Aoba Office

Chapter 568 Number 092 - Black Mist (4)

Cats have a very obvious Yin energy. If you look closely, you will find that this cat is not a living creature, but the ghost of a dead cat left in this world.

The cat's movements were not flexible. When it slowly returned to the yard, it heard the wooden wind chime at the door move, and the wooden boards knocked against each other, making a crisp sound.

The first wind chime moved, and the wind chimes of the next house also started to ring. One after another, they rang for a few seconds and then stopped.

Of course, the sound of such wind chimes is not as loud as that of metal or glass, but the sound of these wind chimes is particularly distant, and the weird echo is included in the video. All wind chimes have the same sound and ring exactly the same. The swings of the wind chimes in the picture are different.

The post-production video compared these wind chimes. The screen was divided into many grids. In each small grid were wind chimes at different doorways. They sounded at the same time and the sounds merged into one. However, the parts and amplitude of the shaking of the wind chimes were different, but except for Another similarity besides the sounds is that the two pieces of wood that produce each sound have corresponding colors. Red hits green, green hits blue, and at the same time, red hits yellow, then purple... This is true in every grid.

The weird feeling became more and more intense.

The video resumes normal playback.

Aoba's three people got out of the car and walked towards the yard where the orange cat entered.

The yard is clean and tidy, the gate is open, and the gate of the small building inside is also open. There are sofas, TVs, and coffee tables in the living room, all modern furniture, but in such a living room, there is an old wicker chair that is out of place.

The old lady sitting on the wicker chair was wearing a navy blue old-era dress and black old cloth shoes on her feet. Her hair was covered with silver threads, her face was peaceful, and the big cattail leaf fan in her hand was shaking gently. Her eyes were half-closed, and she was humming an opera tune to the radio next to her.

At this time, the orange cat flowed across the threshold like liquid, walked up to the old lady with its short legs, sat on the old lady's feet, scratched the old lady's trouser legs with its paws, but immediately chose He didn't give up and just lay on the old lady's shoes, wagging his tail and taking a nap.

The orange cat had yin energy, but the old lady was clean, and the yin energy in the house was not heavy.

Knock knock!

Liu Miao knocked on the door.

The old lady was humming with great enthusiasm. Judging from the volume of the radio, the old lady did not appear to be deaf.

knock! knock!

Liu Miao knocked on the door harder and shouted: "Hello!"

The old lady's humming stopped suddenly. She blinked in confusion and looked around before finding the source of the sound.

The wrinkles on the old lady's face are obvious and there are some age spots. Her eyes were as cloudy as those of many old people. She looked ahead for a long time before asking dully: "Who are you looking for?"

There was nothing strange in her eyes, as if she were looking at a stranger, but without the indifference and vigilance of other villagers.

"Grandma, we are from out of town and traveling here. Do you have a hotel here to stay?" Liu Miao said with a smile.

The old lady shook her head, "No, where is the hotel here?"

"Can I stay at a fellow villager's house?" Liu Miao continued to ask.

"You have to ask someone yourself." The old lady continued to shake her head.

"Can we come in?" Ye Qing interrupted.

The old lady was silent for a while, looked at the camera, or actually the three people looking at Qingye, and said: "Okay, you guys come in, come in and sit down."

After a sound of footsteps, the camera moves forward and enters the house.

The old lady turned off the radio, pointed to the sofa next to her, raised her butt slightly, held the armrests of the wicker chair and turned the wicker chair at an angle to face the sofa.

During this period, the camera moved down to capture the old lady's feet.

The orange cat rolled over, as if it was real. As soon as the old lady moved, it rolled down from the old lady's feet, lazily revealing its furry belly. It didn't look like a ghost at all.

"Are you going to ask something?" the old lady asked.

"There are some things I want to inquire about. When we came here, we saw that the people here didn't seem to welcome us. Did we do something that was taboo here?" Wu Ling asked.

"We don't really welcome people from outside here." The old lady said calmly, "It's a small place where no one usually comes, and we don't want to be disturbed. If you want to find a place to play, you'd better go there Other villages. There are other villages around here."

"Do you simply not welcome outsiders?" Wu Ling asked.

"Yeah." The old lady nodded.

"What's going on with the wind chimes outside?" Ye Qing asked.

The old lady sighed, "This is our custom here. When someone dies, wind chimes are hung in every house to guide the deceased."

"I would like to ask, has a relative of yours passed away?" Wu Ling asked.

The old lady still had the same expression, "It's my cat, but it's almost like a relative. Our family treats it as a member of the family. It usually eats and sleeps with me."

The orange cat seemed to be really intelligent. When he heard this, he twisted his body on the ground, turned over with difficulty, rubbed against one of the old lady's shoes, and scratched the old lady's other shoe with his claws.

There were cat hair and cat paw prints on the surface of the black cloth shoes, and these marks were also found on the old lady's trouser legs and clothes.

"You should leave now. Leave before dark." The old lady suddenly said.

"Is there anything special about it?" Wu Ling asked.

"We hold funerals when it's dark here. When a family has a funeral, other families are not allowed to come out, and there are no people on the street. Otherwise, it is unlucky, and it may disturb the peace of the deceased and prevent him from being reincarnated properly. So, you guys Go back early." The old lady explained patiently.

"In this case..." Wu Ling didn't finish his words.

"Who are you?" A woman's voice interjected.

The woman who just hung the wind chime appeared in the video screen. She looked wary and disgusted, much like the people in the village.

"Auntie, I'm sorry to bother you," Liu Miao said apologetically.

The old lady waved her hand, "It's okay, it's okay, they just asked something, don't be nervous."

The woman's expression improved a little, leaving only coldness.

The old lady looked towards the camera.

"Then let's say goodbye now," Ye Qing said.

The three of them stood up, but when they walked out of the door, there was another footsteps.

The sound of opera sounded again.

The camera turned and captured the woman following them. She seemed to be escorting a prisoner, following the three of them, staring closely at them.

"Auntie, what does this mean?" Liu Miao asked.

"Feng Chi, there is a death in our family. You should leave quickly. We have a funeral tonight. Outsiders, please don't cause trouble, otherwise we won't care if something happens." The woman said impatiently.

The three of them got into the car, and the woman stood at the door and watched.

At this moment, all the doorways along the road were hung with those kind of wind chimes.

The camera gave a close-up, and the picture was divided into two halves. On the left were the tall trees in the yard with their branches extending out of the fence, and on the right were the wind chimes on the street. The wind chimes did not move, but the leaves rustled.

The car started, turned around, and drove away from the village. Behind the vehicle, the village slowly faded away.

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