Aoba Office

Chapter 65 Death

After Guo Yujie heard about this incident, she was still very sad and angry, and she spat out a series of swear words endlessly.

She was famous for her unexpected strength and ability to curse when she was in college. Once when she and her friends were returning to their dormitory at night, they were attacked by a pervert on the way. She scolded and beat him, waking up a group of people in the dormitory area and almost killing him.

The faces of the thin man and the fat man were also extremely ugly.

No one expected that there were two brutal serial murderers hiding so close to them.

I didn't tell them what I'd discovered, for fear of causing more panic. I'm so panicked now that I'm not even interested in reading those Aoba's files on the table.

Fortunately, my sister's parent-teacher conference was held in the evening, which greatly diverted my attention.

"I'll leave early today." I said to the four of them. "My sister will have a parent-teacher conference tonight."

"Yeah. Then I'll leave early to see Uncle Wang and Wang Hui." Guo Yujie stopped scolding and said with some sadness.

"Don't disturb others," I said. "When you have time, talk to He Juan and Zheng Xinxin about this matter."

Guo Yujie nodded.

The thin man and the fat man will not go to the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants to brush their faces today.

The office was extremely dull today. Everyone was immersed in work, looking for Ye Qing and Liu Miao.

I went home early in the afternoon and had an early meal. My parents sighed and said that they were being despised because they were old. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I buried my head in eating and didn't say anything. My sister has to take care of this matter. Sure enough, my sister acted coquettishly towards her parents, with a very sweet mouth, which made them happy again.

"Why don't you go quickly? Don't be late."

"You have memorized everything the teacher said and listen carefully."

My parents drove me away.

The haze in my heart has lifted a lot.

My sister goes to a key city high school. It is not ranked among the top ten in the city, but it is also a very good school. The admission rate is very good. With my sister’s grades, there is no problem with her grades. It just depends on which school she goes to. .

I arrived half an hour early for the eight o'clock parent-teacher meeting, but there were already many people sitting in the classroom. The head teacher was surrounded by several parents, answering all kinds of questions.

I looked too young among this group of parents who were at least forty years old. At this time, everyone was paying attention to the class teacher, but no one paid attention to me.

I moved to the periphery of the class teacher's group and listened to the class teacher's words.

"...The school is very tight, but it cannot relax outside of class. School teaching is a big class, and the level of all students must be taken into consideration. If conditions permit, it is better to sign up for a small class or individual one-on-one tutoring, and do some Targeted training can better improve performance. This belongs to the scope of checking for omissions and filling in vacancies, while the school curriculum is an overall review, and you cannot focus on small things and magnify them..."

After listening to it for a long time, I felt like I was back in high school.

"Okay, it's almost time. Parents, please take a seat. The parent-teacher meeting will begin soon." The head teacher glanced at his watch, raised his head and noticed my strange, young face, "You are..."

"I am Lin Yun's brother." I said to the class teacher.

"Oh. Is there something wrong with her parents?" The head teacher frowned slightly.

"Well, there are some things." I did not explain my decision.

The wrinkles between the head teacher's brows showed her dissatisfaction. She pointed to my sister's seat and asked specifically: "This parent-teacher meeting is very important. There are many things to write down."

I nodded, smiled and thanked her for her kind reminder, "I brought my mobile phone." Recording or taking notes will do.

With that said, I looked at what other parents had prepared: ultra-thin notebooks, tablets, voice recorders... all very professional, all very fashionable. I also saw the latest Fruit Notebook, and when I looked at the bearded father-like man using the notebook, I felt a ton of hurt. Who are the young people?

The head teacher said nothing more.

The parent-teacher meeting begins. The head teacher first introduces the process of the parent-teacher meeting. She will explain the skills of college entrance examination registration, application, and major selection. The main teacher will then explain the review plan for the third year of high school.

I and other parents concentrated on recording and writing, and we started sweating without realizing it.

It’s not easy for senior high school students, and neither is it easy for parents of senior high school students. I feel a little restless when I hear about the things I experienced many years ago.

"Teacher," a parent in front raised his hand, "it's too hot, can you open the window?"

The head teacher who was speaking also wiped the sweat from his neck and nodded, "Okay, just open the windows."

The parent by the window was also sweating. He was probably afraid that the movement of opening the window would affect the class teacher, so he had been holding back. At this moment the head teacher stopped, and they couldn't wait to pull the window.

Like everyone else, I subconsciously looked toward the window.

The classroom was brightly lit, but it was dark outside. The glass windows became mirrors, reflecting the entire classroom.

Suddenly I saw someone standing at the door of the classroom. I was startled. When I saw it clearly, I cursed in my heart: The teachers have never changed this habit. They have to secretly monitor students in class. Now there are parent-teacher meetings and school leaders come to inspect. . When I was in high school, I was caught by the dean of students, my phone was confiscated, and my parents were called. The past that is unbearable to look back on!

The woman standing at the door looks like a standard dean, wearing a suit, with her head tied up, and wearing black-rimmed glasses. She is meticulous and very serious.

The head teacher walked over and greeted the woman, "Teacher Qin."

"Well, what are you doing?"

Listening to the voice, Teacher Qin is very old.

"The classroom is too hot, and several parents want to open the windows."

"Don't take too long." Teacher Qin ordered and continued his inspection.

"This window seems to be stuck." A father used various methods to push the window.

"Why is it stuck?" The head teacher walked over.

"I'm stuck here too. What's going on?" Another parent also said.

"You didn't unlock it, did you?"

The parents at the window were chattering away, and their voices gradually became louder.


A window was opened, and because the person who opened the window used excessive force, it made a loud noise and bounced back after hitting the window frame.

Instantly, a gust of wind blew into the classroom.


The classroom door was blown shut with another loud bang.

My heart beat twice.

The windows were opened and the classroom returned to normal.

"Teacher Liu, this classroom is not good. Should the third year of high school be changed to a better classroom?" a parent suggested.

"I remember the senior high school students were in a separate building, right? It was right behind the school." Another parent said.

The head teacher nodded, "The place was renovated during the summer vacation, and all the senior high school students will move there next week."

This topic ends here, and the class teacher continues to explain the skills of pitching.

The parent-teacher meeting lasted for more than two hours. When it was dismissed, the head teacher came to care about my record. I had to check her notes and recordings like a student, and she smiled sheepishly.

"I'm sorry, I see you are so young and I'm a little worried."

"It's okay. Our whole family takes my sister's college entrance examination very seriously." I smiled.

The head teacher also wanted to say a few polite words, but when a parent came to ask questions, she looked at me apologetically.

I said goodbye and left.

When I got home, my sister and parents were waiting.

I explained the contents of the parent-teacher meeting to the whole family. This night, our family all slept very late. I had a good night's sleep. I don't know whether it was because of exhaustion or because of the warm feeling of family, which diluted the uneasiness.

Early the next morning, I had to recall what happened to Aunt Wang because Guo Yujie called me.

"Uncle Wang passed away."

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