Aoba Office

Chapter 702: Thinking (8)

Xiangzi is probably not talking nonsense. The changes in the teddy bear here in Huixiang are within the scope of my imagination. If they don't move at all, I should be worried.

Lu Qiaolan and I have completely different ideas. She is more concerned about her teddy bear. Chen Xiaoqiu and the other missing people were just a group of strangers to her. She had never met them, couldn't remember their names, and couldn't say she cared much about them.

I didn't mean to blame Lu Qiaolan, and Lu Qiaolan didn't ask me to stop looking for people and help her find the bear first.

Xiangzi didn't dare to speak, and the security guard didn't dare to talk. The four of us walked forward silently, with Xiangzi as the leader.

The canteen of Xiangzi's relatives is not far from the chess and card room.

Xiangzi pointed out to us that the canteen was no different from the small shops we passed along the way. It was ten square meters in size, with a ring of shelves along the wall and another shelf in the middle, filling the shop completely.

The small shop occupies a road, and there are two ice cream cabinets and a beverage cabinet pulled out from the door. The three cabinets are covered with old posters, which look colorful.

Xiangzi poked her head in and smiled at the woman inside, "Aunt, where is my uncle?"

The woman glanced sideways, turned back expressionlessly, and continued watching the video on the tablet without saying a word.

Xiangzi looked back at us. She had no choice but to go in, "Auntie, I have something to ask my uncle for."

The woman said impatiently: "You won't call him yourself?"

Xiangzi responded obediently: "I called, but no one answered."

"Then what should I do? How do I know where your uncle has gone?" The woman became even more impatient and waved her hand to drive Xiangzi away.

"She didn't know about that?" I asked Xiangzi.

I don't care about his housework, I just want to know what's going on.

Xiangzi shook his head, "She wasn't there that day..."

The woman looked at us, "What are you doing? Who is this guy? What are you doing with that damn guy? Isn't he in debt outside? I'm telling you, I don't have any money. If you hack him to death, I'll take all the money." Not paying a penny!”

The woman was quite aggressive. She put her hands on her hips and cursed Xiangzi's uncle angrily, spitting wildly. She didn't stop for more than ten minutes, and she didn't repeat a word.

I was a little helpless, interrupted the woman several times, and raised my voice, "We are not asking for debts! We are here to ask about something, the incident of the ghost breaking the wall! Your nephew said that that incident happened near here , your husband saw it with his own eyes..."

The woman stopped cursing, looked at me and Lu Qiaolan carefully, said a long "Oh", and asked curiously: "You are not from here, are you? Has this matter spread to other places? Yes, we are all from outside the place. It’s missing from our place…”

She obviously knows how to talk to herself.

I had no choice but to look at Xiangzi.

Xiangzi pushed his aunt, and after she looked over with a glare, she explained our origins, emphasizing my inexplicable status as an expert.

The people in Huixiang indeed have similar ideas.

The woman immediately shut up and looked at me with fear and fear.

"Do you know about that? And, where is your husband now?" I asked patiently.

The woman shook her head, "I have never seen this before. He was looking after the store that day. Hey, if you ask me, he was possessed by evil spirits and was haunted by ghosts. He was a good person at that time. I married him because I liked him. It’s his duty to be honest. From then on, he started to like gambling. He must have been caught up in something dirty!”

This is really impossible to communicate.

I patiently asked the man about his usual places, and the woman recalled that she provided me with several chess and card rooms and the approximate location of an underground gambling house.

"...It should be in Wainneck Village. I followed him and walked in that direction. The only people in Wainneck Village in that direction had houses. Someone always said that after all the people there moved away, they were occupied by outsiders. Yes, there are gambling tables there, and a lot of people come there to gamble, and millions of dollars come in and out every day.”

This answer surprised me.

Xiangzi was also surprised after hearing this, "Is there someone gambling there?"

"That's right there." The woman nodded.

It is estimated that no one except gamblers knows this news.

There is no news from the woman's side.

I called Wang Xiaopeng and asked him about illegal gambling here.

The answer Wang Xiaopeng gave me coincided with what the woman said.

"It's in that area, but the police here couldn't find the specific location and couldn't arrest anyone. They carried out several operations, but all failed. How did you think of asking this?" Wang Xiaopeng asked curiously.

"Just listening to the people here chatting."

"Oh, did you listen to those ghost stories they told? Don't let them influence you and make you crazy." Wang Xiaopeng's tone was not very good. He might have just been angered by the local police. He had other things to do and hung up the phone in a hurry.

Xiangzi asked me: "Brother, Master, you are going to find someone. You all know the location. would be bad if I went there. If someone catches me...the people in the casino are unreasonable. They don’t follow the law either, they are even more difficult to deal with than the ghosts here.”

I glanced at Shoko.

Xiangzi nodded desperately, "Really! The security here is not good, there are many fugitives, and there are some big guys... I am a small citizen, I don't have the skills like you..."

"I don't know your uncle. We were just there to check it out," I said.

Xiangzi made a bitter face, "My uncle must go home. Otherwise, let's wait until tomorrow. When he comes back, I will bring him to see you!"

He changed the names he called me.

I saw that these Huixiang people were far more afraid of criminal groups than they were of ghosts and other supernatural things, which was also rare.

I'm also a little worried about what Shoko said.

Compared to those criminals, I may have an advantage against ghosts.

I asked for Xiangzi's phone number and warned him again.

He patted his chest and promised that he would definitely capture his uncle and bring him to see me tomorrow.

The security guard breathed a sigh of relief and happily prepared to apply oil on the soles of his feet.

Xiangzi couldn't wait to say goodbye to me.

I was a little helpless, so I took a breath and saw two people, one old and one young, running away quickly.

Lu Qiaolan said: "If it were me, I would be even more afraid of those heinous criminals."

I didn't answer.

The ghosts Lu Qiaolan encountered were all solved by teddy bears, and the criminals she encountered were also solved by teddy bears. She trusted her bears very much, and naturally she was not afraid of supernatural events.

Lu Qiaolan and I walked back slowly.

It's not easy to get a taxi here either.

Moreover, we want to visit the previous community.

There were so many people before, so it was really inconvenient for me to make such a big noise.

Now that we have passed, the spectators should have dispersed.

My guess was correct.

Most of the people watching the excitement downstairs in the community have disappeared. Walking on the street, we could still hear people talking, and some people still noticed Lu Qiaolan and me, but no one connected us with what happened before.

The young man squatting on the air conditioner was gone.

The door of the residential building is open.

Lu Qiaolan and I walked in and didn't attract much attention.

After entering the building, I realized that all the people watching the excitement were inside the building.

They also knew that the ghost had escaped, so they became bolder, entered the building, and came to the door of the room to watch the fun.

The young people who killed Matt stood in the room, spitting about their experiences of encountering ghosts.

I felt a faint yin energy in the room.

Lu Qiaolan suddenly tugged on my clothes and pointed to a corner of the room excitedly.

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