Aoba Office

Chapter 654 No. 070-Confession Object (10)

On June 13, 2011, I received a call from the client. Phone Recording 2011p3.


"She's here again!"

"Are you talking about that thing?"

"It's Hou Jianing! She was next to me before! She was lying next to me, looking at me! Her hair... I felt her hair touching me and my shoulder!"

"Did you see her?"

"I saw something. The curtains were closed and I didn't turn on the light, so I saw a shadow. It wasn't very clear. But it must be her! She was looking at me!"

"In other words, she is closer to you than yesterday?"


"Did she do anything?"

"No, she was just there looking at me. She was lying next to me and looking at me...I...I didn't dare to move...I talked to her! I called her name and asked where she was now. Where, but she didn’t respond…”

"Mr. She, we have talked several times. You cannot contact her without permission."


"Are you wearing an amulet?"

"Yes, I wore it. The amulet was also hot. When I tried to turn on the light, she disappeared. The amulet is no longer hot. She didn't answer me. He didn't respond to anything I said."

"I understand. I remind you again not to have contact with her rashly."

"Sigh... I know, I know in my heart, but when I saw her, I couldn't control it... She is so close. If she can talk to me, she can tell me the truth and find it. She's gone!"

"Mr. She, can we install monitoring equipment in your bedroom?"

" mean..."

"Surveillance cameras and recording equipment. This way we can better understand the situation you encountered."

"Okay. If I can help, I can do anything!"

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation."

On June 13, 2011, an investigation was conducted into Ma Xiaoxiang and it was confirmed that she was born on August 15, 1968. She was married and had a son. In 2010, she switched jobs to Wanhai Software Services Company as an accountant. Previously, Ma Xiaoxiang had changed jobs four times, including working at Haina Logistics Group in 2003, Haowei Food Co., Ltd. in 2004, Guanghui Clothing Merchandise Wholesale Company in 2007, and First Safety and Security Service in 2008. company.

Her husband Lin Guorong was born on September 28, 1966. He and Ma Xiaoxiang were colleagues and worked together at Xinke Machinery Supplies Company. In 2003, he switched jobs to Ganghui Industrial Group as a staff member of the equipment purchasing department.

His son Lin Xiang is currently studying for a PhD in materials science at Minqing University of Science and Technology.

It was confirmed that Ma Xiaoxiang and his wife had no criminal records, and there were no unusual deaths among their relatives.

On June 13, 2011, surveillance and recording equipment was installed at the client's residence.

On June 13, 2011, an investigation was conducted into Wei Chenfeng, and it was confirmed that he was born on November 7, 1983, and had worked for Ganghui Industrial Group since 2002. He had no criminal record, and there were no unusual deaths among his relatives.

On June 14, 2011, I received a call from the client. Phone Recording 2011p3.

"Hello, Mr. She. Have you encountered a similar situation again?"

"Yes. She was next to me just now, or lying next to me. But compared to yesterday..."

"How does it compare to yesterday?"

"She seemed to want to say something to me... I'm not sure. She reached out to me, but she didn't touch me. She just stretched her hand across my top. Maybe it's because of the amulet..."

"We will pick up the equipment tomorrow and analyze it after looking at it."

"OK, all right."

On June 14, 2011, the surveillance and recording equipment was retrieved from the client's residence. Video file 07020110614.avi.

The surveillance video shows a bedroom. The bedroom is not big. A single bed, a desk, a wardrobe, and a bookcase fill the entire bedroom.

Four people appeared on the screen, three of whom had mosaics on their faces, the three from Aoba, and a young man, who was the man sitting in the cafe in the previous video.

The scene fast forwards and the four of them leave the bedroom together. Only the light changes in the bedroom.

At night, the man entered the bedroom, played on the computer for a while, sometimes looked at the camera, and then continued playing on the computer. At around ten o'clock in the evening, the man lay on the bed, but he was not sleeping and was looking at his mobile phone. At twelve o'clock in the evening, the man turned off his mobile phone. He closed his eyes, but his body and expression looked stiff.

As time passed, the man seemed to fall asleep and his body relaxed.

At 1:17, a shadow appeared behind the man lying on his side.

The shadow slowly became clear from blur, forming the image of a long-haired woman.

The woman also lies on her side, facing the man's back.

The screen paused and zoomed in on the woman's face.

Half of the woman's face looks soft and delicate. But her face was expressionless, even dull.

The screen fast forwards again.

The man made some small movements to adjust his sleeping position, but the woman remained motionless.

At about two o'clock, the man seemed to feel something, and his body froze in mid-movement.

The picture plays normally.

The woman made a move and tucked the hair behind her ears. The hand did not put down, but stretched out to the man.

The hand stopped in mid-air and moved slightly, as if tracing the man's body.

The man slowly turned his body from lying on his side to lying on his back.

The woman's hand lowered, almost touching the man's face.

In the close-up shot, you can see that she didn't actually touch the man.

The man grabbed the clothes on his chest with both hands and slowly rolled his eyes.

The woman withdrew her hand and rubbed her fingers on the pillow next to the man's ear.

She kept looking at the man, her eyes no longer dull, and the corners of her mouth curved.

The two looked at each other in a strange state.

The man opened his mouth and then closed it tightly.

The woman propped her body up on her elbows and leaned down to look down at the man. When her hair fell from her neck and was about to touch the back of the man's hand, she raised her hand to hook her hair, shook her head slightly, pulled her hair to the same side, and pressed her hand on her shoulder. She pinched her long hair, swept the ends of her hair towards her face, then turned the ends of her hair towards the man's face, and moved them in the air.

The man stared and gritted his teeth.

The woman had a smile on her face and opened her mouth to say something, but there was only the shape of her mouth and no sound.

She tapped the man again with the end of her hair, her eyes moved to the back of the man's hand, and suddenly disappeared from the bed.

The man was stunned for a while, then collapsed on the bed.

What do you think about my name? ( ̄▽ ̄“)

Wouldn’t it be nice to be a cute girl~XD

P.S. If you want "big X", please bring your own ~ The author does not sell props. ╮( ̄▽ ̄“)╭

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