Aoba Office

Chapter 636 Tourmaline Stone (12)

The taxi drove directly to Gongnong Village. The middle-aged taxi driver took the initiative to ask the old lady which building she lived in and wanted to drive the car into the community.

The old lady shook her head, "No need, just put me down here."

The old lady in ginger clothes said generously: "Don't be polite to him, just go in and walk around, it's nothing."

"No, I can just walk in by myself." The old lady still shook her head and said stiffly, "I would like to thank you very much today."

She didn't seem to be very good at saying thank you, so she said it dryly.

Those three people didn't mind either.

The car stopped on the side of the road, the old lady got out of the car and said thank you again.

Wu Chenxi got off the car.

The two old ladies in the car were not very particular, maybe because they were old and used to talking loudly. As soon as the old lady closed the door, they started talking.

"It's also pitiful. A white-haired person gives a black-haired person a gift."


The car started and drove away from the roadside.

Wu Chenxi looked at the taxi driving away, and then at the Sixth Village Community of Workers and Peasants next to her, feeling curious and timid in her heart.

She waited until the old lady was about to enter the community, then followed her up.

There is a lot of excitement in the community, and some demolition notices have been hung on the publicity boards. The publicity board placed on the main road of the community when the last questionnaire was conducted was also re-cut by Director Mao of the neighborhood committee and placed behind the glass frame of the publicity board.

When the old lady saw this scene, she slowed down and read the content carefully.

Wu Chenxi also followed, but only glanced twice.

She's not interested.

I have long been familiar with the content, and I did a lot of the content and layout myself.

However, "at this time", I was not in the community, and none of the five of us were. The five of us should be in the office at this time.

When I thought of this, my heart moved.

According to the rules of dreams, my body should be in a coma at the moment. He was unconscious in the office, and Slender Man and the others were nearby, so they probably wouldn't make a fuss and make it known to everyone.

The old lady spent some time and read all the contents in the bulletin board.

At this time, several middle-aged aunties from the community came over and looked at the old lady a few more times.

One of them walked past the old lady and twisted his neck to look at her. She suddenly slapped her forehead, stopped, pointed at the old lady and shouted: "Isn't this Aunt Ouyang! I thought it looked familiar just now. I'm getting older, and it took me a long time to remember."

The old lady turned her head.

"I'm Xiao Chen from downstairs in your house! My dad and Uncle Ouyang worked in the same workshop at that time, do you remember? I used to come to your house for dinner when I was a kid," the middle-aged aunt said with a smile.

The two aunties walking with her looked suddenly enlightened.

"The one above your house!"

"Oh, isn't that family a family of three? Is it your son?"

The old lady's face was expressionless, and the corners of her mouth were pulled down.

"Ahem!" The aunt who called herself Xiao Chen cleared her throat awkwardly, "Her house was sold, and the family of three bought it."

She spoke quickly, and after finishing her words, she immediately said to the old lady: "Auntie, it's an unlucky time for you to come here. Isn't this going to be demolished? The water pipes in the community were broken a while ago, and no one can live in it. That family has already moved. I went to my parents’ house, but there is no one at home now.”

She spoke very considerate of the old lady, but her eyes twinkled.

The old lady just said "Oh", turned around and left without looking at the bulletin boards.

Wu Chenxi looked at the three aunts curiously.

"Sister Chen, what's going on?" someone asked.

"Oh, Aunt Ouyang's son and daughter want to take her to live in happiness. If she is not happy, then don't move. Anyway, there were a lot of things at that time, and the mother and son even quarreled. Later, the son took her over and the house was sold. , she even came back and wanted to buy the house back. She had troubles two or three times. I heard that she later lived in a nursing home, and her son and daughter also died, in a car accident or something."

At this point, her expression became strange, and one of the other two people also looked a little embarrassed.

Wu Chenxi originally wanted to leave, but stopped when he saw this. She saw that the old lady was not walking too fast - she was old after all - so she continued to listen to the three people talking.

I just wanted to hear what they had to say.

However, I already have a rough guess in my mind.

"What else is there?" the third person asked with a gossipy face.

Aunt Chen said uncomfortably: "It's those things about Chen Mazi rotten millet."

"The haunted one?" The third person seemed to have heard about it.

"It's not just that. Anyway, the old people say that this place is evil. If you move here, you will either die of old age here or die of old age if you go out. My parents believe this, and I also think this place is evil."

The third person didn't seem to be an original resident of the Sixth Gongnong Village. He chuckled and said, "You guys are really interesting. Isn't the guy who sold my house a good living? It's the old factory that spreads the news around, right? ?”

Another person shook his head, "The steel plant was very profitable at that time. Everyone here is trying to get in, and everyone who comes in will die here. What are the leaders going to do to threaten the workers?"

The third person said angrily: "You see, you have already said that everyone who enters the factory will die in the factory. Doesn't it change the taste if these words are spread around?"

The three of them were talking as they walked, and what they said seemed to make sense.

Wu Chenxi's thoughts were a little confused.

I found her thoughts easy to guess.

I roughly understood the situation in the six worker-peasant villages from the conversations between those three people, but I felt that I had only a half-understanding.

The thoughts in Wu Chenxi's mind even reached my brain.

I can even see the old lady's bunch of keys.

She was thinking about the strange set of keys.

She had a strong thought. Thinking of the key and the strangeness of the journey, she ran after the old lady.

The old lady lives in Building 17.

As soon as she arrived here, and combined with the conversation between the three people just now, I guessed which household the old lady originally lived in.

Room 603, a family of three. The landlord's name is Guo Ziyang. After the water pipe burst, he moved directly to his parents' house.

When I was doing the questionnaire before, I called Guo Ziyang. He was busy with work and didn't take time out. His wife made a special trip to the neighborhood committee and filled out a questionnaire.

The couple are in their thirties. Guo Ziyang has a good job in a software company. His wife is the treasurer of a small company and has a lot of free time. She is considered a half-time wife. The couple have a very good relationship and have a son who is in elementary school. Director Mao spoke of this family with a somewhat envious tone. After we got in touch, we found that this family is really good-tempered, very sensible, and reasonable. The family is well off and well educated. When it comes to demolition, this family should be the kind of people who follow the procedures and handle matters in a formal manner, making them the most worry-free property owners.

While I was thinking about the situation of Guo Ziyang's family, the old lady standing in front of the anti-theft iron door downstairs had already taken out her hand from her pocket, selected a cross key with a square head from the four keys, and inserted it into the keyhole.

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