Aoba Office

Chapter 607 No. 010-After school (1)

I shouted, but Ye Qing ignored me.

As I ran forward and was about to shout again, I suddenly saw a pair of eyes.

Ye Qing's entire body was shrouded in the darkness of the office, with only his eyes exposed.

My steps stopped, and my throat seemed to be choked by someone, making me unable to make a sound.

Those eyes looked cold and bloody, and when they looked at people, they seemed to want to kill them.

I can't describe this feeling accurately.

Nowadays, there are all kinds of horror films, thrillers, and crime-themed movies, and there are also all kinds of photos and video materials of heinous criminals on the Internet and in the media. But the looks in those people's eyes couldn't compare to the scene in front of me.

Those eyes were not looking at me, but my whole body was frozen.

Those...are not the eyes a person should have.


The door is closed.

It took me a while to get back to normal.

I looked at the door of the office and became suspicious.

Was that really Ye Qing just now?

How could Ye Qing have such a look in his eyes?

Yes or no……

An idea flashed in my mind.

Is it the thing inside the door at the end of the corridor in the office?

When I think about it, I feel shuddering.

But when I think about it carefully, the feeling between my eyes and the door just now are still somewhat different.

I can't make up my mind, but I can't just turn around and leave.

I walked to the office cautiously, and knocked on the door twice cautiously without force. I called "Ye Qing" to the door, but the sound didn't make any sound.

I leaned against the door and listened for a while, but there was no movement at all in the office.

I hesitated for a long time and knocked on the door again, but still got no response.

I hesitated, took out the key and opened the office door.

The office was very quiet, almost the same as when I left before. Even the yin energy inside had not changed.

I called Ye Qing and slowly entered the office.

I slowed down because I was a little scared and I was paying attention to my surroundings.

No one was seen.

No ghosts were seen.

The office really hasn't changed at all since I left.

I walked in step by step, but I didn't see Ye Qing by the window of the office. After walking into the corridor, I had to turn on the flash of my phone to see Zhao Ming.

There is an abstract painting hanging at the end of the corridor. There is no sign of a door. The rooms on both sides are still full of boxes, and there are no people or ghosts.

I shouted a few more times, but couldn't get a response from Ye Qing, so I had no choice but to leave.

Although I don’t know what happened, I think this matter is quite important. Whether it is really Ye Qing or something else, he is still in the office and will definitely have an impact on Qingye and me. Influence.

I called Gumo.

The call was connected, but Gu Mo said nothing.

I told you what happened in the office.

There was still no sound on the other end of the phone.

I put down my hand in confusion and looked at the screen of my phone.

The call continues and is not cut off.

I asked on the phone: "Gu Mo? Are you there?"

"Yeah." Gu Mo responded.

"Um, what about this..." I asked awkwardly.

"You can't control it, just do your own thing." Gu Mo replied to me firmly.

I heard something was wrong in his tone, and my heart tightened, "So, it's Ye Qing? What's wrong with him...?"

"What's the problem? Ha..." Gu Mo smiled mockingly.

My heart skipped a beat again.

I didn't speak. After a few seconds of silence, I asked sadly, "Is it because of me?"

I am not the kind of person who can accept help calmly when others help me, nor am I the kind of person who can be thankful for being saved when I see others helping me and causing my own problems.

Suddenly, my shoulders felt heavy, burdened, and I felt guilty.

If Ye Qing really does something wrong because of helping me, I'm afraid I will have trouble sleeping and eating for the rest of my life.

"It's the same with or without you." Gu Mo became impatient, "No matter how much you ask, it's useless. No one can help him now. Since he has done this, it means that this is better and is his best choice now. If possible, who of us doesn't want to live a peaceful life? I should be in a record company, oh, no, I should change careers. Maybe I will do film and television soundtracks, or I may continue to supervise people's songs, maybe I will open a company, from song creation to the Internet The release is all-inclusive. You little brat should be listening to the songs I produced, fighting for the microphone at KTV venues, and singing the songs I wrote. And Ye Zi and his group of children should be crying with joy if they can get an autograph from me... …”

Gu Mo spoke very quickly, with a very proud and arrogant tone, but at the end of the sentence, he fell silent.

What he was talking about was a hope and a beautiful dream, but we all know that this is impossible.

Ever since he heard those supernatural voices more than twenty years ago, he was destined to take a different path.

"Look, this makes no sense at all. Just do your own thing." Gu Mo said calmly.

His tone has calmed down, like a wise old man who has experienced many hardships, calm and calm.

If I hadn't already had contact with him and understood his character, I might have been deceived by him. Now, when I hear him talking like this, I don't feel better at all.

The phone was hung up.

Gu Mo asked me to do my own thing, but I couldn't forget the eyes I saw before. Gu Mo must know what happened to Ye Qing.

I no longer suffer from nightmares, but now that I am awake, I have no peace.

Let out a heavy breath.

After being anxious for a long time, I went to wash my face and decided to do what Gu Mo said and do my own thing.

What I can do now is very limited, but it is necessary.

I took out Aoba's file.


Event number 010

Event name: After school

Client: Li Shengting

Sex: Male

Age: 35

Occupation: Teacher

Family relations: parents, wife

Contact address: Room XXX, No. XX, Lane XXX, Bihai Road, Minqing City

Contact number: 5346XXXX


On March 11, 2002, the client visited for the first time. Audio file 01020020311.wav.

"Hello, Mr. Li. Please tell me what happened to you."

"Well. I, I am a school teacher, a teacher at Bihai Elementary School. The school is just an ordinary public elementary school, nothing special. I have been a teacher there since I graduated, and it has been more than ten years now. The school is very ordinary, really , nothing happened. I mean, elementary school students sometimes get naughty and fall or bump into each other, but I haven’t heard of anyone dying. There was nothing in the school, and there was no accident outside the school.”

"So, you encountered something at school?"

"...Yes...In the school... After the primary school, regular classes are over, and there are also interest classes and evening care classes, waiting for parents to pick up their children. I am not a class teacher, but there are interest classes on Tuesdays to teach children to draw. After they released me, I would stay in the school for a while longer to pack my things and so on. That was at five o'clock that day, all the students in the school were gone, and when I was about to leave, I heard a sound..."

In the past few months, Qingye’s results have been getting better and better, and there are more and more readers. I am very grateful for everyone’s support~

Qingye became popular in the first place because someone recommended it on the Longkong Forum, and then people started to promote it in various places. I am very grateful for this. As an author, I really haven’t done anything in this regard. I rely solely on everyone’s love to power Qingye~( ̄▽ ̄“)

However, if you recommend Amway or something, please don’t post in the comment section of other books, let alone praise them.

Also, don't fight. It is best for everyone to ignore those who make trouble maliciously and look for trouble. For that kind of person, the more you pinch him, the harder it gets, and the more powerful you feel. There is really no need to give them a sense of presence.

The simplest and most effective way to support me is to vote~

There are only three days left until double doubling. Everyone who has a monthly ticket should vote quickly!

Currently it has fallen to the third place in the category.

Losing one rank every month would be terrible. Σ(°△°|||)︴

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