Aoba Office

Chapter 559: Subway trip (2)

Ouyang is an outgoing and cheerful girl. She kept talking all the way. She asked about my job, the school I graduated from, and about my college entrance examination.

There was nothing to hide, I told her directly.

The subway station is not far from the school, which is only seven or eight minutes away. The No. 1 entrance here is relatively large, just at the corner of the intersection. At the two angles, one side is the school iron fence, and the other side is a community cinema. There are also fast food restaurants and supermarkets on the first floor of the cinema, as well as small restaurants along the street. In terms of environment alone, it's not a good place. Transformer boxes, barrier-free elevators, and densely packed shared bicycles are scattered next to the entrance of the subway station. There are also greasy traces and some garbage left by vendors on the ground.

However, the flow of people at this intersection is relatively large.

There were several passers-by passing by in front of us, and they were all going to take the subway.

When I stepped on the steps, I suddenly felt a kind of yin energy, and I couldn't help but pause.

There is no doubt that this is the ghost's yin energy. I subconsciously looked in the direction where the Yin Qi was coming from, and saw the big face of a certain female star.

"Brother Lin, what's wrong?" Ouyang stopped in surprise and turned to ask me. Then he followed my gaze and looked at the advertisement at the entrance of the subway station.

The source of the yin energy is behind this advertisement, which is behind the entrance of the subway station.

I glanced at Ouyang and hesitated, "Nothing. The advertisement here seems to have been changed."

"Well, it was changed not long ago. New endorsement." Ouyang said casually.

I didn't mind my own business.

To be honest, I just want to control it, but I can't control anything in this state, let alone there is a girl next to me.

Ouyang walked towards the escalator.

I followed silently, but couldn't help but look back.

There is a circle of transparent glass in the subway station, but the glass is covered with advertising posters. The translucent posters block the view.

When the sun shined at this angle, I suddenly noticed that a shadow appeared behind the poster. It looked like a woman with long hair.

The escalator ran downwards, and I only saw the shadow moving forward.

Is that the ghost? A female ghost?

I'm not sure.

Go through the security check, swipe your card, enter the next level, and wait for the train to arrive.

Ouyang chattered without stopping. I don’t have to think about the topic or the atmosphere between the two of them. I can just answer whatever she asks.

Probably because he entered the subway station, Ouyang became nervous, and the topic turned to the two recent cases.

"...It's really disgusting. I heard it's a new type of crime, a kind of drug." Ouyang grabbed the strap of his backpack.

"It's okay, I'll keep an eye on you." I said.

"Yeah. There aren't many people now." Ouyang forced a smile.

"The subway company must also pay attention. There are more security guards patrolling here." I looked around.

There were more people than usual at the security checkpoint above. At the waiting station, there were also people wearing security uniforms walking back and forth.

Ouyang relaxed a little and said, "That's good. But girls are still afraid. We have recently made an appointment to go to and from school together, four or five of us."


"I heard that one of the people missing from Minqing High School is near the subway station." Ouyang was still a little nervous.

I was stunned, "One of them is missing? It doesn't seem to be mentioned in the news."

"I also heard what others said. I graduated from the Minqing High School." Ouyang pointed to himself, "The head teacher forwarded a missing person notice before, and it was a girl who disappeared after school. She has not been found until now."

"Is he missing in the subway?" I asked hurriedly.

Why didn't Chen Yihan receive any news about this kind of thing? Could it have been missed?

"I don't know." Ouyang felt embarrassed, "She took the subway home. Either she disappeared at the subway station or on the way. But it is more likely at the subway station."

It turned out to be speculation.

I relaxed and said, "If he disappeared at the subway station, the police would monitor him. If he really disappeared here, he would be found soon."

Ouyang thought for a while and suddenly realized, "Yes!" She scratched her head sheepishly, "We all said she might have been abducted, and then what...cough!"

I laughed.

"But that's her retribution." Ouyang changed his tone.

I asked in confusion: "What has she done?"

"It's very tasteless." Ouyang looked disgusted, "I'm a little girl. She broke into the men's room with girls in elementary school and kicked boys in the classroom... uh... it's not that it hurts... Is that so? She was like that..." Ouyang felt embarrassed again, as if he suddenly remembered that I was not her good friend and was not suitable to discuss this topic together. He immediately said seriously: "After that, the boy was hospitalized and transferred to another school. She almost did it at that time. The son was persuaded to leave."

I was stunned, "What's that girl's name?"

Ouyang thought for a while, "Xu what... seems to be called Xu Yiqian."

My heart skipped a beat.

Xu Yiqian? Qianqian?

Is it possible...but why is there no subway surveillance and her body hasn't been found yet?

"...The train is about to enter the station. The terminal of this train is Zhoubang. Passengers please be ready to get on the train. Get off first, get on again, and travel in a civilized manner."


The sound of wind and tracks came from the end of the tunnel.

Ouyang walked towards the protective door.

The train pulls into the station, the doors open, and passengers get on and off.

There was no vacant seat at this spot, so Ouyang was standing at the handrail of the door. I stood next to her, still a little distracted.

Didi didi——

After the beep, the train door closes and starts running.

Ouyang turned his head and looked around.

I realized that the girl was still a little scared and comforted her: "It's okay."

"Yeah." Ouyang nodded.

The atmosphere in the subway was a bit tense than usual, unlike the cheerful atmosphere on weekends. And the carriage today is much emptier than usual.

The light of the billboard was like a shooting star flashing across the dark glass window.

The train entered the tunnel.

The whole process only takes one minute.

Our position is in the car at the back. Looking forward, we can see the car in front is slightly misaligned. Of course the subway tracks are not perfectly straight.


A loud noise woke up the dull carriage.

Many people looked in the direction of the sound in surprise.

It was in the car in front, and then a few seconds later, I noticed a blurred mark on the glass window and door glass on one side, extending from the front to the car on our side.

"What is this?" someone blurted out.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

There was a scream from the car ahead.

Ouyang trembled and wanted to say something.

I reached out and covered Ouyang's eyes and turned her head away.

"Brother Lin?" Ouyang called nervously.

"Don't look." My voice was dry.

I have realized what these are.

This is a person, he is like a piece of meat scraped by a high-speed train, leaving behind a car full of flesh and blood!

My Adam's apple rolled, my head turned, and I looked at the rear of the car.

Of course I can't see anything now, but the figure that flashed past the carriage just now was a figure.

A figure holding down half of another person's body!

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