Aoba Office

Chapter 700: Thinking (6)

"There were so many people watching the excitement that day that I didn't even notice, and a lot of people gathered around me all of a sudden. It was all going well, but the master built an altar with a bronze cauldron, and even killed pigs and sheep to offer sacrifices and burn them. The incense was so thick that many people couldn't open their eyes. He kept dancing, walking around, and chanting sutras. Many people looked at him with interest and laughed. The murderer was kneeling beside the altar and chanting sutras. Something like that. Suddenly, everyone saw the hanged ghost appearing on the tree in front of him. The hanged ghost had stab wounds all over his body. There was no blood, but it was said to be black, and thick water or something was flowing out. It looked very scary. We Huixiang people were so brave that we screamed twice and then continued to watch. The expert stabbed the hanged man with something. The hanged man seemed to come to life and started to struggle, but he didn't move within two seconds. Yes, completely dead.”

The security guard sighed, "This matter should have been over. But who would have thought that when the wise man saw it with his Yin and Yang eyes, he saw that there were many hanged ghosts hanging on the trees around, and there were other little ghosts hiding. He hated evil as much as he wanted to, so he immediately copied it. The guy was going to collect all these ghosts. At that time, a dark wind blew in the park. People watching the excitement felt something was wrong and were about to run away. I don’t know how many ghosts the master had collected, but the other ghosts suddenly started shouting together. , many people fainted and fell to the ground twitching. They were lucky enough to escape, but the others who were awake were unlucky. They saw a black shadow descending from the sky and got into it. Inside the murderer's body. The murderer had his head lowered while reciting sutras and didn't dare to raise his head. When the ghost took over his body, he jumped up and went crazy. He grabbed the master and broke his neck. He was laughing and making trouble, watching the murderer kill many people when he saw them. When he caught him, he just broke their necks. Some resisted, but the murderer seemed to feel no pain. There were many injuries on his body. , nothing has changed.”

Lu Qiaolan's mood was waning.

I also felt that this story was too exaggerated.

The security guard was unconscious and continued: "Dozens of people died that time, and it was finally classified as a fight and nothing happened. But everyone here knows that many people hold funerals in their homes, and they all burst into tears when talking about it. "

"So you are afraid of outsiders coming?" I interrupted the security guard's sigh.

The biggest impression this story gave me was to explore the origin of Huixiang people’s attitude towards outsiders.

I remember reading somewhere before that folklore and folk customs reflect social conditions, and stories contain people's thoughts and ideas.

People in Huixiang are afraid of outsiders. It may be that outsiders come here, which has led to some casualties.

This is not surprising and makes sense.

There are many fugitives escaping here in Huixiang, and it is self-evident how much hidden dangers and crises they have brought to local security. It would be strange for people here to welcome outsiders.

Even if they are not here to beg for food, some locals will hate outsiders coming to their hometowns to take away their job opportunities, destroy their hometown environment, and bring them all kinds of inconveniences.

People always see the bad side first and tend to forget the benefits they get.

This is understandable.

But if the ideas of Huixiang people lead to frequent supernatural incidents here, and they all target outsiders, it will cause me a lot of trouble. Chen Xiaoqiu and the others will also be in more danger.

The security guard didn't understand my question for a moment, and his thoughts were not on the same page as mine.

After thinking for a while, the security guard replied hesitantly: "About that. When outsiders come, there is always some trouble. You outsiders are either here to cause trouble, or else you are not used to the customs here and will spend your whole life. I’ve never seen a ghost before, so I was so frightened when we arrived, and we looked like crazy people.”

When the security guard said this, he also showed a bit of resentment and helplessness.

We talked as we walked.

The security guard told the story for so long without feeling thirsty.

I asked him again about ghosts breaking into walls and killing animals without killing them. He had no new stories to tell in this regard. It seems that this is common sense among Huixiang people, and there is nothing to say.

I guess this may be the result of a combination of their desire to protect themselves and their dislike of outsiders. If the ghosts they encounter only attack outsiders, of course they don't have to worry about their own safety, and they can still enjoy the benefits brought about by it.

Even if the annoying outsiders died or disappeared, it had nothing to do with them. They did not need to be punished by law or tortured by their conscience. After all, ghosts are beyond the control of humans. If ghosts kill humans, we cannot blame humans.

In another situation, I might be amazed at the strange customs here in Huixiang. But now that Chen Yihan and Chen Xiaoqiu's life and death are uncertain, I really can't be happy about the situation in Huixiang.

The security guard took us to the chess and card room he mentioned.

Chess and card rooms everywhere are probably the same, smoky and extremely lively.

The security guard was familiar with the place. He pulled us over and asked for a name. After the person reported their table number, he took us around the chess and card room in a familiar manner.

Soon, the security guard waved hello.

On the mahjong table in front, a young man with a shaved head and a cigarette in his mouth raised his hand, then lowered his head again, focusing on the card table.

The security guard had no choice but to walk over and pat him, then pointed at me and Lu Qiaolan.

The young man was hesitant and reluctant to leave the card table.

The chess and card room was very noisy, and from time to time there was the rumble of the mahjong machine shuffling cards, and I didn't hear what the security guard said clearly. It was impossible to squeeze two big men into this narrow place.

But I saw that the young man's expression changed. He was uneasy and looked at me cautiously.

I guess the security guard told me about the female ghost I caught just now.

The young man shouted loudly, greeted the other three people, and picked up the change he had put on the table.

Soon someone squeezed in, negotiated with the young man, and sat in the seat before the young man. He looked at the cards and said something to the young man in dissatisfaction. The young man stuffed him with a few bills, and he smiled.

The security guard and the young man squeezed out.

We didn't stay in the chess and card room for long. After we filed out of the chess and card room, the security guard introduced us.

The security guard called the young man "Xiangzi". Xiangzi always glanced at me and Lu Qiaolan. When I asked to meet his relative who ran a small shop, Xiangzi agreed.

I asked Xiangzi to tell the ghost story again, and Xiangzi didn't refuse. He told the story again, and the content was similar to what the security guard said.

Most young people are curious and flamboyant. Shoko looks less than 20 years old, tall, muscular, and surprisingly honest.

I think this honesty is very strange.

"Why do you always look at us?" I asked directly, "Have you heard any ghost stories about outsiders?"

It's the 700th chapter~

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