Aoba Office

Chapter 614 Number 010-After School (8)

"I just saw him at school. He was the only one in the school who didn't wear a uniform. Our school all wears uniforms. We asked him, but he didn't say anything. I... I was in the third or fourth grade at that time... …I forgot about it. I just didn’t think much about it. Now that you talk about it, I feel like…that person…that thing…I’m a little scared…”

"Where did you see him in school? When did you see him? What was he doing?"

"Many places. Usually when school is over, I see him standing nearby, far away. We only asked him once. He was standing there, as if...looking at us, right? I’m not sure either. Is that really a ghost?”

"We don't know what he is yet. Is that all you know about the boy? Have you ever heard anyone mention him?"

"No more. There must be quite a few people mentioning him. There are quite a few classmates who have seen him in school, one seems to know where he comes from. By the way! There was a classmate who was in the next class at that time. One classmate was unconvinced and told the teacher that some students did not wear school uniforms and why he had to wear them. It seemed that he was the one he was talking about. The teachers said he was talking nonsense. That student is usually quite naughty."

"Yes, I understand. How often does he appear? Do you see him every time after school?"

"It seems... I can't remember clearly. Sometimes I see it, sometimes I don't."

"Thank you."

"Zhuang Yibin, what did you say?"

"Oh, that's it..."

"Then you guys eat, we're leaving first."


"Hey, this..."

"Classmate, what did you think of?"

"This seems to be a student from our school. It's not the current school, it's an elementary school."

"Butou, have you seen it too?"

"Have you seen this boy?"

"Yes. What's wrong...what's wrong with this...this?"

"Can you tell me more about what happened when you saw this boy?"

"Huh? It's just inside the school..."

"Is he a ghost?"

"Wow, have you all seen ghosts?"

"Isn't it? Isn't he just a student..."

"What was it like when you saw him?"

"Yes, I saw him after fifth grade. When I was in fifth grade, I saw him every time after school. He was standing in the corridor, sometimes in the toilet or on the playground. It felt weird... We At that time, several people saw him and said he was a junior classmate in the lower grade, maybe in the first grade, so... he, isn't he human? Will I be okay? "

"Did you just see him? Didn't you see anything else? Did you hear anything?"


"No, he doesn't speak either."

"Thank you both."

On April 12, 2002, I received a call from the client. Telephone recording 200204121721.mp3.

"Hello, Mr. Li..."

"Call Me……"

"Have you encountered that situation again? Let's come over now..."

"No, it's's not like that!"

"What happened?"

"He's outside..."

"Who? That boy?"

"Yes, he is outside, the doorbell... he is ringing the doorbell... I saw it! I... he is outside, still standing outside..."

"Don't worry, we'll come over now."


On April 12, 2002, he went to the client's residence. Audio file 01020020412.wav.

"It seems that he ran away and there is nothing left."


"Mr. Li?"


"Mr. Li, are you okay?"

"I, do I look fine? I'm really almost... almost dying..."

"Please don't be nervous and relax. You said on the phone that he was ringing the bell at the door?"

"to him……"

"Oh, Xiao Li!"

"Aunt Zhao..."

"I asked Chengcheng to look for you just now, but you weren't at home. Are these your clothes at home? They fell on my balcony."

"Ah? Ah, thank you..."

"Aunt Zhao."


"Did you just ask the children at home to give something to Mr. Li?"


"A little boy about this tall?"

"...It's higher than this. Xiao Li, this..."

"this is my friend."

"Oh...there's nothing to do. I'll go back and cook."

"Well, thank you."

"It looks like it was a false alarm."


"...This is what we have investigated now. Mr. Li, with all due respect, according to our current progress, it will probably take a long time to find out the identity of the boy and deal with him in a targeted manner. Your spirit The situation is very bad and it is not suitable to continue to delay this matter.”


"We hope you will cooperate with us in taking the initiative."

"What's the meaning?"

"Most of the time he's in schools after school, but he may also be in residential areas with a lot of children. We prefer the former."

"You mean...I..."

"Yes, we hope you can cooperate with us and find a school and wait for him to show up after school."

"No, me! I can't...that kind of thing..."

"He hasn't attacked you so far, right? His children haven't been attacked by him either. I think you can consider this option. This is much more effective than waiting at home."

"But, that..."

"Just treat those as hallucinations, and we will protect you."


"Have you thought about it?"

"I want to discuss it with my family..."


On April 15, 2002, I received a call from the client. Telephone recording 200204152043.mp3.

"Hello, Mr. Li."


"How are you thinking about it?"

"My dad, can we come with you?"

"No. There can't be anyone else except us. In your previous experiences, you encountered those phenomena when you were alone, right?"

"...Really, there is no danger?"

"We will protect you."

"Then, it okay to go to the Elementary School Affiliated to the National People's Congress? My dad can say hello there, but after school...Bihai Elementary School may not be able to..."


On April 16, 2002, I went to the Primary School Affiliated to Minqing University with my client. Video file 01020020416.avi.

The video shows a school, with the name of the school hanging on the big stone wall at the entrance - Minqing University Affiliated Primary School.

The school is not small. From the main entrance, you can see the four-story main teaching building ten meters away. The color is warm beige with some brick-red decorative strips. On the right side of the picture is a basketball court and a playground. The walls surrounding the school are covered with large-scale student paintings, which look full of childlike interest and imagination.

The screen zoomed in, reaching the school gate.

An old man with gray temples came out of the guard room. His back was straight and he looked healthy, but his face didn't look good.

"Thank you, Mr. Li." Wu Ling's voice sounded outside the screen.

"Is there really no danger?" the old man asked solemnly.

"We will protect Mr. Li." Wu Ling replied.

The old man frowned and glanced at the camera.

"Come in."

He turned around and left, saying hello to the people in the guard room.

There are some messy footsteps outside the screen.

After walking through a publicity corridor, we entered the main teaching building of the school.

This teaching building has a Hui-shaped structure with a flat shape and a gravel road in the middle. Standing on the gravel road and looking up, it will make people feel depressed.

The main entrance faces the back entrance, and there is an extension behind the teaching building.

"This side is the teacher's office, that side is the classroom, and there are toilets on both sides. There used to be multi-purpose classrooms, art rooms, and the like." The old man pointed and introduced, "Where...are you going to choose?"

"Let's go check out the multi-purpose classroom over there." Ye Qing said.

By the way, what are your elementary schools like?

The primary and secondary schools I went to were very anti-human and extremely depressing, especially the school corridors, which were always secretly wiped. -________-''

There are also schools that are like mazes or prisons. ╮( ̄▽ ̄“)╭

However, I really feel nothing when I am studying and attending class inside. I just want to get out of class as soon as possible. _(:3 ∠)_

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