Aoba Office

Chapter 709 Reunion (1)

Meng Hua disappeared, and the problem I have to face now is the teddy bear.

I couldn't help but lower my head, just in time to look into the eyes of the teddy bear who raised his head.

Its human ears and hands give it a weird and creepy feel, and the stains on its body make it less cute.

However, the glass eyes were intact, and the soft belly looked like an ordinary stuffed toy.

I moved my body, placed the teddy bear in front of me, and sat face to face with it.

"This... my name is Lin Qi." I introduced myself to the teddy bear, "You may have an impression of me. When we were in the office, Ye Qing handed you over to a friend of mine. I was present at the time."

Although a box of teddy bears at that time was almost like a dead thing, I believed they had a soul, the ability to perceive, and memory.

It felt strange to speak to a supernatural object like this. Fortunately, I'm somewhat used to talking to myself in the office, and now I don't have much trouble "talking to myself" with Teddy Bear.

The teddy bear looked at me with its glass eyes.

"That..." I was a little embarrassed to say it. Mainly because I don’t know what the teddy bear is thinking.

I want to tell it now that Lu Qiaolan is next door and Lu Qiaolan did not throw them away. How will it react? Ran away directly with Lu Qiaolan?

Lu Qiaolan should have been willing to help me, and she agreed with Teddy Bear to help find Chen Xiaoqiu. But seeing the teddy bear done like this...

Based on Lu Qiaolan's thoughts on the teddy bears, I think she would probably face me silently, and then find a way to take all the teddy bears away and no longer get involved in this matter.

And the teddy bear is also very likely to leave with Lu Qiaolan happily.

It was very despicable of me to plan this way, but when I thought about the safety of Chen Xiaoqiu and the others, I had to think more.

I put Lu Qiaolan's matter aside and asked Teddy Bear about Chen Xiaoqiu's disappearance.

The teddy bear obviously couldn't speak. He listened to me asking many questions and remained motionless, with no reaction from his hand.

I took out my mobile phone, "Can you type? Or write? You can also draw. I'm here to see Chen Xiaoqiu. When she disappeared, were you with her, right? And that Officer Meng. At that time What happened, can you tell me?"

The human hand that grew out of the teddy bear moved and tapped its fingers on the bed.

I adjusted my phone and pushed it in front of the teddy bear.

The teddy bear's fingers moved to the phone and rubbed it.

I saw it lowering its head and looking at the screen of the phone, while its fingers were still rubbing the edge of the phone.

"Uh, isn't it?" I felt a little frustrated thinking about this possibility.

The teddy bear stood up and stood awkwardly next to the phone, with his head still lowered and his fingers hovering over the screen, making gestures.

I can't help but wait with bated breath.

Its finger finally landed on the screen.

I use a handwritten notepad that allows me to draw things directly on the screen.

The teddy bear drew a crooked stick figure, then another, and then another.

A square was drawn next to one of the people, an ugly hat was added to the second person's head, and the third person was painted black with a teddy bear.

"This is Chen Xiaoqiu, the box she is carrying. This is Officer Zhuang. This is..." I pointed to the third person drawn by the teddy bear, and couldn't help but pause, "Ghost?"

The teddy bear nodded.

"There was a ghost next to me at that time?" I felt it was difficult to handle.

It's actually another ghost whose yin energy I can't feel.

How to find it?

As soon as this question came to my mind, an idea came to me at the same time.

"You can feel it, can't you?" I stared closely at the teddy bear.

The teddy bear's head tilted, and the human ear rushed in the direction of the next door.

Of course, the expression of the stuffed toy will not change. The mouth will always look like a smile with the corners of its lips turned up, and the glass eyes will always be round.

But I saw the teddy bear trembling slightly, looking at me and then at the next door.

Lu Qiaolan lives there.

He should have felt Lu Qiaolan's presence.

I sighed softly.

"Lu Qiaolan has been looking for you for a long time." I said, "She has not abandoned you."

The teddy bear shivered even more.

Its teddy bear face didn't change at all, but I seemed to see it sobbing and crying.

I couldn't help but touched its head and said, "I'll take you to see her."

The teddy bear suddenly avoided my hand and took a step back, as if trying to escape.

I swooped down and hugged his body as he was about to jump out of bed.

The teddy bear struggled, and the human hand shook around, and its limp hands and feet hit my hand.

"What are you doing? Don't you want to see her? You like her very much, right? You all like her..." I suddenly stopped.

The teddy bear's limbs drooped, motionless, and its head drooped.

It raised the human hand and rubbed the back of my hand with its fingers.

I understood its intention at once.

It's no longer a cute stuffed toy, but

"There must be a way to recover." I said with certainty, "You are just... just affected by this place. Just because of this damn place..."

I can't go on.

Because the teddy bear raised his head and shook his head at me.

I couldn't help but be stunned.

Isn't it because of Huixiang that they grew this kind of ghost thing to replace their damaged bodies? So, what is the reason...

My body trembled, and I touched the soft belly of the teddy bear, remembering Lu Qiaolan's entrustment to Qingye.

"...Those...children..." I thought of a possibility.

The teddy bear was silent and motionless.

I was right.

The children who wanted to be resurrected by teddy bears and were devoured by teddy bears are now affecting them.

I swallowed, "Can you control yourselves? Or will you become those children?"

The former is okay, except that the teddy bear's shape has changed. Although it is serious to change from a stuffed toy to a monster or even a complete human being.

But this is nothing compared to the seriousness of the latter.

If the latter is the case, it means that the teddy bears have been completely obliterated and become a group of children who have experienced trafficking.

I don't hate children, and I sympathize with their plight.

However, I know what it means to be a group of children who have been dead for many years, are mentally immature, and have experienced tragic experiences.

These kids will never be as obedient as a teddy bear.

This idea is very despicable and selfish, but it was the first thought that came to me.

I was a little depressed.

The human teddy bear raised his hand and held up a finger.

It should answer my question, which is the first situation.

This is good news.

I breathed a sigh of relief and realized my temperament deeply.

I smiled bitterly and put the teddy bear back on the bed.

"To be honest, this is a good thing for me. You can help me find my friend and won't run away with Lu Qiaolan." I said frankly, "But this is very unfair to Lu Qiaolan. She really, really likes her. , She likes you very much. She wants to find you very much."

The teddy bear lowered his head as if looking at his bulging soft belly.

"There must be a way to recover." I touched its head again, "Those children should have been swallowed by you. It has been fine for so many years, and now it is only temporary."

The teddy bear was petted by me quietly. When I took my hand back, it moved to the phone, circled the ghost, and then erased it.

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