Aoba Office

Chapter 639 Tourmaline Stone (15)

Wu Chenxi didn't know the way from the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants to Ouyang's house. It was impossible for her to search for directions on her mobile phone, it was impossible to ask people, and it was even impossible to take a taxi to Ouyang's house.

After being in a daze for a while, she randomly chose a direction and kept walking forward.

There are always bus stops near the community.

When Wu Chenxi saw the bus stop, he was a little expectant. But the six buses at this stop were all ones she had never taken.

I can feel Wu Chenxi's disappointment.

I'm actually more disappointed than she is.

But that was because Wu Chenxi left the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants like this, and did not ask the old lady about the house or Ye Qing.

I guess the old lady is going to commit suicide.

To be honest, I'm not very sad about this. On the one hand, it's because the old lady is very old, her husband and children have left her, and her life in a nursing home is not happy; on the other hand, I believe that the old lady's decision was not a hot-headed impulse. She is not a sensitive teenager in adolescence, nor is she an adult who has suddenly changed. Listening to her conversations with men, you will know that she moved, sold her house, received keys from men, experienced the death of her children, lived in a nursing home and could not go home... She had several years to digest this, and it wasn't until Ouyang came to her today that she felt it was time and returned here. This is a decision made by an adult after careful consideration.

I'm a little sad, but I can understand what the old lady did.

Some people choose death to be freed, and some people... choose to continue to live hard regardless of life or death.

I couldn't help but think of Ye Qing.

The man said that turning into a ghost after death is also a form of life, and you should cherish the time when you become a ghost.

Should Ye Qing be called one of the examples?

He never gave up the fight until his death.

While I was thinking about something, a bus came.

Wu Chenxi looked at the car and stood behind the advertising board at the bus stop without moving.

After a while, another car came.

The car is empty.

Wu Chenxi probably used this as the basis for his choice.

She got into the car, carefully avoiding the scattered passengers in the car, and stood next to the rear door.

The car drove for two stops, and Wu Chenxi got off the bus while someone was getting off.

She looked at the license plate on this platform and was still disappointed.

When another empty car came, Wu Chenxi got on the car again and still stood in the same place.

While the vehicle was driving, Wu Chenxi looked out the window, worried.

In her field of vision, the scenery outside the window gradually receded.

She suddenly turned her head and looked behind her.

I noticed that the focus of her eyes was on a street sign, which was the subway sign.

Wu Chenxi was excited, but the car did not stop, nor did he sign up for the stop.

I know there is still a long way to go before this car stops at the next stop.

There was a red light at the intersection ahead and the car stopped.

Wu Chenxi looked in front and then behind, closed his eyes, and passed through the car door.

There happened to be an electric car passing her in front of her.

When Wu Chenxi opened his eyes and saw this scene, he was so frightened that he fell back, half of his body fused with the car.

She patted her chest and hurriedly ran onto the sidewalk while there were no motorized vehicles, and then ran towards the subway station.

To reach the subway station, you need to turn left at the intersection in front and walk another one or two hundred meters.

The platform is at the entrance of a community, and there are not many people at this time.

Wu Chenxi was very happy, ran down the stairs, paused at the ticket gate, and climbed over the railing with a red face.

I felt something strange.

The ghost Wu Chenxi can be said to be the most clear-minded and emotionally complex ghost I have ever encountered. She was still a little girl and had many thoughts. She knew she was dead and wanted to comfort her friends. However, she was very unfamiliar with being a ghost, so she devoted some of her energy to understanding her new identity.

I have never seen a ghost as clumsy as her.

She studied the subway route and wrote down the names of the stations to transfer to.

Still using a somewhat stupid method, she took the subway to No. 18 Middle School. After arriving at No. 18 Middle School, she walked to Ouyang's house.

During this period, she was also anxious to avoid meeting other living people, which was a hard journey.

When she arrived at Ouyang's house, she found that there was no one at home, and neither Ouyang nor his daughter came back.

Wu Chenxi sat down on the sofa and looked at the remote control on the coffee table for a while.

After a while, she said to herself: "I can get it, I can get it, I can get it..."

Repeating this sentence repeatedly, Wu Chenxi prepared himself mentally and reached out to hold the remote control.

Her hand went through the remote control.

Wu Chenxi was not discouraged and tried several more times, but she just couldn't hold the remote control.

This scene reminded me of my own experiences in dreams.

It is easy and difficult to accomplish something in this soul form.

Wu Chenxi could sit on the sofa. Before, she could also take the bus, take the stairs, and take the subway. Now at Ouyang's house on the fourth floor, she did not fall through those cement floors and transportation vehicles, and fell to the ground, or simply fell to the center of the earth. Penetrate the earth. From this point of view, she should have a physical body, but she cannot touch living people. During these times, she becomes a "ghost" again, becoming invisible.

I don't know how to explain this situation.

Maybe this is instinct, just like a newborn baby will cry when it is in pain, hungry, thirsty or uncomfortable.

It may also be that these behaviors have been imprinted into the reflex nerves while alive. A person may be unable to pick up things due to illness, old age, or hands, but it is never possible to pass the body through other solid objects. After becoming a ghost, the ghost's behavior is the same as that of a living person who can walk and reach out without thinking.

Whether Wu Chenxi’s practice is useful, I’m looking forward to the results.

If she can succeed through practice, I should also be able to use practice to make myself act in dreams, instead of relying on the ability to act intermittently and the ups and downs of emotions.

A question suddenly occurred to me.

If this thing can be achieved through practice, why have Gu Mo, Nangong Yao, and Master Xuan Qing never told me? They always asked me to take things as they came and treat supernatural events calmly. They never asked me to do anything. They didn't even ask me to hurry up and read the files. Instead, they had the best attitude of letting things happen.

The only thing Nangong Yao mentioned about ability improvement was that the stronger the ability, the closer people like us are to death.

Is it... because of this?

Because of this, they all chose not to improve their abilities and let them develop freely?

I hesitated.

I haven't thought about this issue at all.

Does my ability to act in dreams count as part of my ability?

I feel like I have a headache.

Wu Chenxi was surprisingly perseverant. She persisted in this repetitive action for several hours.

After it got dark, the door opened.

Wu Chenxi was awakened and realized that it was already dark. She stood up quickly and looked at the door of the room.

The three Ouyang family members came back together. Both Ouyang mother and daughter looked like they had cried.

"You should go to bed early. I will notify the others. Tomorrow the funeral procession will come, and I will go with them to the funeral parlor. You can keep an eye on the house." Ouyang's father said to her mother.

Ouyang's mother nodded and looked at Ouyang, who looked even duller than during the day.

Ouyang's father patted Ouyang on the shoulder, "Xiaoxiao, don't think blindly. My aunt is old and confused. She...she was not in good spirits before, so she asked your uncle and aunt to send her to a nursing home. For so many years, the professional psychiatrist there has been seeing him every week, but he has not been able to cure him... Sigh..."

Ouyang looked at his father and said stubbornly: "The police said that those doors had not been broken. The family said that they never lost the keys. After buying the house, they renovated it and changed the locks. My aunt used the keys to get in. .”

This is yesterday’s second update.

Today's update is in the evening.

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