Aoba Office

Chapter 669 Number 036-Ghost Baby in Dream (8)

On June 5, 2006, I received a call from the client. Telephone recording 2006p3.

"Hello, Ms. Tang."

"...I...I can't sleep..."

"Did you encounter anything?"

"I heard him calling me, he was calling my mother. As soon as I closed my eyes, I saw the way he died. He fell from the building and was crushed to death... He kept looking at me and calling My mother. Even when I am doing other things, I can hear the sound next to me..."

"Ms. Tang, is there any reaction to the amulet?"

"I don't's a little hot...but I don't know if it's the heat. Maybe it's the temperature of my body..."

"Is Mr. Jiang with you?"

"Yeah. I'm on the balcony and he's sleeping in the bedroom."

"You can talk to Mr. Jiang more. We have locked down the activities of those two people and will find them soon."

"What if it doesn't work?"

"You mean..."

"What if they are found, but the body is not found?"

"Ms. Tang, there is a saying that every injustice has its owner, and every debt has its owner. If the information you provided us is correct and you have done nothing unnecessary in this matter, the person the child is really looking for should be the two of them. . We will guide you.”

" this case, they..."

"Ms. Tang, as I said just now, every injustice has its owner, and every debt has its owner."


"There are some things that cannot be judged by law or morality in reality, but the rules of another world can."

"Is this okay?"

"Of course. Please rest assured that this matter is not illegal. In addition, it does not violate the rules of another world."


"What we do is human intervention to realize certain causes and effects in advance."


"Ms. Tang, relax. Those who deserve to pay will pay the price sooner or later."

"Well...I...I know...I'm sorry to disturb you. Good night."

"Good night."

On June 9, 2006, Liu Wei’s parents Liu Jian and Wang Yinan were found. Audio file 03620060609.wav.

"Mr. Liu, Ms. Wang, hello you two."

"What? What do you want from us?"

"This is our business card. We are looking for suitable experimental materials for our client. You two had a child five years ago. That child fell and died in 2002, is that right? Our The client is willing to pay 10,000 yuan to buy the child’s body.”

"...You guys, you want that kind of thing..."

"Hey, ten thousand? Ten thousand is too little, we..."

"It seems something happened that year."


"Did you see Liu Wei's ghost when you received the body?"

"You! How did you..."

"Hey, what on earth do you do?"

"This is not important. What did you do at that time? What did Liu Wei do?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Crazy! Let's go!"

"Both of you, Liu Wei hasn't dissipated or been reincarnated. Do you understand what this means? What he did back then may be done again now, or even worse."

"Liu Jian..."

"Do you really believe their nonsense? They just want to cheat money!"

"You have money to cheat us?"

"What do you want to do? What did that ghost...what did that ghost do?"

"Let's sit down and talk first. If the answers you give satisfy us, we will pay you a satisfactory amount."


"Please tell me in detail what happened that year. Don't omit anything."

"How can I remember something that happened so long ago?"

"If you provide less clues, there may be problems with our handling later. If it affects you two, please don't mind."

"You woman!"

"I really can't remember clearly what happened in those days. I just remember that I was taken back, Liu Jian and I were taken back, and they said that the kid was dead. I didn't take it seriously, the two of us They didn't take it seriously. He was dead. It was a pity that there was no way to make money. Our parents loved that kid. Just pinching the kid was like pinching a money tree. I didn't lie. You guys, we really think so! We just think so. I know we are not good to that kid. The first time I saw that kid, I was so scared... He suddenly appeared and lay on the bed. On my pillow. I woke up when I felt something slap on my face. When I woke up, I saw the kid and wanted to get angry and hit him, but I failed. It hit the headboard, it was loud, right?"


"Liu Jian!"

"Isn't that what happened? He became haunted after his death!"

"And after that?"

"I didn't care about the pain at the time, I was scared to death..."

"You scream like a ghost!"

"You are so much better than me! At least I didn't pee my pants!"

"What did you say!"

"You two, please continue to the topic, okay?"


"The two of us ran out, escaped directly that night, and wandered outside all night. We were wearing pajamas and had no money, so we had to go back during the day. When we went back during the day, we didn't see him. We packed up and prepared to run away. On the way, I saw him sitting at the door... He crawled towards us. We kept retreating and retreated to the balcony. I really thought he was here to kill us. He suddenly spoke..."

"Are you saying that he couldn't speak before?"

"I don't know, my parents never mentioned that he could talk."

"What did he say? He just knows how to cry! He cries during the day and at night. It's so annoying!"

"So, what did he say?"

"He called mom... I thought he was calling me. When the beast heard him call mom, he pushed me forward."

"He called me mom. Of course I thought he was here to find you! What happened to pushing you?"

"What did you say?"

"He called his mother, and then what?"

"I was paralyzed with fear. He crawled on top of me... I still remember it now! His body was as cold as ice... He grabbed me, he called his mother, and he said he would take him to his mother... I……"

"He wants you to take him to his mother?"

"Yes, he didn't speak very clearly. It took him several times before we understood. Liu Jian thought he was looking for our parents, and we took him home. After we took him home, our parents I couldn't even see him. I don't remember what they said. I didn't want to listen at that time. He wrapped his arms around my neck and almost strangled me. He said he was going to find Liu Jian, the beast. If he escapes, I will take him everywhere by myself!"

"I didn't run away, I tried to find a way to save you!"

"You are saving me by scattering incense burner ashes all over my face!"

"I spread the ashes of the incense burner, and the thing disappeared!"

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