Aoba Office

Chapter 671 No. 036-Ghost Baby in Dream (10)

On June 10, 2006, the legal ceremony was held. Video file 03620060610.avi.

The video shows a room, which looks like a simple rental house. It only has a bed, a table, two chairs and a simple wardrobe. The area is very small and almost filled with these furniture.

There was a woman sitting on the bed, and a man standing beside the bed. The two held each other's hands and looked very nervous.

Ye Qing stood aside, close to the door.

Wu Ling walked in from outside the room, holding a bowl with bright red liquid in his hand.

"Is that...their blood?" the man asked.

The woman shook and held the man's hand tightly.

"Yes. Then I will draw a talisman on your belly, and you will be able to get rid of that ghost baby." Wu Ling said as he walked towards the woman.

The woman shrank back, as if she was afraid of the blood in Wu Ling's hand.

The man patted the woman's shoulder comfortingly.

"Take off the amulet. If you wear it, I can't draw the amulet." Wu Ling said.

The woman looked up at the man for help.

"It's okay, it's just for a while. They are here to watch." The man comforted her a few words, broke away from the woman's hands, and helped her take off the amulet she wore around her neck.

The woman shivered and curled up.

Her expression changed, and she reached out and grabbed the man's clothes, "Did you hear that?" She looked at Wu Ling and Ye Qing again, "Did you hear that? He is here! He..."

"What did you hear, Ms. Tang?" Wu Ling did not stop and stood beside the bed, pressing the woman's shoulders and motioning for her to lie down.

The man quickly helped.

"'Mom', I heard 'Mom'... He was calling me..." The woman's eyes widened.

"Ms. Tang, you are not his mother. We have communicated this to you before. You cannot have such thoughts." Wu Ling lifted up the woman's clothes, exposing her belly.

"I, I know, but...he's still screaming!" The woman covered her ears.

The man sat down by the bed and hugged the woman's shoulders, "It's okay, it'll be okay soon!"

The woman buried her head in the man's arms, her body trembling.

Wu Ling held the bowl in one hand, and raised his index and middle fingers on the other hand, which were stained with blood.

There was a buzzing sound in the video, making it difficult to hear clearly what she was saying.

As she chanted, the color on her fingers changed slightly.

Wu Ling lowered his hands and leaned down, placing his fingers on the woman's belly.

The woman flinched, but her body seemed to be frozen. Halfway through her instinctive reaction, she froze.

Wu Ling's fingers traced a curved line from the woman's stomach to her lower abdomen. The blood on her fingers completely disappeared.

When the man saw this scene, he couldn't help but open his mouth in surprise.

Wu Ling didn't raise his head, soaked in blood again, and continued to draw lines on that curve.

The two lines, one long and one short, are like two snakes intertwined.

As Wu Ling painted, there were more and more lines on the woman's belly, and the patterns became more and more complex.

The blood solidified on the woman's skin, turning into the purest bright red color without any signs of fading or dimming.

This doesn't look like human blood at all.

In addition to Wu Ling's vague voice, there was another voice in the video.

From blurry to clear, that voice gradually overshadowed Wu Ling's voice.



"Mom. Mom. Mom."

"Mom! Mom! Mom!"

It was the cry of a child, the sound was urgent and a little pitiful.

Slowly, the voice became hysterical.

The wayward child is making a scene.

"Mom, mom, mom..."

The sound is distorted, like a distorted tape.

The woman's body was shaking so violently that it almost seemed like she was having an epileptic seizure.

The man hugged the woman tightly and asked anxiously: "What's going on? What's going on? That thing..."

"It's coming out." Wu Ling finished the last stroke and let out a long breath.

A complete pattern appeared on the woman's belly. Even if you can't understand it, people who see this pattern will feel its magic inexplicably.

It seemed to be alive, breathing, with a beating heart.

The color did not change, but there seemed to be light flowing in the vein-like lines.

The woman suddenly yelled, looking painful and sweating all over her body.

The man was anxious, "Xiaorong! What's wrong with Xiaorong? Why is she so uncomfortable?"

Neither Wu Ling nor Ye Qing answered.

The child's voice suddenly disappeared, and then the cry of a child sounded from outside the screen.

The man looked up in surprise.

The blood on the woman's belly instantly penetrated into the woman's skin.

Outside the screen, there are also random screams of panic, from men and women.

Ye Qing turned on his heels and walked out the door.

"Who? Is there someone next door? What's going on?" The man was in a panic and asked questions one after another without logic.

Wu Ling lowered his head slightly, probably looking at the woman.

"What's going on? What did you do?" The man raised his voice.

The woman was gasping for air, as if she was exhausted, and her eyes were staring blankly ahead.

The screams in the next room became shrill, and the man cursed and questioned in fear.

And the baby's cry went from dull to loud and clear.

Finally, all sounds stopped.

The only sound left in the video was the woman's gasping.

The man's voice was dry and he asked timidly: "What's going on?"

Wu Ling turned around.

Ye Qing walked in from outside the door, "Okay."

"Okay? Is everything okay? Has it been resolved?" the man asked eagerly.

"Well, it's been solved." Ye Qing nodded.

"What on earth is that..." The man looked at the open door behind Ye Qing.

"Liu Wei's parents." Ye Qing said concisely.

The man gritted his teeth, "Them! That's them, right? Those two bastards..."

"Mr. Jiang, this matter has nothing to do with you anymore, and they will no longer hinder you and your wife." Wu Ling said.

"What...did you..." the woman suddenly spoke weakly.

"An inducement spell forced Liu Wei to return to his real parents." Wu Ling said, "You two, please leave here first."

She walked to another corner of the screen, and there was a sound of opening the door.

The man struggled for a while and motioned for the woman to lie on his back. He carried the woman on his back and walked out of the room.

Wu Ling closed the door and walked past the picture.

The screen was shaking, she must have picked up the DV.

The shaky footage captures feet and the floor, with a door frame crossing the frame, followed by another small room with the same layout.

The same bed, but the difference is that there is a woman with wide eyes lying on the bed. The woman's belly was so bulging that her clothes were bursting.

Her skin had a translucent texture, and underneath the thin skin was a reddish color.

The picture flashed past the woman, and then captured the scene beside the bed.

The picture didn't last for a second before it was replaced by darkness.

Happy Dragon Boat Festival~

Have you all eaten zongzi? o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o

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