Aoba Office

Chapter 651 No. 070-Confession Object (7)

"Where's the other recording?"

Audio file 07020110602G.wav.

"...I looked at her for a while, maybe a few minutes..."


"There will be no sound this time. She should have been dragged away."

On June 3, 2011, Hou Jianing’s blind date Wei Chenfeng was contacted. Audio file 07020110603.wav.

"Hello, Mr. Wei. Ms. Ma may have contacted you and mentioned our interview."

"Well, yes, Aunt Lin told me...ah, her husband's surname is Lin, and he is my dad's colleague. That's what I usually call her."

"We would like to ask what happened on May 20th. Can you please describe in detail what happened that day?"

"Okay. I made an appointment with Jianing a few days ago. We met on a blind date before and were introduced by Aunt Lin. We met for the first time and talked for a while. We both had a good impression of each other and decided to continue getting along. Then we met again. We had dinner several times, texted and called each other frequently. We also made an appointment to have dinner and watch a movie together on May 20th. After watching the movie, we also had a late night snack. We separated when the last train arrived. I took her to the subway station and watched her enter the station. She was a very nice girl and asked me to go back quickly so as not to miss the last train... I didn't want to save so much money at that time. Just take a taxi to see her off, and maybe nothing like this will happen..."

"Did she contact you that night?"

"She texted me that night and said she was home, and I texted her back and said good night. She didn't say anything else."

"What about before that? Did she mention anything during the date that day?"

"She talked about that thing online. There was something really wrong with that person, and they couldn't find the colleague who responded. I... To be honest, when I listened to her talk, I just saw her angry and echoed a few words. She has a long She's quite beautiful. If someone sees her on the street and wants to meet her, I think it's quite normal. I'm also a man. If I meet a girl I'm interested in on the street, I might try to strike up a conversation. If I miss it, I might not. I would feel sorry or something. I really didn’t expect someone to be so heartbroken! If you like a girl, you should get to know her and pursue her. How can you do that?”

"Mr. Wei, do you think Miss Hou's disappearance is related to that person on the Internet?"

"Otherwise? Who else would it be? She told me personally that someone was following her, and said that person came downstairs where she lived. This is so perverted! I should have advised her to call the police at that time. I really ...I just thought that there was someone following her, and if I called the police, the police might not respond. She said she wanted to resign and move, so I thought that would be fine. I also recommended a house to her in a community with good security. The house type and price are good, and there are many young people renting houses here. She has a good education and rich work experience. She should be able to find a new job soon. She and I are worried about it. As you said, I'll take care of Aunt Lin...I...I should go to her house that day. Even if I don't rent a house for the time being, I should let her stay in a hotel at that time..."

"Mr. Wei, has Ms. Hou described to you the characteristics of the person following her?"

"No. She just said it was a man, and that it might be that person online."

"When did you lose Miss Hou's contact information?"

"It was after that phone call. After that phone call, I happened to have a meeting and work overtime. When I contacted her again, she didn't answer the phone. I felt a little worried. I asked Aunt Lin, and Aunt Lin said she didn't accept it. I got her text message and sent her a file. She might be packing her luggage, looking at a house, or looking for a job, and she might not have heard the call. At that time, I thought that the person was just following her... I know how bad it is for girls. To me, this is a bit scary, but that’s it. What else can I do? I really didn’t expect that a person could... I couldn’t contact her for several days, and I didn’t know where to go to find her. I didn't know until the police contacted me that something had really happened to her...I...I really didn't expect this..."

"You haven't seen Miss Hou since then, have you?"

"Yes. I haven't seen him since, and I haven't contacted him yet."

"Have you ever heard Miss Hou mention Tai Hong?"

"No. I heard from the police that all the money on her card was transferred to that person's account?"

"Yes. Does Miss Hou have any particularly close friends?"

"I haven't heard her say that. After all, we have only known each other for a short time. But Aunt Lin said that she is very quiet, doesn't go out much, and is from out of town. Maybe she doesn't have many good friends here."

"Thank you, Mr. Wei."

June 3, 2011, audio file analysis. Audio file 07020110603G.wav.

"...She told me personally that someone was following her, and said that person came downstairs where she lived..."


"There is no sound around this person. But..."

"But what?"

"Don't you think this man is weird? I mean, the tone of his words. I always feel like he doesn't mean what he says."

"Because it's not convenient to tell the truth, right? He just dated Hou Jianing a few times. Hou Jianing really told him that he was being followed, but he didn't actually care, right? Otherwise, he could have called the police a long time ago."

" seems to be more than just that...hiss...I always feel like something is not quite right..."

"Is this your intuition as an old man?"

“That’s my gut feeling as a professional.”

"What's his major? He's not singing."


"Boss, what do you think?"

"Contact She Shuiyu. There's pretty much everything we can check here."

"Waiting for the police to find out is the safest way, right?"

"Nangong, you didn't find anyone in the surveillance?"

"No. The surveillance near Zijing Apartment only captured Hou Jianing returning home at midnight on May 20th, but did not capture her going out afterward. The surveillance there did not cover all the areas, but after expanding the scope, she was not seen in the surveillance. ”

"What does that mean?"

"Idiot, this shows that the prisoner did it in the blind spot of surveillance."

"Either in the apartment, or in a better place, and deliberately chose a blind spot for surveillance to do it."

"How's the police investigation going at Zijing Apartment?"

"There are no clues. The security guard said that he did not see anyone lingering outside the building, nor did he see Hou Jianing coming out of the building after May 20. In addition, no one left with large luggage. The testimony from the express delivery side is also unclear. "Send Hou Jianing, unable to deliver."

"This person really disappeared out of thin air?"

"Where is Hou Jianing's room?"

"There are no suspicious signs. If the crime, kidnapping, imprisonment, murder, and body hiding was really committed in the Bauhinia Apartments... it was also in the rooms of other residents. The police are currently applying for a search warrant and are also monitoring the entire apartment."

Tell me one thing~

The title of Qidian 515 Fan Festival is ready~ You can find it by searching for my author name on the event page~o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ

P.S. The blame for this matter is not mine. If Qidian has not changed its system recently, you should praise the author for his clever idea and trying Apple's Author APP. ( ̄▽ ̄“)

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