Aoba Office

Chapter 673 Missing

Zheng Wei introduced us, and a group of them went to the next office.

"I have too many zongzi to eat." The fat man said with a bitter face.

His family has many relatives, including many middle-aged and elderly female relatives. Fatty had given the four of us some rice dumplings before, all made by his aunts and uncles. Since April, some relatives in their family have started making rice dumplings. Until now, one after another, one family will give two or three, and after a while, they will give two or three more. Each time is not much, but it adds up to a lot. burden.

"This one is different." The thin man took out a rice dumpling and held it over his head as if appreciating a work of art, looking up at the sun. "The size, the edges, the color and lines of the leaves. !”

Although it was a bit exaggerated, the thin man was right.

These five rice dumplings are indeed beautifully wrapped. In terms of size, it is not as good as the big rice dumplings sold in the store, and it is not as good as Fatty's aunt who is particularly solid-eyed, but in terms of appearance, it is better than any rice dumpling I have eaten this year. Thinking about it carefully, I have never seen a more beautiful real rice dumpling than this one.

"Every year during the festival at Shengweizhai, we have to queue for several hours. How can we say that the master craftsmen there are really skilled?" Guo Yujie despises thin people who are pretentious.

Shengweizhai is a time-honored dim sum shop in Minqing, selling dim sum on weekdays. It was originally a dine-in service, but now it has become a store model. There are many kinds of daily snacks, and seasonal snacks and holiday snacks are their specialties. As Guo Yujie said, during festivals, there are long queues at the entrance of all Shengweizhai chain stores. Through the glass window, you can see the busy figure and exquisite skills of their pastry chefs. The ingredients and production are reassuring, and the taste is guaranteed by a time-honored brand.

My mother said that our family only went to Shengweizhai for dim sum when I was a child. At that time, you could dine in and the queue wasn't that long. Now the increasingly long queue has made our family give up the idea of ​​tasting delicious food.

When it comes to food, none of the four members of our family have any special requirements.

It is a blessing to receive these five rice dumplings today.

Putting the rice dumplings aside, the five of us sorted out the contents of the previous seminar.

The only unification meeting was held by the old leaders, but for the next period of time, we will be on duty at the neighborhood committees of the Six Workers and Peasants Villages to answer the questions of the property owners. For some property owners who do not live in the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants, we also need to call them to inform them of the alternative plans currently proposed by the demolition office.

When you are busy at work, time passes quickly.

When he got off work, Chen Xiaoqiu discovered that Chen Yihan had called before.

She called back, and our movements to pack up and get ready for work slowed down.

When the call was connected, she called "Uncle", then stopped, and her expression changed. After listening to what was said on the other end of the phone, her expression became darker and darker.

"...Okay, I understand. I'll go there early tomorrow morning. Well, thank you." Chen Xiaoqiu hung up the phone and frowned.

"What's wrong? Is your uncle okay?" Guo Yujie asked with concern.

My heart also lifted.

Chen Yihan went to Huixiang. The more I thought about that place, the more uneasy it became. Even if it does not involve supernatural incidents, it is purely based on the police's anti-drug work. Several chiefs were called to a meeting. This case is not simple.

"My brother-in-law is missing." Chen Xiaoqiu said solemnly, "They found his mobile phone at the scene, and the screen finally stopped on the call history. My brother-in-law wanted to call me."

We were all stunned.

Chen Yihan's disappearance was a big deal, and Chen Yihan's desire to call Chen Xiaoqiu before she disappeared was also a big deal.

"What's going on?" The thin man asked anxiously, "Did you encounter a ghost?"

Chen Xiaoqiu shook his head, "I won't know until I go to Huixiang tomorrow..."

At this point, she looked at me hesitantly.

I thought about it and said, "How about we go to the office later and see if we can ask Ye Qing for an amulet."

I also want to ask Ye Qing about Huixiang.

Even if I sometimes have doubts about Ye Qing, when this kind of thing really happens, the only person I can turn to is Ye Qing.

Gu Mo is not very reliable, and Nangong Yao's attitude is also very ambiguous. In comparison, Ye Qing's approach of helping whenever he could and ignoring others if he couldn't was actually more straightforward.

Of course, compared to the taciturn Ye Qing, it would be more appropriate to ask Gu Mo and Nangong Yao for their opinions on this matter.

I called Gumo directly.

Gu Mo's voice was urgent, "What's going on? Quick, quick, quick! Cut him!"

He should be playing a game.

I didn't care about this and told Chen Yihan's story.

Gu Mo let out a "Ha", "So, the other person has disappeared? That's great, we don't have to worry about being captured by our Director Chen and used as laborers!"

"Gumo." I shouted helplessly.

"It's no use calling me. I've never been to Huixiang. Who knows what's going on there?" Gu Mo shouted again, "Quick, quick, quick," and "Chop, chop, chop."

"Let Nangong Yao answer the phone." I had to ask for a substitution.

On the other end of the phone, Gu Mo called.

Not long after, I heard Nangong Yao's voice.

"Hey, it's me. Something happened to Director Chen?" Nangong Yao's voice was calm, without Gu Mo's gloating.

"Well, the people at the police station said he was missing." I told the story again.

The thin man and the others gathered around me, all staring at me without blinking.

Chen Xiaoqiu rarely showed a nervous expression.

Nangong Yao pondered, "As for Huixiang, we did not go to the field to investigate. At that time, when I looked for clues, I only looked for Wang Yu. Director Chen also asked us this question before going to Huixiang. I talked to him at that time He said that this incident is probably a supernatural incident. Chen Li and Zhang Qiong are from the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants. He has the same abilities as us. In addition, Wang Yu came to Huixiang that year..."

Several incidents pointed to Huixiang. Even though there was nothing wrong with that place, it still made people feel suspicious.

But just because I feel suspicious, I can't provide any powerful help.

Gu Mo's voice suddenly sounded, "By the way, I heard Ling say that the feng shui in that place is not good."

"Is there such a thing?" Nangong Yao was surprised.

"Well, it should be there... It was during that commission that she mentioned that the feng shui was not good. Ordinary people can tell that the place is not suitable for living." Gu Mo's tone was very casual.

Nangong Yao asked me to wait while he opened the map to take a look.

I hurriedly told the thin man and them.

The thin man immediately took his cell phone, opened the map, and searched for Huixiang.

From the map, I really can’t tell what’s wrong with Huixiang.

However, after a thin man adjusted the map like a headless fly, trying to adjust a panoramic map and see why, the five of us saw many place names scattered in Huixiang:

Dumb Village, Waifenling, Waineck Village, Guifengtoutou...

Tomorrow is the last day of May, so don’t forget if you still have monthly passes~

Good night everyone~

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