Aoba Office

Chapter 662 No. 036-Ghost Baby in Dream (1)

The old aunt's question made me dumbfounded, so I could only explain it patiently.

The demolition office estimates that all demolition work will be completed by the end of the year, which is still half a year away.

However, in the first half of this year, only all property owners in the demolition area signed the contract, and it did not include the remaining moving, construction, etc.

In the previous demolition work in Minqing City, we encountered nail-biting households almost every time. Signing a contract and moving away are two different things.

Some property owners are not interested in the moving expenses and rental subsidies provided by the government during the demolition period. They prefer to stay in their old houses and wait until the new houses are settled and decorated before they consider moving.

Apart from this kind of cheating behavior, normally the moving process does not start so quickly.

I explain the demolition plans and policies one by one.

By the time the information session was over, my mouth was dry.

The five of us returned various materials and information to the demolition office together, had a dinner, and then went home.

It was already eight o'clock when I got home.

Because the college entrance examination is approaching, my sister has become more and more nervous recently. The work and rest are tense, the mind is tense, and the whole person is in the final sprint stage.

My parents and I now accommodate her in everything we do.

I walked home very lightly. Dad was watching TV in the living room, and mom was watching videos in the bedroom. Both of them also turned the volume down to the lowest level.

When I closed the door, there was still a little noise.

After a while, my sister came out of the bedroom.

"Brother, you are back."

I looked at her and it didn't look like she was in a bad mood.

"Well. Are you reviewing? Did it disturb you?" I asked.

"No way? You are too nervous." My sister looked at her parents and said, "Please, I am also nervous when you are like this."

"Okay, okay." Dad followed suit and immediately turned up the volume on the almost silent TV.

Mom came out of the bedroom and stared at me and dad.

"It's okay, Mom, don't be so nervous. Did you do the same when my brother took the college entrance examination?" My sister hooked her mother's shoulder.

Mom shook her head, "That's not true. You guys are different...your brother is just a boy, so it doesn't matter what happens."

I laughed.

Speaking of which, when I took the college entrance examination, my parents' performance was indeed very ordinary. At least she wasn't as vulnerable as my sister was this time.

Maybe it's because bad things happened one after another in the 18th Middle School this year.

I sighed inwardly.

When I got back to my room, I casually watched random news and videos on the Internet, but I just felt bored.

I sat for a while, closed those web pages, and pulled out Aoba's file.


Incident number 036

Event name: Ghost baby in dream

Client: Tang Meirong

Gender: Female

Age: 31

Occupation: Clerk

Family relationships: parents, husband

Contact address: Room XXX, No. XXX, Daguoshu Road, Minqing City

Contact number: 139XXXXXXXX


On May 20, 2006, the client visited for the first time. Audio file 03620060520.wav.

"Hello, Ms. Tang, please sit down."

"Thank you. I...I encountered something...I found on the Internet that you can help me deal with it..."

"Please tell us first what happened to you. Tell us as much detail as possible about what happened to you."

"Well, okay. Huh...I've been dreaming recently, always dreaming that I was pregnant and gave birth to a child. I got married in 2003, but I never had a child, and I have never been pregnant."

"Is the dream about pregnancy and childbirth only?"

"No, it's not! I dreamed that after I was pregnant, the thing in my belly... it was really a thing, not a child. I could see the thing in my belly, it was a monster, with a tail and a round head, and many Hands, no, I should say... feet... centipede feet, many very small ones... they looked disgusting. I was very scared, both inside and outside my dream. When I was giving birth, I forgot about this again. I was surrounded by many doctors and nurses, and my husband was holding my hand. They all covered their faces, I mean masks, but they looked at me. ...I'm afraid of them, not the things in my stomach, but I'm afraid of them. The lights in the operating room are very bright and dazzling. I don't know what they say, but I know they are always there. I kept talking. Then there was the cry of a child. In the first dream, I didn’t feel the pain of childbirth. My husband just took it from the birth canal. , held it to me, it was the thing I saw in my belly. No one thought it was wrong, and I didn’t think it was wrong in the dream. We took it home, and it grew bigger and bigger, and its appearance became more and more terrifying. When it filled the whole room, I woke up."

"You said this was your first dream?"

"Yes. This was the first time I dreamed about pregnancy and children. I told my husband and we both thought it was a nightmare. Maybe it was because we had watched too many movies... We didn't take it seriously. But after that, nothing happened. A few days later, probably less than four or five days later, I dreamed of being pregnant again. This time it was very painful. It was extremely painful when I was giving birth. I called the doctor and my husband, but they all watched me, but they didn’t move. The pain was unbearable. A doctor told me to have a caesarean section. I immediately agreed. He took a knife and cut open my stomach with many hands. ...I was in great pain, but no matter how I screamed, they ignored me. After digging for a long time, they brought out a bloody child. The child was covered in blood, which was my blood, and his hands were... , pinching my heart... I woke up right now."

"These two dreams sound like nothing more than nightmares."

"It's not just these two... I kept dreaming after that, either I was pregnant and had a baby, or I was carrying a baby. I couldn't bear it, so I told my husband. These things happened before March or April. I went to the hospital for treatment. The doctor prescribed medicine. But after I took it, I still had dreams. My husband... He was silent for longer and longer and didn't talk to me much... He might have thought I was crazy. I also thought I was crazy... But... But some time ago, around the beginning of March, my mother-in-law came over... My mother-in-law brought a child to my house... I... I opened the door and saw the child, I …”

"Whose child is that child?"

"It's mother-in-law said it was my child! She said it was the child of me and my husband! My husband's uncle passed away, and she was going to a funeral, so it was difficult to take care of the child. We don't want to take care of the child ourselves, so we let him My parents went to take care of me. Before I could say anything, she pushed the child into my arms and ran away!"

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