Aoba Office

Chapter 681 My dear master (6)

The children's noise and Lu Qiaolan's scolding soon sounded, followed by the children's angry screams.

"Why do you have to put it away? I want to take it to kindergarten!"

"We need to pack up and move. Didn't my mother say that we will take it out when we get to the new home. Just two or three days..."

"I'm going to take him to kindergarten tomorrow!"

"Then you pick one thing. You can only pick one thing and put it outside. The others must be put away."

"No, Mom! Dad!"

There was a lot of noise.

The old lady shook her head, smiled, and shouted: "Junjun's things are finally packed, let him play first."

"Mom!" This time it was Lu Qiaolan who shouted.

"Great! Grandma is the best!"

"His stuff is piled up in a room. There are so many cars and planes. If we don't put them away first, we won't have time to put them away when we move!"

"There's always an order, and it's impossible to pack everything at once. You should pack your things first." Another old lady said.

"Grandma is the best too! Hehehehe..."

The old lady turned her head and looked down at the contents of the box. The smile on her face suddenly froze.

The teddy bear was on its back, just in sight of the old lady.

There were many wrinkles on the old lady's face, the flesh on her face was sagging, and the corners of her eyes were droopy.

I didn't see anything for a moment, but Lu Qiaolan's appearance appeared in Teddy Bear's heart.

Lu Qiaolan becomes an old lady, will this be the case, right?

Will she still hold it then?

Teddy Bear's emotions, which had been silent for a long time, began to fluctuate.

Will you put them out when you get to the new house?

The teddy bear's excitement was not only his own, but also the teddy bears around him who were still able to move, or in other words, still had souls.

The droopy corners of the old lady's eyes became more and more obvious.

Her expression was troubled and distressed, and there was some fear in her eyes.

"Mom, what are you looking at?" Zhang Shan's voice sounded.

The old lady hurriedly closed the cardboard box.

Her voice was muffled through the cardboard.

"Nothing, just taking a look at these things...Do you still want to stay with these things?"

Zhang Shan seemed to be packing his things, and there were noises outside from time to time.

"I don't want some things. I haven't done much to take care of Junjun in the past few years... Junjun is also going to school, so some things are no longer needed. Let's sell them together when the time comes." Zhang Shan's voice was very calm, " Alas, I don’t need these books anymore. Now that I’m not doing front-line production, these technical books are no longer needed.”

"Oh... these have to be sold..." The old lady's tone was a little vague.

"Let's keep a copy as a souvenir. When Junjun sees it in the future, he will also know that his father is engaged in technology and is a technical backbone. Hey, there is actually a blueprint here, from many years ago..." Zhang The mountain talks to itself.

"Pile the things you want to sell together, and then find the scrap collector to collect them." The old lady said.

Her hand holding the carton had moved away.

Lu Qiaolan's voice sounded outside again.

"Zhang Xiaojun! What did I just tell you!"

"I'm looking for my super tank..."

"Mom, grandma and grandpa are all packing things. Don't make any trouble! Look at the mess you made!"

"Okay, okay, talk to the child properly. Junjun didn't do it on purpose. Junjun, take care of things yourself."


There would be sounds outside from time to time. Lu Qiaolan had never entered this room, and new things were piled on top of the cartons.

Zhang Shan's voice rang out from across the cardboard box: "Honey, what's in the baby stroller box?"

"Your wife and mother-in-law went shopping for groceries." Another old lady's voice answered.

The contents of the carton were moved.

The teddy bear's mood waxed and waned.

"Daddy, daddy, daddy..." A series of shouts and footsteps rushed into the room.

"What's wrong?"

The movement on the carton stopped.

"My super tank isn't moving, look!"

"Oh, let me see...have you fallen?"


"Then ask your grandma to help you change the battery."

"New batteries. They were replaced yesterday. I replaced them myself."

"Then you need to take this apart and take a look. When the move is done, dad will help you take a look."

"No, I've been moving for several days. I'll take it to school tomorrow. Dad, dad, please -"

"Stop it, okay, okay, go get my toolbox."

"I'll go!"

Another thump of footsteps rushed out of the room.

"Slow down." Zhang Shan also left the room.

The box was not opened again.

There was constant movement outside, and Lu Qiaolan's anxious inquiries would be heard from time to time.

In addition to moving to a new home, they also have to deal with two house sales.

The old house is sold, and new buyers are pressing for it; the new house has just been bought and fully renovated, but the decoration seems to have some flaws. Lu Qiaolan and Zhang Shan still have their own jobs.

The teddy bear's mood has always been one of anticipation.

But I gradually became calmer.

When the box was opened and two unfamiliar faces appeared in front of me, I sighed inwardly. Teddy Bear is still waiting.

"You don't want this too?" The person who asked was a strange man who seemed to be doing manual labor. His calloused hands reached into the cardboard box and roughly turned over the teddy bears inside.

The teddy bear I possessed rolled to the corner of the cardboard box.

Teddy Bear's mood changed drastically after hearing that question.

All the anticipation turned into shock and sadness.

"Master doesn't want us anymore?"

It didn't ask, but the words lingered in its soul.

He was lying on top of the other teddy bears and I couldn't see what was going on outside.

"They are all old toys. They can't be sold for much," the man said.

The other voice sounded familiar. The strange old lady should be Lu Qiaolan's mother-in-law. She said: "Isn't this toy very new? You can see..."

Her voice stopped abruptly.

"What?" the man wondered.

"They are all new..." The old lady lacked confidence and seemed a little scared.

I guess she must have heard about teddy bears a few years ago, and now she remembered the "experience" of these teddy bears.

"It's a new toy but it's also an old toy. It's not easy to sell." The man drawled.

"These things are all for sale, so just give us a total price together." The old lady cut through the mess quickly, her tone urgent.

"Is this all for sale?"

"Yes. There are also things in the hall."

"What else is in the hall?"

"A microwave, a TV..."

The voices of the two people faded away.

After a while, someone came over and sealed the open box.

The teddy bear didn't respond.

The box shook, shook...

The teddy bear rolled and bumped in the box.

When the box was opened again, it was no longer Lu Qiaolan's home outside, but a strange place.

The man I had seen before was standing by the box with another woman.

"This one looks pretty good. You can sell it for a hundred yuan each online." The woman grabbed the teddy bear.

I'm a little worried that the teddy bear will hurt someone.

Its current mood is one of deep sadness and complete negativity.

The woman's movements and tone are definitely not gentle.

She grabbed the teddy bear's head and played with it, inspecting the workmanship.


I heard a noise and felt a pain in my chest.

Continue to ask for guaranteed monthly tickets~

Good night everyone~

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