Aoba Office

Chapter 564: Subway trip (7)

Chen Yihan opened the protective door, held up her hand, and stepped onto the platform.

I was much clumsier than him, so I climbed up after being pulled by him.

The elevator indicator light was still on, and the elevator obviously didn't stop running. The elevator stopped at the basement level.

Chen Yihan pressed the elevator button, and the elevator went down to the second underground floor.

The elevator door opened and there were small handprints inside, but the ghost was not seen. In addition to the fingerprints on the ground, there are also fingerprints on the elevator wall, and there are also clear fingerprints on the buttons on the underground floor.

Chen Yihan closed the elevator door and chose the underground floor.

This elevator is installed just behind the ticket gate, with two sets of escalators and stairs on the left and right.

The handprints extend from the elevator and lead to a set of escalators.

I was stunned.

Chen Yihan frowned, quickened his pace, and trotted to chase the traces.

Going downstairs again and arriving at the waiting hall at the other end, the handprint extended from the stairs to the protective door and disappeared behind the protective door.

Chen Yihan frowned.

I realized that this thing had made a circle here on the platform, and these traces were probably left intentionally by him. But what to do now?

"The station that goes by this way..." I looked up at the subway line.

The next stop past is the transfer station for four lines.

"I was deceived. He is faster than I thought, not like a baby." Chen Yihan said, and looked at the sign, "The next station is not blocked and out of service. Even if it is out of service, he can still pass the four Line, escape somewhere else.”

In other words, our pursuit this time obviously failed.

I'm a little frustrated.

Of course I am not willing to let this thing run away like this.

Chen Yihan's mood was calm, "Let's go."

I was dejected and followed Chen Yihan outside.

Chen Yihan has already notified the police above. There is another body to be disposed of in this tunnel. Even if we know that the murderer is not a human but a ghost, these processes still have to go through.

I grabbed something to eat on the way and went straight home.

In the group, I told several other people what happened today.

The thin man was worried, "That means it hasn't been solved yet."

"Yeah, just a little bit." I was very depressed.

"What is Director Chen's ability? How does he know where to chase?" Fatty asked.

I forgot about that.

But with Chen Xiaoqiu here, you can ask at any time.

However, even Chen Yihan himself couldn't explain clearly. He just felt something in the dark at that moment, and chased after it decisively.

There is no difference between saying this and not saying it.

"He chased the wrong one." The thin man complained.

This is really irrefutable.

It turns out that the ghost deliberately went around in a circle to confuse us. From this point of view, this ghost's IQ is not low.

In the evening, Chen Xiaoqiu told us a surprising news.

The body found in the passage was indeed Xu Yiqian's, and the cause of death was sudden cardiac arrest. However, Xu Yiqian's body had many signs of abuse, and her vagina also showed signs of being violently dilated. To put it simply, she died of ******. The fat man asked: "Didn't that ghost invade the brain and then make could there be traces?"

"There were no props next to her body. And according to the autopsy results and scene traces, she was the first of the three to die, a few hours earlier than Lu Wenshan's incident, and even more so when she disappeared. Before that, it was what happened the day before. She probably escaped into the tunnel by herself, sat there for a while, and then died suddenly." Chen Xiaoqiu replied to the message, "The surveillance did not capture the situation on the ground, but according to According to the testimonies of the surrounding stores, the aisle was originally not so chaotic, and the shared bicycles were sorted out regularly every day."

I suddenly felt a chill.

Guo Yujie made a confused expression.

"The police's theory is that she was attacked and violated when she disappeared that day, and then she escaped to the subway station, entered the escape passage, and reached the evacuation passage in the tunnel, where she encountered some situations and eventually died suddenly." Chen Xiao Qiu said, "Also, I have a personal inference."

"What?" asked the thin man.

"That ghost, Lin Qi said, has become ferocious, at least more ferocious and powerful than when Qingye and the others met. My inference is that it was probably because of Xu Yiqian's incident that the ghost was stimulated, which made him Behavioral patterns have changed.”

We are not professionals. We can only ask real professionals for Chen Xiaoqiu’s entire reasoning.

Gu Mo pondered for a long time and said to me, "This is very interesting."

"In other words, is this really possible?"

"Yes." Gu Mo said cheerfully, "And it's very possible. Generally speaking, ghosts change gradually. If it's a mutation, there must be an external cause. But what the external cause is, I can't tell. It might be you. This matter may also be due to other reasons.”

"But judging from the information we have, this is the most likely, right?" I asked.

"Hmm. Tsk, it's really interesting." Gu Mo's tone was not serious, "This ghost is also very interesting. He actually has a human-like growth process after becoming a ghost. Well, in this case, you The previous statement that subway station employees saw ghosts is probably false."

I was stunned.

"I'm afraid those maintenance people have ghosts in their hearts. Of course they will be afraid if they kill people, and they will become suspicious of ghosts. This kind of thing is very common. And the real ghosts, according to you, are still growing again. Alas, If there is no external stimulation, this kind of ghost should age and die according to the normal process, return to reincarnation, or disappear completely." Gu Mo continued.

"You mean, in addition to growing, he will also age and die? Just like a living person?" I felt very surprised.

"Hey, Nangong, did Ye Zi see this and didn't continue to investigate?" Gu Mo suddenly raised his voice, but he was not talking to me on the other end of the phone.

I heard Nangong Yao's somewhat distant voice: "I don't know, he didn't say it. However, that ghost is indeed very strange. None of us found his form."

"It really has the characteristics of a living person. It wouldn't be surprising if he doesn't have Yin Qi." Gu Mo said.

"What now?" I interjected.

"Now, isn't that what you saw?" Gu Mo said casually, "Speaking of which, the director's ability seems to be very interesting. He must have awakened his ability when he was a Nian beast..."

I was surprised, "During the Chinese New Year? But..."

"What do you think it is?" Gu Mo interrupted me, but judging from his voice, he wasn't talking to me.

"Not sure. It should be the ability to follow clues, or it could be the ability to track ghosts. Did he feel something after seeing the corpse?" Nangong Yao asked.

"Yeah." I replied subconsciously.

Nangong Yao seemed to be able to hear my not very loud answer, "You can try again. What he felt at that time was not the ghost, but the ghost of the victim. However, after seeing the fingerprints, he preconceived and I ignored this feeling and chose to continue tracking by following my vision.”

It dawned on me.

Of course, Chen Yihan had to tell Chen Yihan about this, but Chen Yihan encountered a problem when he wanted to experiment. Xu Yiqian's body had been removed, but when he returned to the subway station, he completely lost that feeling.

However, as the chief of the police department, it should be convenient for him to test this ability. If something really comes out of the experiment, how should we deal with the ghost of the victim?

Good night everyone~

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