Aoba Office

Chapter 629 Tourmaline Stone (5)

Ouyang cried out, and his tears spilled on the back of my hands.

I could feel the warm and moist feeling, but I knew very well that I was actually feeling the same as Wu Chenxi's ghost.

Ouyang's parents came in to comfort her, but Ouyang just cried and repeated: "We agreed to go to college together and travel together during the holidays. No matter how her parents are doing, I will accompany her... We agreed …”

Ouyang's parents sighed deeply and put Ouyang to sleep.

"Okay, if we don't go abroad, we can take the college entrance examination at home. We can go to college together at home."

Ouyang lay down again, tears flowing freely on his face.

After a while, she seemed to fall asleep.

Her parents came out of the bedroom.

I heard the two of them discussing outside taking Ouyang to see a psychiatrist.

Wu Chenxi looked at the bedroom door that was slowly closing and turned his head.

My vision moved accordingly, staring at Ouyang.

"Go to college together..." Ouyang murmured in her dream, clutching the quilt with both hands, and tears fell from the corners of her eyes.

Wu Chenxi reached out to wipe Ouyang's tears. Her own tears welled up from her eyes and hit the back of her hands.

Her tears were cold, and the feeling disappeared in a flash, leaving no trace on her body.

Perhaps the tears of ghosts are like this and cannot last forever.

Wu Chenxi lay down next to Ouyang, hugged her and cried.

I don't know if she is crying for Ouyang or herself. Her sadness was completely conveyed to my heart.

I couldn't bear it, and even had the urge to cry.

Time passes slowly.

After Wu Chenxi cried for a while, she said in a low voice: "I'm sorry, we can't go to university together, and we can't travel together. Those scenic spots you mentioned, we have to go diving together, take pictures with sharks at the bottom of the sea; and lie in the sea of ​​flowers. , shot from a high altitude with drones; there are also hot-air balloon weddings, with "We are married" written on the balloons and hearts drawn... My son marries your daughter, or your son marries my daughter... Even if they are of the same sex, They can be brothers, sisters, or partners... and the children's names need to be connected, and Yanyan must be added to form a sentence... I... I can't even do it..."

Wu Chenxi whispered: "I'm sorry...I'm sorry...Don't cry...It's my fault...I'm sorry..."

My consciousness began to drift, and I only remembered that Wu Chenxi kept apologizing. Her whimpering was small, but it was different from the sound of being pressed in the toilet, hiding in the water pipe, asking for help, and crying in pain.

When I woke up, the girl's voice was still echoing in my ears.

The spring sunshine is not blazing, nor does it feel warm. It even makes people feel that it is not bright enough.

Some people say that sunlight makes people feel comfortable.

I don't feel that way at all.

My sister will stay at home all day today. With her parents by her side, and she's a strong girl, it shouldn't matter.

When I went to work, she gave me a smile and told me to be careful along the way.

However, this smile makes me feel more worried than the lazy greeting on weekday mornings.

When they arrived at the office, Slender Man and the others also looked gloomy.

"Brother Qi, is your sister okay?" the fat man asked.

I smiled bitterly, "It's worse than last time."

Ji Ying had a closer relationship with her sister. However, Ji Ying's death was quickly characterized as suicide, and some people suspected it was an accident. It was a very regrettable and sad thing, but it was also sudden and caught people off guard. No mental preparation at all.

Later, the school building was burned down and caught fire, and students died unexpectedly. One incident after another made people forget the death of a young girl.

Wu Chenxi's matter has been fermenting for a period of time.

Everyone knows that Wu Chenxi's parents' relationship broke down and she was depressed. In the end, it became even more shocking that she ended her life in this way. The tragic way of death is incomparable to Ji Ying's death after falling from a building.

And I know better. I have "deep experience" with the deaths of the two girls. For me, Wu Chenxi's death is even more terrifying.

I myself was somewhat affected, and I didn’t know how to comfort my sister.

"As time goes by, it will get better gradually." The thin man said.

"I hope so." That's all I can hope for.

Chen Xiaoqiu entered the office at this time.

"How was it? How was the investigation?" Guo Yujie asked impatiently.

Chen Xiaoqiu said with a straight face, "We found a body."

All four of us trembled.

"Wu Chenxi's autopsy results have also come out." Chen Xiaoqiu continued and glanced at me, "Except for the wound on her neck, there were no other external injuries. But the wound on her neck was not one, and it was not something that the small utility knife could Cut out."

This was something I expected. After all, I "witnessed" Wu Chenxi's death.

"In this case, will this case become an unsolved case?" said the thin man.

Being able to close the case with suicide is a good thing for the police, Wu Chenxi's family, the teachers and students of No. 18 Middle School, and even the whole society. After all, the person who committed the crime was not a human being, but a stone spirit. This kind of thing cannot be made public at all, and no one would believe it if it were made public.

The suicide case is closed, and everything has a result. After that, everyone can start a new life.

However, if it becomes an unsolved case...

I couldn't help but think of Jiang Yongning and Qin Yijuan.

Without an end, it is a lifetime of torture.

Jiang Yongning finally knew the truth. Qin Yijuan was afraid that she would not know whose hands her daughter died until her death. Even if Xu Jun was killed in the end and his soul was scattered, the dead Qin Yijuan did not know whether she could get it in the underworld. peaceful.

The five of us were silent.

"Do you want to tell them?" Guo Yujie said hesitantly, "After the matter is over, send an anonymous letter or something? Don't talk about the stone, just talk about other things... make up a story..."

The more Guo Yujie spoke, the softer her voice became.

"Then let's make up a story when the time comes." I said.

Guo Yujie looked at me in surprise.

The thin man and the fat man also looked at me.

I calmly recounted my dream last night, "Those two little girls, we must let them live a good life, right? We can't be affected by this incident for the rest of our lives."

"Then what kind of story are you going to make up? A ghost story isn't very good, right?" The thin man thought seriously.

This is really difficult.

"Find a prisoner to convict?" The fat man suggested.

"Where can I find the right prisoner?" The thin man rolled his eyes.

This is not the ancient time of feudal monarchy, and none of us can do such a thing as casually finding a "scapegoat".

"It's too early to think about this now. The stone spirit hasn't been found yet," Chen Xiaoqiu said.

This is a realistic statement.

We can only imagine that the real work is still the demolition, and the Shitou Jing affairs can only be left to Chen Yihan, Gu Mo, and Nangong Yao.

Chen Xiaoqiu said that Nangong Yao and Gu Mo seemed to have discovered something last night and needed to study it. Probably once they finish their research, the stone spirit will be solved.

After a busy day at work, we bid each other a dull farewell and went home.

I brought back the fried chicken that my sister liked.

A whole chicken is fried in oil. This dish is not easy to make at home. My mother also thought this junk food was too unhealthy and always opposed us eating it.

Today I bought fried chicken and went home. My mother took one look at it and said nothing.

I greeted my sister directly, "Eat it while it's hot."

My sister looked at the fried chicken and was not polite. She washed her hands and grabbed it to eat.

Overeating is a good way to vent your emotions. Although it is not good for your health and will cause you to feel strong regret later, it is pleasurable in the moment.

My sister ate a whole fried chicken and didn't even eat dinner. She collapsed on the sofa, her expression much better than before.

My parents and I were relieved.

Why do you think Ouyang is dead? How could I be so cruel to kill so many little girls at once~╮( ̄▽ ̄“)╭

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