took a sip of tea, and listened to the typing on the keyboard in the office, and the depressing feeling slowly dissipated.

A week has passed since the incident with Uncle Wang.

Uncle Wang's death was classified as "sudden death" by the police. As for the abnormal decomposition of the body, they attributed it to "some factors that cannot be identified by existing science." As soon as this incident hit the news this morning, the Internet exploded. Various conspiracy theories emerged one after another. Countless jokes appeared on the Internet. "Some factor that cannot be identified by existing science" became a trend in just half a day. The end of the search list.

Those of us who are in the know are silent about this matter. Isn’t it “some factor that cannot be identified by existing science”? Could it be that all of us have seen a ghost? Wang Hui, Director Mao, and the residents of the Sixth Gongnong Village have all seen ghosts for two years? Compared with this truth, "unidentifiable factors" are easier to accept.

This week, the trio of Slender Man, Fatty Man and Chen Xiaoqiu stopped checking Qingye's Ye Qing and Liu Miao. Now that they are dead, the demolition office will naturally target the real property owner of the house. Chen Xiaoqiu took out the old materials from the Gyeongju Manufacturing Bureau and studied them. Guo Yujie wanted to help, but she gave up after seeing that the article was full of traditional Chinese characters, half written and half white, and there were many old materials with no punctuation and blurred handwriting. The thin man and the fat man couldn't do anything with the old information. They were looking for the files of the Third City Steel Plant and several other factories separated from the Gyeongju Manufacturing Bureau. They contacted the old workers and asked them about the sixth floor of Building 6. Do you have any impressions of the four residents? In fact, they asked about the latter task in passing when they were asking about Aoba, but they never gained anything.

I guess this is just a formality. When the demolition comes, just post an announcement and be done with it.

"Lin Qi, I want to take a day off tomorrow." Chen Xiaoqiu said to me.

"Oh? What's fake?" I wondered.

"Personal leave. The play will be performed tomorrow." Chen Xiaoqiu replied.

The other three people came over curiously.

"The one from the Drama School? Didn't your cousin say she doesn't want to act?"

"It's already finished, how can we stop acting?" Chen Xiaoqiu shook his head, disapproving of her cousin Lan Lan's approach.

"What about your costume?" asked the thin man.

"The drama club hired someone to make new kimonos."

Chen Xiaoqiu didn't have any shadow about this, but Ma Yibing from the drama club probably had psychological trauma, so he didn't need to buy it, but hired someone to do it.

"Can we go see it?" Guo Yujie was very interested.

Chen Xiaoqiu declined: "This is an on-campus performance. People from outside the school should not be invited to watch it."

Guo Yujie was a little disappointed.

"It's okay. How can the performance of a club in the university be so strictly controlled?" The thin man took out his mobile phone and said, "I'll talk to that guy named Ma."

I'm speechless.

Is this thin man going to carry out his hooliganism to the end?

The thin man talked to Ma Yibing on the phone carelessly, his words full of threats. "Okay!" The thin man hung up the phone and said "OK" to us, "We'll go see your show tomorrow."

Guo Yujie cheered.

Chen Xiaoqiu nodded in welcome.

The next day, Chen Xiaoqiu took leave and did not come to work. The four of us went to work absent-mindedly. When the time came, we quickly packed up and went to the drama school.

"Big Family" is scheduled to be performed at 8 p.m. and lasts about an hour and a half.

The four of us had a meal somewhere near the Drama School, and then strolled towards the theater.

The thin man and the fat man pointed at the female students from the drama school. Guo Yujie couldn't bear it anymore and shook her fists the size of meat buns at the two people. The two people instantly became obedient babies. They didn't look away when walking and even pretended to talk about the art of drama. .

I snickered.

The theater inside the School of Drama had a nice name. Ma Yibing told Shouzi about it. Shouzi didn't remember it, but he wrote down the route. After walking in circles for a while, the thin man pointed forward.

"Just that, that sculpture of Shakespeare."

"That's Shakespeare?" Guo Yujie expressed doubts.

"It's not a famous work, so don't be so demanding." The fat man found a reason for the sculpture with a vague face. "Aren't Aristotle and Socrates in our school also looking strange?"

"The weirdest ones are Han Feizi and Shang Yang." I interjected, "One looks like the old principal, and the other looks like the old secretary."

All four of us alumni burst into laughter.

This joke is also a classic in our university, and every new student will accept this inheritance.

When we arrived at the theater, we found that the theater with a capacity of 1,000 people was already full. We arrived late and sat down in the last row. After waiting for a short time, the drama started.

The lights in the theater were turned off first, the spotlights shone on the curtains, and the auditorium turned on soft lights. The burgundy curtain slowly opened, and the exquisite stage scenery appeared in front of the audience.

I was waiting for the first actor to come on stage when I heard a "clang" and something fell from right above the stage, dangling in mid-air.

Isn't it an ethics drama? Is there such a "surprise"?

As soon as I had this idea, I suddenly heard screaming from the front row, and someone rushed onto the stage, shouting at the top of his lungs.

This time, I also saw clearly the thing that kept shaking.

It was a girl, hanging above the stage, like a rag doll, with her head tilted and lifeless.

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