Aoba Office

Chapter 63 Seizure

Guo Yujie was still angry. She said she asked Huang Mao to hand him over, but we all knew that Aunt Wang was dead long ago. On this point, the five of us subconsciously avoided talking about it.

Guo Yujie's eyes turned red, she yelled, and stepped on Huang Mao's leg.

I felt a cold sweat in my heart.

Fortunately, Chen Xiaoqiu was still calm and quickly pulled Guo Yujie, preventing her from trampling Huang Mao's leg directly. If this really seriously injured someone, Chen Xiaoqiu might not even be able to hold it back.

Huang Mao stood up from the ground, his face flushed, and he wanted to beat Guo Yujie in anger.

Old Man Li hurriedly stopped in the middle to break up the fight.

There were some guys hired by Old Man Li in the shop. Seeing that the young boss was about to fight, they all came out to help.

Guo Yujie was pulled by Chen Xiaoqiu, and she probably regained some sense. She remembered her plan, kicked and beat Huang Mao, and gradually moved to the middle of the road and left the store.

I took this opportunity to enter the store, and rushed to the freezer in three steps at a time. After opening the cabinet, I stuffed the cat bone and the iron box at the bottom of the freezer without even looking at it, then closed the cabinet, and there was another Rush out in a hurry.

The fat man's huge body blocked half of the door. When he saw me coming out, he sighed and followed me towards the liveliest crowd.

It is said to be the busiest, but there are really not many people on this street. There are only nearby shops and a few people returning home from get off work to watch the excitement.

Chen Xiaoqiu made arrangements, and not long after, a police car drove to this remote road. Two young policemen in uniform got out, solemnly broke up the fight, and took Guo Yujie and Chen Xiaoqiu away.

Seeing that the matter was settled, the three of us men quickly retreated. We felt embarrassed as soon as we walked out of Jintian Road. But we have to admit that Guo Yujie is the only one among us who is the most suitable for fighting. I can only put things away, and the thin man and the fat man can do it. The two of them were very effective in brushing their faces in the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants. They were easily recognized when they had conflicts with nearby shops.

The thin man scolded his mother, "I should have started a fight just now, and then took the opportunity to hit that kid a few times."

"You might as well let Sister Guo do the beating." Fatty said, his tone full of respect.

He went to school early and was in the same class as us, but two years younger than us. When he was in school, he admired the strange girl who was famous in the school at that time.

The thin man couldn't refute, so he could only curse again.

This fact really hurts our men's self-esteem.

I received a call from Chen Xiaoqiu and made an appointment for dinner.

When Chen Xiaoqiu chose a place, he chose a large hotel with private rooms and directly booked the private rooms. The three of us arrived first, waiting for the glorious return of the two heroines today.

"How is it?" the thin man asked impatiently.

"It's okay. The director is Xiaoqiu's uncle." Guo Yujie waved her hand grandly.


"Our police chief here?" Fatty asked cautiously.

Chen Xiaoqiu nodded calmly.

The private room suddenly became quiet.

I have an idea right now, reincarnation is a technical job!

Chen Xiaoqiu told what happened, "I went to the police station to make a record. It was just a small fight, so it wasn't a big deal." She paused, "I asked the police officer who made the record to ask about Wang Hong. , the reaction of their father and son is normal."

I immediately cheered up, "Normal?"

"Li Li said he didn't know Wang Hong, but Li Changsheng said the same thing as two years ago. He can definitely match it." Chen Xiaoqiu frowned slightly, "Have you already put the things in the freezer?"

I nodded, "Let it go. I should know the effect soon."

Chen Xiaoqiu's face did not have that expectant expression at all. She repeated the sentence, "The two veteran policemen in the police station have tried it, and there is nothing wrong with them."

"You mean Brother Qi is lying?" The thin man looked unkind.

"Maybe it wasn't the father and son who did it? Are there other people in their store?" The fat man quickly interjected.

I shook my head, "I think it was the two of them who did it."


"I may... have made a mistake." I said softly.

"Brother Qi, stop being so pretentious and say it in one breath." The thin man urged anxiously.

"I thought Aunt Wang was looking at me, but maybe... she wasn't looking at me." I added, "She wasn't looking at me at first."

The four of them couldn't understand what I said.

"The first time I was walking on Jintian Road, I suddenly felt that kind of sight." I looked at Guo Yujie, "Do you remember what happened that day, right?"

"Remember, you suddenly stood still." Guo Yujie said.

"Then I turned around not long ago and saw that the store was open and they were delivering goods. At that time..." I recalled, "it was Li Li who opened the door."

It was Huang Mao who opened the door. He should be standing at the door. Huang Mao, me, and Aunt Wang were in a straight line.

"The second time was on the weekend, and it was Huang Mao who opened the door for me. As soon as he opened the door, I saw Aunt Wang." I continued.

At that time, Huang Mao and I were standing face to face. Aunt Wang was looking at the door, but she was not necessarily looking at me.

Of course, when I looked over, Aunt Wang must have felt something, and then she looked at me.

"The evidence is that I went to put things away today and I didn't see Aunt Wang."

At that time, Huang Mao was dragged out by Guo Yujie, and Aunt Wang could not see Huang Mao from her position.

"This is just your guess." Chen Xiaoqiu still remained rational and sought evidence.

I suspect that she was "making trouble" with us today just to find a reasonable excuse for the veteran police officers in the police station to interrogate Old Man Li and his son. She trusts the judgment of experienced police officers more than the ghosts I mentioned.

I don't object to her attitude.

"Then let's see what the cat bones can do." I said.

The effects of cat bones became apparent a day later: Old Man Li’s shop was inspected by officials from the Industry and Commerce and Food and Drug Administration. Chen Xiaoqiu got first-hand information from her relatives. All the people who bought things from her family in the past two days were hospitalized due to food poisoning, and no one was spared.

"Is the cat bone a curse?" The fat man was stunned.

"Have you found anything about Aunt Wang?" Guo Yujie asked quickly.

Chen Xiaoqiu's eyes fell on me, "Where did you put that iron box?"

"It's in the freezer." I didn't know what she wanted to ask.

"Has it been found by the Food Bureau?" asked the thin man.

"Is it possible that the old iron box contaminated the raw materials?" the fat man guessed.

I didn't know what to say for a moment.

"No. All the items at that processing point were seized, but no iron boxes were found." Chen Xiaoqiu said.

An idea flashed in my mind: Has the iron box returned to Aoba Office?

"Then what's the matter with food poisoning?" The fat man was still concerned about this.

Chen Xiaoqiu showed a thoughtful expression and replied absently: "The raw materials searched are still undergoing chemical testing, and the results should be available tomorrow."

"Then let's wait for the results." I said, already planning to go to Qingye after get off work to see if the iron box had returned.

When I got off work, Chen Xiaoqiu naturally walked with me.

"What are you going to do?" I immediately sensed her intention.

"What are you going to do?" Chen Xiaoqiu asked me the same question.

I had no choice but to say, "If you want to follow, just follow."

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