Aoba Office

Chapter 696: Thinking (2)

The room the security took us to was on the first floor of the hospital. There was no sign. Judging from the layout inside, it seemed to be a lounge for doctors and nurses.

There is a sofa coffee table and water dispenser in the room, as well as a small refrigerator and microwave.

When we entered, there were people sitting inside. Two men in white coats were eating melon seeds. When he heard the noise, he just raised his head and continued eating melon seeds and chatting.

The security guard called "Doctor Li" and "Doctor Wang", and the two young doctors raised their heads again. The security guard pointed at me and Lu Qiaolan, "This is the owner of that box of bears."

The melon seeds fell from the hands of the two doctors.

This development was beyond my expectation.

Before I could figure it out, the two doctors threw away the melon seeds and left in a hurry.

When they went out, they went around Lu Qiaolan and me. After walking out, I heard their chatter.

"He's coming to the door!"

"Let me just say, either someone comes to our door, or someone dies here."

The security guard closed the door, and I couldn't hear those comments.

Lu Qiaolan looked at the security guard in confusion.

The security guard asked us to sit down awkwardly, swept away the melon seeds on the coffee table, and asked for words: "They are doctors in the pharmacy. Sometimes there are not many people, so they are lazy..."

I interrupted the security guard, "What on earth is going on?"

The security guard observed us carefully, "Are you from out of town?"

Lu Qiaolan and I did not answer this question.

The security guard sighed, "Tell me, why did you bring that kind of thing to our place?"

"Can you tell me in detail? We don't know much about your place." I didn't want to get into a confrontation with the security guard and talk nonsense, so I asked straight to the point, "What's wrong with those bears?"

"I really don't know what happened to the bear. I'm not lying to you. On the day the thing was picked up, the police called one of the mobile phones and sent someone to take the thing away. They also asked questions and conducted an investigation." He quickly said, "We didn't expect this thing to belong to an outsider. That box bear... that box bear is in tatters. Some people said that this thing is evil and may be a relic of a mentally ill person."

Lu Qiaolan's face turned livid with anger.

"What else did you say?" I asked calmly.

The security guard looked at our faces and whispered: "They also said that maybe the madman is dead...and whoever picks this thing up will be entangled in it."

I almost got angry.

"You people here are so awesome, you can make up ghost stories casually!" I said sarcastically.

Now I am 100% doubtful about the ghost stories told by people in Huixiang.

If you just pick up a box of damaged teddy bears and you can make such nonsense, you can imagine how unreliable those stories about ghosts beating walls and seeing ghosts are.

In the police station, it is understandable that Wang Xiaopeng and other policemen from out of town do not believe the local nonsense at all.

If the voices I heard in the dream were not accurate, I would have thought that Chen Xiaoqiu was kidnapped by the criminal group here and had nothing to do with the supernatural incident.

The security guard stopped being timid now, straightened his back and said, "This is not made up. Our place is really haunted, it's so haunted, who doesn't see one once or twice in his life?"

I just stared at the security guard.

Sweat broke out on the security guard's forehead, "Of course, comrade, you are right. Some people just talk nonsense and make up stories to scare people."

I thought, "Why are you so afraid if you know the bears are from other places?"

The security guard moved his body, and the inferior sofa made a squeaking sound.

I didn't urge him, I just watched the security guard.

The security guard said helplessly: "Of course it's different for those from other places. Our place is haunted. It's because one of our own died and turned into a ghost. It's just a small fuss. But if you come from other places... who knows what you will do?" It was said softly, but I heard it nonetheless.

I just felt more ridiculous.

The last time I experienced this feeling was in Hongtou Village. A village that was backward and ignorant decades ago...there is no way to reason at all, and people are too lazy to reason with the locals there.

Even if you respect the local customs and culture, you don’t just have to act haphazardly.

Lu Qiaolan was even more angry and shouted angrily: "What are you talking about! What can the bears do to you? It's you who did it to them!"

I was about to speak when an idea suddenly came to my mind, which made my hands and feet start to feel cold.

The security guard apologized to Lu Qiaolan obediently, with a look of fear on his face, as if he was really afraid of what we "evil" outsiders might do.

I pulled Lu Qiaolan, and after she stopped speaking, I asked with some difficulty: "I ask you a question, and you answer me honestly."

The security guard was surprised and asked, "What?"

"Does everyone know and believe the ghost stories you have here?" I asked.

The security guard showed an even more puzzled expression, "How can I explain this clearly..."

"What ghost stories do you know?" I leaned forward and stared at the security guard.

The security guard leaned back, "I've heard a lot. I've encountered it a few times myself..." He was helpless and said perfunctorily: "Let's just talk about you out-of-towners. Some out-of-towners have come here. , you will encounter ghosts hitting the wall, wandering around, disappearing, getting lost, and then finding a body... A few years ago, there was a person who escaped, his body was in tatters, and said he ran to the mountains Inside, I finally came back and grabbed the ice cream from the little kid on the street..."

"When and who did this story about foreigners and ghosts breaking into the wall begin to spread?" I asked again.

The security guard looked puzzled, "How do I know this? I also heard from others... A colleague of mine said that his relative owned a small shop, and the child bought ice cream from his shop, and then was robbed... It should be Let’s start with him.” He muttered again: “This is not a story, it’s true.”

I was so heartbroken now that I couldn't care less about what the security guard said.

"What about killing living creatures or not? What about strangers and ghosts breaking into walls?" I asked eagerly, "Was it spread before this incident?"

The security guard was a little confused and thought for a while before nodding, "Probably so."

"Take me to see that colleague of yours!" I said.

"What?" the security guard was speechless, "I said, what on earth are you going to do? Those bears..."

"You don't want those bears to look for you in the middle of the night, so take me to your colleague now!" I interrupted the security guard rudely.

The security guard trembled, as if he really cared about my threat, or maybe he didn't care about his job.

He lowered his head, led Lu Qiaolan and I outside, said hello to the nurse at the front desk, and left the hospital with a sad face under the nurse's watchful eyes.

He took out his cell phone and made a call, asking where the person on the other end of the phone was now.

After hanging up the phone, the security guard said to us: "He is in the chess and card room. It takes half an hour to get there..."

"Leave now," I said.

The security guard had no choice but to lead the way.

We passed the intersection and continued forward.

Next to it is a residential area, which looks like an old community. There are many bicycles and electric scooters parked at the door, and small shops have placed their goods on the sidewalk. The three of us can only walk on the road.

As we passed by the gate of the community, we heard a man's scream.

The sound could be said to be thundering.

Everyone on the street looked towards the community.

There are only two updates today. Goodnight everybody.

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