Aoba Office

Chapter 584 Nightmare

On the one hand, I felt surprised, and on the other hand, I felt uneasy.

These two people never go out for anything, and they are not very willing to return to Qingye Supernatural Office.

I didn't come up to say hello for a while.

Nangong Yao saw me first and waved to me. Gu Mo also turned his head and did not move, putting his hands in his pockets.

I walked over hesitantly, "Why are you here?"

"The mushroom heard some sounds." Nangong Yao explained to me, pushing up the glasses on the bridge of his nose.

I immediately looked at Gu Mo.

Gu Mo's expression was very serious. He no longer had that lazy attitude and looked much more serious.

My heart was in my throat.

"What have you done recently?" Gu Mo asked me.

I was stunned.

What have I done recently... The first thing that comes to my mind is the change in my abilities. I didn't hide anything and told Gu Mo and Nangong Yao about the subway incident and my declining abilities.

There was a subtle change in the way these two people looked at me.

"What's wrong?" My heart skipped a beat.

"It seems like the problem is a bit serious." Nangong Yao said, pondering, and cast a questioning look at Gu Mo.

"You'd better not use your abilities recently." Gu Mo said rudely.

I became even more nervous, "Is it life-threatening? Or is there something else...wait, 'It's better not to do this recently'? This recession is only temporary?"

It was rare for me to react so quickly, and I felt a little surprised.

Nangong Yao continued to ponder.

Gu Mo said decisively: "I don't know."

My shoulders slumped, "I don't know?"

"We have never encountered this kind of thing, but generally speaking, abilities will only get stronger and stronger. If they become weaker, it is not normal. In fact, it is not normal to be too strong or too weak." Nangong Yao followed me helplessly. Explained, "The day you can really control your abilities and change the past at will, it may be the time when the world decides that you should disappear."

I can understand what Nangong Yao said, but I am still depressed after hearing it.

"But sometimes I have no control at all. I don't take the initiative to dream. I just sleep normally and then enter the dream state." I said.

"Then do what you can do first, and stop using your abilities indiscriminately." Gu Mo said impatiently, "Can you take it easy a little bit?"

Nangong Yao's tone was much gentler than Gu Mo's, "Ability, like the body, needs rest. Frequent use is not a good situation."

I looked at these two people doubtfully.

"I mean your special ability. We can't control our abilities by ourselves." Nangong Yao smiled, "We can't take the initiative not to listen or see, so we can't restrain the improvement of our abilities. One day, we If we really become clairvoyant and have ears for the wind, it should be a harbinger of our death."

I was silent.

According to Nangong Yao, I am much luckier than them.

"Are you going to go find Ye Qing?" I changed the topic.

"I'm not going." Gu Mo waved his hand and turned to leave.

Nangong Yao smiled at me and followed Gu Mo.

I think it's a little strange that the two of them left like this. Is it not just my abilities that have problems, but also Ye Qing's?

It was Ye was a little strange when I saw him that time, and the whole office became strange.

I hesitated for a while, then stepped into Building 6, went upstairs to the sixth floor, and opened the door to Qingye Supernatural Office.

The yin energy on the sixth floor is a bit more than the last time I came here, but it's still not comparable to the past.

It was quiet inside the office, but I could hear noises coming from outside. This is something that has never happened before.

The Yin Qi was thin, and the end of the corridor was pitch black.

I called out "Ye Qing" tentatively, but no one responded.

not here?

ignore me?


I thought of Gu Mo's attitude.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked without confidence.

After I finished speaking, the only sound I heard was the laughter of the children downstairs.

I walked to the office in the firm and stood at the place where Ye Qing used to stand.

I was not driven away by Ye Qing, nor did I feel any trace of the existence of anything.

He imitated Ye Qing and looked out the window.

Outside the window is the road to the community and a building behind it.

I stared carefully for a long time, but didn't see anything special.

Ye Qing often stands here, what is he looking at?

I looked away and looked around.

"Is there anything I can do for you? Do you need... uh... to find some ghosts?" I asked into the air.

After waiting for a long time, I didn't hear anyone answer.

In this situation, there is nothing I can do, nothing can be done.

I sighed and walked towards the door.

I gently opened the office door and stared at the crack. I didn't see Ye Qing standing by the window like before.


The door is completely closed.

I was in a daze for a while and then left the office.

When he went to work on Monday, Chen Xiaoqiu talked about the follow-up situation of the case.

Chen Yihan personally supervised the operation, and the police input was different.

The identity of the rapist was revealed. He was a middle-aged man named Xu Jun. He was divorced, childless, and his parents were both dead. He is not a native of Minqing City, but came to Minqing City on a business trip more than 20 years ago. That time coincided with the death of Qin Yijuan's daughter. In addition, Chen Yihan contacted the police where Xu Jun lived and discovered two unsolved rape cases. The victims were violated, but their lives were not in danger. Judging from the method of committing the crime, it coincides with Xu Jun's habits.

Xu Jun's own character and experience are also very consistent with the circumstances of these cases.

Xu Jun had previously attempted rape in public while drunk, and was fired from his original workplace. His wife divorced him because she could not accept his strange sexual habits. Their divorce experience was very embarrassing and was well known to everyone. The attempted rape and divorce dealt a huge blow to Xu Jun, and he later developed a tendency to be autistic.

In this case, I can understand Xu Jun's ghost's reaction after being discovered.

Perhaps because of this psychological shadow, Xu Jun's ghost was completely outmatched by Dou Xiaowu's ghost and disappeared with him.

Xu Jun's body was found by the police in the subway station next to my sister's school. The body was hidden above the subway station, next to the central air-conditioning pipe. Xu Jun's crime tools were found on and around the body.

There are still many doubts about the case. The police speculated that Xu Jun attacked Xu Yiqian, but why the two entered the subway tunnel and how Xu Jun was killed and appeared next to the central air conditioner cannot be explained.

The explanation I came up with is that Xu Yiqian was lured into the subway station by Dou Xiaowu. Xu Jun, a pervert, saw a young girl walking to such a remote place, so he became suspicious and followed her.

What is the truth? Now that the ghosts of the three people have disappeared, no one else can know.

It's all over.

When she got off work, Guo Yujie returned to her original state and chose to take the subway. She has completely forgotten those tangled things.

I didn't sleep well that night.

The roar of the subway, the woman's scream, Xu Jun's disgusting laughter, the fire twenty years ago, the strange space in Building 6, the door in the office...

My mind was filled with chaotic images and sounds.

When everything returned to silence, I saw the affairs in the darkness.

The moonlight shines through the window, and Ye Qing is standing in the same spot.

I subconsciously wanted to talk and walk over.

Ye Qing's figure suddenly disappeared.

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