Aoba Office

Chapter 675 The Bear in the Box

I was surprised first.

The only person who can do this - or rather a ghost - is Ye Qing.

Ye Qing's initiative reminded me of the lighter that Ye Qing threw over when I asked Ye Qing for help when I first came into contact with the office.

That seemed to be the only time that Ye Qing took the initiative to give me something, and then at most he gave me some advice.

He only controlled my body movements at the very beginning.

He provided me with the opportunity to eliminate the ghost on my kimono and solve Aunt Wang's problem.

At that time, my abilities were a bit weird. I had opened my Yin and Yang eyes, but I couldn't enter dreams.

No, to be precise, I was simply dreaming at that time.

I dreamed about the past experience of the female ghost in the kimono, but I was just a bystander, fast forwarding through the story of her life.

Things developed after that, like a wild horse running wild, completely beyond my expectations.

When I recalled this, I was suddenly stunned.

Chen Xiaoqiu had already reached for the amulet and thanked him.

I grabbed her arm sharply.

Chen Xiaoqiu looked at me confused, "What's wrong?"

Sweat broke out on my body.

Starting with that lighter...

From the moment I picked up the lighter, I gained abilities, and my entanglement with Qingye became deeper and deeper, and I became involved in these supernatural events. By now, I'm even a little used to it.

"Don't accept anything from a ghost. Not anything, any ghost."

What Ye Qing said before echoed in my ears.

I just felt a chill running up from the soles of my feet to my head, making me feel chilly all over.

Chen Xiaoqiu looked at me, at the amulet, and then at no one around him.

"I...we..." I stammered, not knowing what to say.

We are the ones asking for help. This idea was all mine. I was also thinking about whether I could get the amulet from Ye Qing.

But now, Ye Qing really threw the amulet at me, and I didn't dare to take it.

I can't let Chen Xiaoqiu pick it up either.


I heard a chuckle, like a sigh, like satisfaction.

I stood up with goosebumps.

Chen Xiaoqiu looked in the direction from which the sound came.

"Come here." Ye Qing said calmly.

I couldn't see him, but I heard distinct footsteps.

This situation made me even more overwhelmed.

Chen Xiaoqiu was more able to make up his mind than me. He stood up directly and let the amulet slip from his knees and fall to the ground.

I still grabbed her arm and stood up after her.

Ye Qing went to the room in the corridor.

I saw the door open, like it was being pulled open.

I took a deep breath, let go of Chen Xiaoqiu's hand, and took the first step into the room.

"Take it yourself." Ye Qing said.

I turned around.

His voice came from the door.

The box where I took the amulet from last time is in the same place.

I exhaled, opened the box, and took out an amulet.

Chen Xiaoqiu was waiting at the door of the room.

"When you go to Huixiang, remember what I said to you. It's good like this time. You learned wisely." Ye Qing praised him without saltiness.

Chen Xiaoqiu looked at the deserted place.

My face felt hot.

I wasn't sure for a moment whether Ye Qing was mocking me.

"What's going on in Huixiang?" Chen Xiaoqiu took the amulet from my hand. After asking the question, he explained, "Lin Qi doesn't go to Huixiang. I'm the only one who goes there."

I heard the sound of the door and saw the door panel shake.

I can almost imagine Ye Qing originally leaning against the door panel, but now standing up straight.

Of course, his face is mosaic, which makes him look a little strange.

"Only you are going?" Ye Qing's tone was very strange. He laughed again.

I really don't understand what's wrong with him.

Chen Xiaoqiu was not surprised by this and answered affirmatively: "It's just me. Lin Qi also said just now that it was the police over there who informed me to come over."

"Then you may need another thing." Ye Qing said.

I didn't hear any footsteps, I just felt a cool breeze blowing over me.

Chen Xiaoqiu frowned and stepped aside to get out of the way.

I watched the door to the opposite room open and suddenly shuddered.

Knock knock!

Ye Qing knocked on a cardboard box.

Chen Xiaoqiu took the initiative to walk over and open the carton.

I followed over and took a look, and I was shocked by what was inside the carton.

It was a box of tattered teddy bears, dirty and old. They were crammed into small cardboard boxes.

I saw the face of one of the teddies.

Even though the bears actually looked the same, I recognized the face.

This is Lu Qiaolan’s teddy bear!

That teddy bear on that family photo!

I still remember that incident, and I remember Lu Qiaolan’s fear, worry and joy. I remember even the family photo at the end of the file and the teddy bear dream I had after that.

All, all are here...all those teddy bears are here!

Where is Lu Qiaolan?

What about the woman who loves her teddy bear?

Why is her cherished teddy bear here?

I looked up to look for Ye Qing.

Chen Xiaoqiu has already caught one of the tangled teddy bears, which is Lu Qiaolan's "Bear Bear".

The bear's glass eyeball was missing, its belly was cut open, and dirty cotton wool drooped out from inside. The cotton batting is all knotted together and has no fluffy texture at all.

"These bears are..." Chen Xiaoqiu pondered.

"It's the ones you think of." Ye Qing's voice was full of ridicule, "Lu Qiaolan threw them away."

There was a "click" sound.

I saw the remaining eyeballs of the bear that Chen Xiaoqiu was carrying fell to the ground.

For a moment, I seemed to hear the sound of water drops falling to the ground.

Chen Xiaoqiu lowered his head and looked at the plastic hemisphere rolling on the ground.

She suddenly changed her position, no longer holding the bear's arm, but put him in her arms, squatted down and picked up its eyes.

"Why?" Chen Xiaoqiu asked.

"Because I can't bear it." Ye Qing answered vaguely and changed the topic, "If you are going to Huixiang, just take this with you to protect you. By the way, bury them there."

"Where is it buried?" Chen Xiaoqiu held the broken bear in front of him.

"Just find a place where no one is and bury it." Ye Qing replied casually.

The conversation between the two of them made it impossible for me to interrupt.

Chen Xiaoqiu had already nodded in agreement, repacked the bear and the carton, and picked it up to take away.

I reached out to help, and Chen Xiaoqiu thanked me.

Ye Qing stopped talking.

I have a lot to ask, but I don’t know where to start.

Chen Xiaoqiu thanked and said goodbye to the empty office, and I could only say "goodbye".

When I went downstairs, I finally couldn't hold myself back and asked Chen Xiaoqiu: "The last time you and Slim Man came here, was Ye Qing like this too?"

"Huh?" Chen Xiaoqiu, who was walking in front, looked back at me and nodded, "Absolutely. He also pointed out the box to us and asked us to take things. I asked him how to use it, and he asked me to ask Nangong Yao."

It sounds like Ye Qing is quite willing to communicate directly with Chen Xiaoqiu.

"It's a bit like a cooperative relationship." Chen Xiaoqiu added. After standing still, he turned to look at me, "The cooperative relationship between the buyer and the seller is simple and direct, with no other unnecessary complications."

I sighed, "You mean, there is another kind of cooperative relationship between me and him? Using and being used?"

Or is it simply cheating and being cheated?

There are only two updates today, good night everyone~

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