Aoba Office

Chapter 67 Farewell

The five of us arrived at Aoba Office together. I was more calm this time, so I knocked on the door politely, said hello, and then opened the door with the key. Except for the thin one, everyone else had different expressions, but even the liveliest Guo Yujie was quiet and did not complain about my actions. I don’t know if she was still immersed in sadness and panic, or was attracted by the weird atmosphere of Qingye Office. Influence.

The door creaked open, and the office was still dark.

A group of us looked at each other after entering, not knowing what to do.

The fat man cleared his throat, "Brother Qi, what did you do before?"

"Oh, just like their client." I scratched my head in embarrassment.

If it were just me, talking to the air like that wouldn't be a big deal, but with so many people watching, this move would be too mean. In order to find out the truth of the matter, I had no choice but to sit on the butt mark on the sofa, take a deep breath, and start telling the story of Uncle Wang's death.

There was dead silence in the office, and the four people seemed to be holding their breath. The thin man only rolled his eyes and looked around warily. The three fat men were not that scared and looked around normally. After waiting for a while, nothing special happened in the office.

"Go and have a look at that door." Chen Xiaoqiu suggested.

"What door?" the fat man asked.

Chen Xiaoqiu had already walked inside, "The painting at the end of the corridor suddenly turned into a door."

I quickly followed, my heart in my throat.

Both the thin man and the fat man shuddered, "Became a door?"

Chen Xiaoqiu nodded affirmatively.

At the end of the corridor, there are paintings hanging there.

Chen Xiaoqiu stepped forward and groped carefully, but found no mechanism.

I breathed a sigh of relief. The painting is in a normal state, and the door is in a supernatural state. Although I wanted to go over and open the door, but not in the presence of so many people. What's behind that door is probably more terrifying than Aunt Wang's ghost.

"What to do now?" Guo Yujie asked.

"How about asking the Pen Fairy to try it?" The thin man suggested, "To communicate with ghosts, just use the Pen Fairy."

I've had this idea too.

"Which of you has a pen and paper?" Guo Yujie asked again.

Five people, you look at me, I look at you. These days, pens and paper have become professional tools. Who among ordinary people still carries these with them?

"Can I use my mobile phone for handwriting input?" The fat man took out his large-screen mobile phone and pulled out a stylus from the bottom of the mobile phone screen.

This sense of the times is really subtle.

We didn't have any other tools, so we gathered around an empty table in the office with the mentality of giving it a try. Five hands held the stylus together and clicked on the phone screen.

"Everyone from Qingye, if you are here, please give us a hint." I acted as the host.

"Please draw a circle or a cross when asking for a pen." The thin man corrected me.

"Everyone from Qingye, if you are here, please draw a circle." I corrected it calmly.

The first time, there was no response, so I said it twice.

"There is no circle, does that mean they are not here? Or does it mean that the ghost here is not from Qingye?" the fat man reasoned.

I followed this train of thought and asked again: "Bixian, Bixian, are you a member of Qingye?"

The stylus still stayed on the phone screen, motionless.

"I think there may be something wrong with the method."

"Mobile phones are totally useless, so we have to use traditional paper and pen, right?"

Shouzi and Guo Yujie expressed their opinions.

"Times are progressing, and so are ghosts. In ancient times, did the pen wizard use a pen and A4 paper?" The fat man explained the truth and told the facts.

Chen Xiaoqiu immediately let go and stopped messing around with us.

I also let go of my hand, "How about you go out and I stay alone and do it all over again?"

"When the kimonos were burned, the guy named Ma and I were both there, and you were... too," the thin man said.

I guess what he meant was "ghost possessed".

We were wondering what to do when suddenly we heard a knock on the door.

There was a knock on the door in the quiet supernatural office, "knock, knock, knock", no more, no less, no hurry, no slowness, just three times.

My hair stood on end, and the thin man, fat man and Guo Yujie who were talking all closed their mouths.

The five of us stared at each other.

Knock, knock, knock.

Three more times, like hitting the heart!

"It's the door." Chen Xiaoqiu was the first to react.

We exhaled heavily. If someone knocks on the door, it's a living person.

"It turns out there are people here." The thin man sighed easily.

I went to open the door, and others followed curiously.

I opened the door, and it was already dark outside. The sun had completely set, leaving only a little afterglow.

I saw the two people standing outside the door clearly, and a chill ran down my spine, and the questions on my lips were stuck in my throat. Behind me I heard the thin man's exaggerated inhalation and Guo Yujie's soft call.

"Haha, I just said that when I saw a few of them entering the building, they must have come here." Uncle Wang turned his head and said with a smile to Aunt Wang. Aunt Wang slightly bent her eyes at Uncle Wang and said nothing.

My scalp was numb and I couldn't react at all.

"Uncle Wang? Aunt Wang?" Guo Yujie choked and shouted.

Uncle Wang looked past me, nodded and said, "Little girl, don't cry, I've already waited for my wife, it's time to go."

These words dispelled the fear in my heart, and a faint sadness arose.

Aunt Wang's appearance at this moment is completely different from what I saw before. She stood calmly behind Uncle Wang, and her anger and hatred had disappeared.

"You work hard and be careful in everything." Uncle Wang warned us carefully, as if the elders were teaching the younger ones, "Don't rush the demolition. Do a good job in mobilizing and convincing everyone before proceeding. Here..." Uncle Wang suddenly sighed.

"Don't be afraid. If you need help, come here and ask the young people in Qingye for help. They are all good people." Aunt Wang suddenly said. Her voice was also different from what I heard in my dream.

Aunt Wang’s words confirmed my suspicion.

"Are they all dead?" the fat man asked in confusion.

Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang nodded sadly.

"Don't be in a hurry to demolish. Don't be in a hurry to demolish until the solution is solved. This is our shelter and a place where we are imprisoned. We cannot demolish it before we leave." Uncle Wang repeated this several times.

I opened my mouth and could only smile bitterly.

Demolition or not is not the decision of a few of us small civil servants. We will do mass work in advance. This is a buffer period that the old leaders have fought for. It is already much longer than other demolition plans.

Aunt Wang pulled Uncle Wang.

Uncle Wang finally said meaningfully: "This is not a good place. You should be careful and listen to those young people."

After saying that, Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang turned around and went downstairs. When they reached the middle of the stairs, their figures slowly disappeared, and the sky outside turned completely into darkness.

"Uncle Wang is talking about this office, or is he referring to this area of ​​​​the worker-peasant community?" Chen Xiaoqiu asked a frightening question.

"He said before that 'our shelter' and 'the place where we are imprisoned', this 'us' is probably not only the ghosts of him and the office, but also Aunt Wang and... ghosts we haven't met yet. "I analyzed.

It's really creepy to think about it.

"Hey, let's put it this way, people have died and there are ghosts everywhere." The thin man said tremblingly.

"Let's do this for today." I patted the thin man on the back.

When we left the office, I was still the one to close the door. When I was closing the door, I glanced at the filing cabinet. I didn't see anything this time. I also closed the door myself, and there was no difference.

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