Aoba Office

Chapter 7 No. 091-(7)

"Hiss—showing off your face?"

"Yes, shameless. After peeling it off, it was buried under the open space in front of the ancestral hall. Every year when the villagers worshiped, they would step on that ground, stepping on the faces of those prostitutes, life after life... But Sister Hua is not like that. Man... She really didn't do anything... That beast was still smiling when he was ripping off his face! Blood splattered on his face, and he licked it off with his tongue! That beast who suffered a thousand cuts! It's so inhumane! That's it! It’s his woman!”

"Grandma Jiang, please stop crying. This is all in the past. It's in the past."

"Oh! Yes, it's all over... but no one knows! Sister Hua died unjustly like this!"

"Didn't the government handle it at that time? Is this the case that was reported to the government?"

"No... I went to the city to find that man, and he reported to the official. But after the official came, the village chief invited people to the house, and many people went together. I don't know what they said. Those officials left. The village chief demolished the ancestral hall, saying it was temporary. After a while, another official came. The village chief led people to see the empty house. They walked around in a circle and then left. . I went to look for that man again, but no matter what I said, he didn’t respond, and he disappeared from me after that..."

"Auntie, this is not your fault! Don't worry about it."

"I know, but...sigh..."

"and after?"

"Later? Then the war started. Many people moved away, including my family. When I left, the ancestral hall had not been restored. After the war stopped, I came back and took a look. The ancestral hall was still empty and overgrown with weeds. I can’t see where I used to hide Sister Hua’s face…”

"So, as far as you know, how many people have been killed in your village like this?"

"...I don't know. My mother said...children can't enter the ancestral hall or step on that place. Every corner of that place is unlucky. Children with weak yang energy will have their souls removed if they go there."

"Hiss! Doesn't that mean there are many?"

"Maybe. Maybe there is a lot of shame buried under that place. The old ones are rotten, and new ones have appeared, layer by layer, mixed with the soil..."

"Oh, my aunt, please stop talking, this is too scary! Let me tell you, someone in our factory saw a ghost, and it was a female ghost!"


"Auntie, you...why are you laughing?"

"You know? That man's family said something to me, saying that sooner or later our village will be in trouble! If you kill people like this and don't bury them properly, how can those who died let go! "

On August 3, 2015, I received a call from Fang Guoying. Telephone recording 201508031748.mp3.

"Aoye? Are you from Aoye?"

"Yes, Mr. Fang..."

"Come and save me! It's here! It's here again! It's on my daughter! It's on my daughter!"

Bang bang!

"Aying! Open the door quickly!"

"Daddy, daddy! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!"

"Mr. Fang, where are you now?"

"I'm at home! Come quickly! It's coming to kill me! It must be coming to kill me! It's going to kill our whole family!"


"Ahhh! Don't come here!"

"Aying, what are you doing?"

"Don't come over! Don't come over!!!"

"A Ying——"

swish swish...

On August 3, 2015, I rushed to Fang Guoying’s residence, but no one was there. The doorman and neighbors said that an ambulance took Fang Guoying to the hospital, and his wife and daughter accompanied him there. Fang Guoying was seriously injured, and the specific condition is unknown.

On August 3, 2015, I rushed to the hospital and found Fang Guoying’s wife and daughter. Fang Guoying was rescuing and got the office amulet from his wife, but most of it was burned.

On August 4, 2015, Fang Guoying's rescue was completed and she was not out of danger yet. Ask his wife how she was doing at that time. Audio file 09120150804.wav.

"You have also seen my appearance. Today, ah, no, it was yesterday. It rained suddenly yesterday. I picked up my daughter from school without bringing an umbrella. I was soaked in the rain all the way. When I got home, I saw Aying just getting up. He worked the night shift the day before and caught up on his sleep today. When he woke up, he saw us. I also asked him to quickly turn on the shower and give his daughter a hot bath. I pushed my daughter to him and went to get cold medicine. He... he was so It has been cured for a while. The amulet I got from you is hung around my neck and I have to take it into the bathroom when I take a shower. I don’t see that damn thing anymore. I didn’t expect this. I left my wet My daughter pushed it to him... ugh..."

"Mrs. Fang."

"Woo... Huh... I turned around and heard my daughter calling daddy. I didn't take it seriously. Then I heard her calling me again. I turned around and saw Aying... Aying stared at her daughter's face. My daughter was so scared. I felt something was wrong at that time, but before I thought about it, Aying yelled, rushed into the room, and closed the door! I panicked and knocked on the door desperately, but he locked the door. I went to look for the spare key again. My daughter was so frightened that she cried, and I couldn’t even care about it! When I opened the door and went in, I saw him talking on the phone. When he saw me, he was so frightened that he kept shouting. His eyes He just stared at my face. I was really stupid! It took me a while to realize it, and when I touched my face, it was covered with water! He kept avoiding me at that time, and I pulled some cloth to wipe it. I wanted to get closer to him. He was still afraid, but he no longer avoided me. I looked at the amulet..."

"Has it been burned by then?"

"Yes, it was burned. It's still burning. I wanted to call you, but then I heard Aying yelling again and pushed me down. My daughter was standing at the door at that time. I forgot about her . She was standing at the door, with water still all over her body... A-ying, A-ying started to cry... He was still talking while crying..."

"What did Mr. Fang say?"

"Say...said let her go...don't harm her...he won't hide anymore...he won't hide anymore..."

"Is this Mr. Fang's own idea, or did he get clear instructions from Ghostface?"

"What? I, I don't know. That's when I heard him say that, and then he took the scissors on the table...he...wuwu..."

"Mr. Fang is still alive, and there is still hope."

"What is that thing? Have you figured out a way?"

"We have found out the true identity of that thing. Now there is a question..."


"We can't find its carrier. Maybe, it doesn't have a carrier anymore, so we can only get rid of it when we are face to face with it."

"What's the meaning?"

"We have to let your husband see that grimace in front of us for once."

"How can this be done! Aying has already done that!"

"Yes, he has already done that. If he doesn't deal with this thing again, he may not be so lucky next time."


"Mrs. Fang, this is a new amulet. After Mr. Fang recovers, you can contact us to decide whether to do this. Of course, we will continue to investigate during this time to see if we can find other ways to solve this thing."

On August 6, 2015, Fang Guoying died. The cause of death was suicide by jumping off the building. Fang's wife failed to tell Fang Guoying about her conversation that day, and concluded that Fang Guoying directly chose to commit suicide after regaining consciousness to avoid harming her family.

On August 10, 2015, the investigation was terminated, and the results of the incident were: the original Jiao County ancestral hall where the person was buried was not found; such related incidents were not searched; and it was not determined that the relevant incidents would not happen again. This incident is classified into the "Unfinished" category, and the keyword "face" is set. If a related incident occurs, the investigation will be restarted and the processing phase will be entered in advance.


"Lynch, would you like some tea?"


The tea cup fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

I jumped up from the chair and saw Guo Yujie looking at me in surprise. The white shirt on her body was soaked with tea and stuck to her skin, which just highlighted her slender waist. I apologized quickly and bent down to clean up the mess, when I saw a puddle of water on the ground, which just happened to be my face.

The first event ends and enters the real state, and the two sides will continue to alternate.

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